26 June, 2010

Service, Then Death

Posted by Archives in Arch Stanton at 7:43 pm | Permanent Link


by Arch Stanton.

Are you a family of 300 million people that’s deeply in debt? No problem. Just spend more money – on credit if possible. Problem solved!

“Why are we having such a hard time getting free of the Great Recession? Because consumers, who constitute 70 percent of the economy, don’t have the dough. They can’t any longer treat their homes as ATMs, as they did before the Great Recession. Businesses won’t rehire if there’s not enough demand for their goods and services. […] So what’s the answer? In the short term, more stimulus – especially extended unemployment benefits and aid to state and local governments that are whacking schools and social services because they can’t run deficits.”

Ya sure, you betcha! Spend America into a recovery. Spoken like a true jew.

There seems to be some confusion among the experts and the media as to why America is having difficulty pulling out of a “recession” (that is actually a depression). As the quote above highlights, America is a nation of consumers, but what it fails to mention is that America is no longer a nation of producers. Ok, here it is – pay close attention because this is the key to America’s economic problems. No production means no recovery, since the actual wealth is gone. (Having wealth isn’t the same thing as having cash). It’s really that simple. You, in the back row, state your question please. “Mr. Stanton I’d like to know how America lost it productive capacity?” I’m glad you asked because almost no one does. As many of you are already aware, the jew’s primary mission on this planet is to destroy the nations and civilizations of their gentile hosts. Their success at accomplishing this can be seen around the globe in Europe and more notably in that dismembered kingdom still referred to as the United Kingdom.

That clever destruction has been accomplished though various economic machinations and associated wars. In America’s case, the coup de grâce was delivered by the jewish economic interest known as the Federal Reserve. The Fed used its vast economic resources to manipulate the political system into passing laws that eviscerated America’s industry. By the late nineteen eighties, the manufacturing might that had won WWII for the jews was gone, sold off largely to China and Mexico for pennies on the original investment dollar. To facilitate the shift, basic trade laws and policies were changed while other laws were constructed to make America’s manufacturing environment hostile to both new and existing concerns. Thus, while American manufacturing was strangled, NAFTA and GATT trade agreements permanently removed the so-called “free trade” barriers. They did not open the doors to “free trade”, they ripped them off their hinges. At the same time other laws establishing onerous and expensive legal restrictions were brought into force. These laws, enforced by agencies like OSHA, EPA and the DOL made manufacturing in the US increasingly expensive and difficult. The hostile manufacturing and labor environment coupled with wide-open trade made it natural for manufacturing to move offshore, outsourcing production to foreign countries.

As the manufacturing concerns moved their operations overseas, they abandoned their factories. Then jewish middle-men moved in brokering deals to sell the empty factories lock, stock and barrel for pennies on the dollar. As American factories sold for prices typically not far above scrap value, the middle-men received fat commissions for brokering these deals. As a scrap dealer from that era noted, “When the Chinese would show up at an auction, we all knew the futility of bidding against them. The Chinese would pay top dollar for the entire factory. At first I could not figure out how they could make any money paying such exorbitant prices for scrap metal. Later, when I retuned to the area for another auction, I would find the only thing remaining was a bare foundation. Only then did I realize the Chinese weren’t buying scrap metal, they were buying factories! They took everything, they even packed the light bulbs!” In an earlier time, our nation would have been shocked that scores of factories were being dismantled and sold to Asians. But the national media kicked in with honeyed words to assure the American sheeple that all was well. America, it said, had entered a new era. The jew-controlled media referred to this new era as the “information age” or the “computer age.” No longer would Americans need to sully their hands at manual labor, working in dirty factories for low wages. No longer would factories even be required for work. Gradually, the much-ballyhooed information age degenerated into a “service industry” age (i.e. no goods are produced) where Americans sold their services in much the same way servants sold their bodies into servitude. Now Americans could work temporary or part-time jobs with no benefits at reduced wages. It was a perfect transition for the jew money-men owning the central banks: from free citizen to indentured slave in less than a generation. Not since they sold Negro slaves to white plantation owners had jews profited so greatly for so little investment. Never had jew money-mongers wrought so much destruction to so large a nation in so short a time. Even WWII didn’t destroy countries at such a high profit margin.

There will be no recovery. What remains of the American corpse will be left to the jewish vultures who will tear away every last bit of flesh before abandoning the bones to the invading worms.

Perhaps you remember scenes from the jew-produced movie “Planet of the Apes.” If so, you might recall the scene where Charlton Heston is walking though the ape museum with all those stuffed, white humans as exhibits. Think about that scene and remember this jewish fantasy is rapidly becoming reality. One day that’s all that’ll be left of white America: museum exhibits.

  • 44 Responses to “Service, Then Death”

    1. Jim Says:

      An excellent article. Jews are like the guy who saws off the tree limb that he is sitting on. In the long run, the jew cannot create; he can only destroy. The kikes have left in their wake, the ruins of many mighty Aryan civilizations. This is the last Aryan civilization they wll be able to destroy, because thanks to the jews, there will be no more Aryans left in a few years thanks to the jew instigated White birth rate implosion. China and India are today the world’s fastest growing economies. Will the kikes succeed in destroying the emerging Asian Giants also? Only time will tell. Never under- estimate the tenacity of these jew bastards.

    2. old dutch Says:

      Jewish midget Robert Reich pushed hard for NAFTA & GATT when he was Secretary of Labor.

      Now he opposes them—sure.

    3. Nordlander Says:

      A very good article by Arch Stanton. Note the difference between two kinds of trade here. Of course, trade is needed between nations, just like there is trade between individuals. The good kind of trade is between White countries specializing in various ways, and being more efficient for it. The bad kind of trade is when you have non-Western nations with endless millions of workers willing to work for peanuts, who take the manufacturing jobs from Westerners and still never raise their wages to the point where jobs would trickle back westward.

      A Japanese prime minister visited the U.S. during Bush Sr.s’ reign, and said, “Mr. President, no nation’s economy has ever survived without a manufacturing base.” It was plain as day to him, but taboo for any Westerner to say.

      Unfortunately universities are controlled by the Left, and the only kind of economics they allow in the classrooms is Keynesianism. The homosexual Keynes has long been the excuse the Left needs for buying votes; his teachings provide a scientific air to the election bribes. “The government should stimulate the economy.” As if money – or rather, the value represented by money – could be created out of thin air. Keynes admired the Egyptian pyramids as an example of stimulating the economy by giving people something to do. But what happens when the money and loans run out in the long run? Well, the childless homosexual famously said, “In the long run we are all dead.”

      Keynesianism has led to enormous national debts all over the West. And electoral victories for the Left, with the Right forced to promise the same things to stay in the game at all. This causes the economies to grow slower, which makes investment in all things, including science, slower. We would actually have been richer and stronger today without Keynesianism. Heck, we might have had shining space ports in what is now called the Congo, and inventions undreamed of, just like computers were beyond the imagination a hundred years ago.

      “Stimulate the economy,” the Keynesians say again now. But more loans only further weaken the currency. More taxes only further hurt the willingness to work, and damage the natural flow of the economy. Like Arch Stanton says, it is more Western production that is needed – that would be the right “stimulation,” providing both real jobs and products that you don’t have to buy from outside the West. More domestic production. But that is taboo.

    4. Nordlander Says:

      The Chinese play the game like we should have played it. They demand that large foreign corporations selling to the Chinese buyers also build factories in China to produce the goods, employing Chinese workers. The Chinese are cruel to each other, in their factories and in the street and in politics. But you can’t fault them for increasing their jobs and exports. The Chinese save money, a lot – in that, they have the conservative mindset that we were made to abandon by the Left’s hippie culture. They save individually, because they can’t trust their government, and they are wary after generations of poverty under communism – and because conservative values say that you should save. This is what we should be doing, produce and save.

      Indian universities churn out millions of engineers each year. They focus entirely on mathematics and all the things derived from that science. In Western universities we have “sociology” and other programs derived from that study: “holocaust studies,” “women’s studies,” or why not one semester of Ethnic Privilege in Post-Industrial South America. Or study history, or languages that you will never use – it’s fun! Fun, and in all of these – including language classes – there is enormous propaganda.

      Universities report that it is increasingly difficult to find high-school students who have sufficient math skills for the engineering programs. Math studies have been dumbed down as the high schools sink into chaos, and the good kids suffer in a lawless jungle.

      While copy-copy non-Whites focus on mathematics, Western universities focus on controlling the intelligent minds with propaganda programs. It is like in 1984, where most of the propaganda was aimed at the Outer Party, the middle class, while the proles were given lottery and other cheap entertainment to satisfy them.

      Almost all these university teachers in “social studies” are communists. Yes, actual communists. They shut out the non-communists. This can go on because the media allow it.

      Problem is, propaganda might control the people, but it doesn’t produce anything that can be eaten. And so here we are today.

    5. Dave Says:

      It is beyond sickening. I’m young but even when I was growing up you could still buy U.S made items. try it now.

      I was wearing Carhartt pants when I moved to the North. They were made for working and for cold weather. They were also made in the U.S until about a year ago. I’ll tell you it is down right embarrassing to wear pants made in China or mexico. Then there is always the point of U.S made items not being made by whites but by affirmative action negro women.

      To make matters even worse. Name one thing American made that is worth a dime anyway. I can think of only a very few select specialty items priced through the roof that are worth anything. Even then you have to watch closely and make sure they are not made by mexican women…

    6. Howdy Doody Says:

      All the new one dollar coins big time suck every one of them, and changing the art work on the dollar bills is sicko whacko ugly and an insult to US and I think they did it knowing fully that they were mind fucking US too.

    7. Virgil Says:

      Nuke the Fed!

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      Perhaps you remember scenes from the jew-produced movie “Planet of the Apes.” If so, you might recall the scene where Charlton Heston is walking though the ape museum with all those stuffed, white humans as exhibits. Think about that scene and remember this jewish fantasy is rapidly becoming reality. One day that’s all that’ll be left of white America: museum exhibits.


      My email was hacked, but by who ? Not funny.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      What’s the government’s solution to the economic disaster they are responsible for getting us into? Just build more Indian “gaming” casinos, sell more lottery tickets and raise the tax on cigarettes.

      The time for revolution is NOW.

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      FAIR Trade, not Free Trade. Death to so-called Free Trade. Free Trade is a guaranteed nation-killer. Free Trade benefits only the plutocratic pigs at the top. Understand?

      Keynesian economics is not all bad. It’s certainly better than the Milton Friedman/Ayn Rand schools of economic thought.

    11. Waldo Starr Says:

      The black citizens of this country couldn’t care less if there is any manufacturing because they are in a continual “gibs me dat” mode and mestizos don’t care because as bad as it is here for us, it is ten times better than where they came from. So we have a big segment of our population that couldn’t care less if our standard of living has declined or that our 1st and 2nd amendment rights are coming under attack. Constitution, we don’t need no stinkin constitution.This is how the jews planned it and the demise of our culture is coming to frutiation, right on schedule. And to state that the jews did it with our tax dollars (Federal Reserve) is to state the obvious.

    12. Jim Says:

      When the whole jew economy hits the skids and the Welfare checks stop coming, the niggers “gibs me dat” mentality will culminate with darkie raids into the outer White suburbs, and then all those pussified white liberals will be forced to either submit to the murders and rapes by their sweet negro “equals” or to take up arms and maybe regain a bit of their lost manhood.

    13. Nom de Guerre Says:

      How long can we run on the fumes?

    14. M. Kraus Says:

      Indian universities churn out millions of engineers each year. They focus entirely on mathematics and all the things derived from that science. In Western universities we have “sociology” and other programs derived from that study: “holocaust studies,” “women’s studies,” or why not one semester of Ethnic Privilege in Post-Industrial South America. Or study history, or languages that you will never use – it’s fun! Fun, and in all of these – including language classes – there is enormous propaganda.

      Math and engineering are still taught in Western universities. Those programs have never been displaced by the humanities. While it’s true that Sociology is now just another part of judeo-marxist conditioning, studying languages and history is not folly. It’s part of what separates Whites from other races. Any damn fool Asian can be an engineer; he can’t be a “Western” philosopher. The original Luddites were White.

      Scientists and engineers can be just as “liberal”, just as anti-White, as their humanities-major peers. They are all saturated with left-wing jew propaganda now.

      Universities report that it is increasingly difficult to find high-school students who have sufficient math skills for the engineering programs. Math studies have been dumbed down as the high schools sink into chaos, and the good kids suffer in a lawless jungle.

      Universities also cry about the lack of “diversity” in their student populations. Don’t believe the hype. All of that “high school kids aren’t smart enough for this college” crap is just justification for importing more non-White trash.

      Math programs haven’t been “dumbed down”–the student body has. More niggers, more spics, more mystery meat. Those people don’t care about math, for the most part. The schools still have advanced placement math classes for the Whites and gooks who can handle something beyond grade school arithmetic. If a high school doesn’t have it, a nearby college will. There is no excuse other than lack of interest on the part of students.

      Good kids have always suffered in the outmoded institution called school. It has always catered to the lowest common denominator, and always has allowed the strong and stupid to prey on the weak and intelligent. There’s just a lot more mud-colored predators now.

    15. Yahoody Doody Says:

      “the jew’s primary mission on this planet is to destroy the nations and civilizations of their gentile hosts. Their success at accomplishing this can be seen around the globe in Europe and more notably in that dismembered kingdom still referred to as the United Kingdom.”

      A splendid article, Mr. Stanton! Many thanks for the insight. Your reference to the Jewish penetration of nations reminds one of the worm invading the apple. In both cases, the Jew and the worm are cunning parasites that take pains to conceal there presence. Like the Jew, the worm eats out the apple from within, leaving a healthy looking shell, while the interior is a brown and rotted mass of worm holes. So it is with the Jew as well, before they finally abandon their decaying host for another… and start the process all over again.

    16. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The Japanese minister was correct, the Kwa is not going to
      up and restart factories, its over. What we have now is a
      narco-mud gang of jew criminals setting up the tombstone
      over its golem

    17. Ein Says:

      Dave says:
      “It is beyond sickening. I’m young but even when I was growing up you could still buy U.S made items. try it now. ….To make matters even worse. Name one thing American made that is worth a dime anyway.”

      It is indeed, Dave. I recently stayed in a hotel in/near Wash. DC. [in Virginia] I noticed that even the toilet paper was “made in China”!
      I never saw that before. So were the light bulbs!

      In the gift shop, the souvenirs and postcards of the White House, Capitol, and so forth …. in fine print, all said “made in China”. Amazing! Even our most patriotic stuff is now from China.
      Can you find ANYTHING from the USA?

      In fact, so is this computer that I’m typing and griping on.

    18. Blackshirt Says:

      Ein, I found it interesting what you were saying about seeing all the souvenirs being made in China.

      Almost ten years ago I was in Germany and whenever I wanted to buy a souvenir I checked to see where it was made. Wouldn’t you know it, most of the time it was made in China! Can you imagine that, Berlin souvenirs made in China… how absurd! I didn’t even buy the souvenirs because if it was made in China, what’s the point?

      “Can you find ANYTHING from the USA?”

      I used to only buy clothing made in USA or somewhere in the Western world. I would go out of my way to sometimes order clothes from Europe. It eventually got more and more difficult to find ANY clothes made in the Western world. Even the clothing in Europe is made in the Far East or the Middle East- it’s disgraceful. Now, I have no choice but to buy clothing made by non-whites because there isn’t any being made in the Western world by our people.

    19. Ein Says:

      To take the point still further, the rapacious clothing manufacturers are constantly combing the world for cheaper and cheaper labor and quicker profits. They have no loyalty to any flag or nation — only to the dollar sign. They have now abandoned even China and Mexico (too expensive!) in favor of Cambodia, Bangla Desh, the Maldive Islands, Lesotho… in their thirst for dirt-cheap labor. There isn’t a corner of the earth, no matter how remote, that they haven’t scoured for cheaper labor.

      And when I say “they”, you know who owns the clothing firms, and who owns the department store chains. And all the middlemen .

      When I was a teenager, I had a job for a time as an office boy with a firm that publishes newspapers and magazines pertaining to the clothing industry. I was just a naive young “goy”, as well as a kid, so I didn’t know zilch about Jews. But as I look back now, I can see how the entire industry was completely dominated by them — manufacturers, retailers, the middlemen, even the journalists who wrote about it.
      ALL Jews.

    20. Ein Says:

      “Berlin souvenirs made in China… how absurd!
      I didn’t even buy the souvenirs because if it was made in China, what’s the point?”
      — BS


    21. Ein Says:

      “Like the Jew, the worm eats out the apple from within, leaving a healthy looking shell, while the interior is a brown and rotted mass of worm holes. So it is with the Jew as well, before they abandon their decaying host for another”– YD


      I find that analogy extremely interesting, Mr. Doody. Yes, the pristine inside of the apple is originally a crisp, clean white. As the worm eats it, and the apple rots, it gradually turns brown inside. Just as Jews rot nations and turn them all brown inside too, before abandoning them.

    22. Tim McGreen Says:

      I like how the Establishment Elite in this country (the academic and media types) is always patting itself on the back for condemning the institution of slavery in the Old South. How moral of them. Yet that same elite has no problem advocating the export of American jobs and industries to 3rd world slave-labor countries! They apparently believe in replacing ball-and-chain slavery with the slavery of poverty, abuse, low wages and bottomless debt, a slavery that is at least ten times worse than anything that was inflicted on the Negro slaves of the Old South…………..

      Tom Friedman, the NY Times, the Washington Post, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, the Brookings Institution, the Hoover Institution, the Heritage Foundation, Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, the US Chamber of Commerce, the IMF, the World Bank…..You’re all enemies of mankind. Beware, the Day of the Rope is coming.

    23. Wilton Says:

      I remember Tom Friedman was big on outsourcing, it was going to do wonders for the American consumer and economy! We can buy cheap Chinese imports and send expensive goods over to China because they are starting to make money. The dumb kike forgot to mention the Chinese are nationalistic as they come, and will buy a Chinese made good over an export when they can. American kids go thousands of dollars in debt to get a degree, then the companies give the job to some chink or dot head on a H-1B visa, so the American has to get a job at Starbucks or Walmart and use the majority of his salary to pay of his college loans, forget starting a family, buying a house, starting a business, etc. It’s a vicious cycle, and someone has to pay for allowing it to happen.

    24. Tim McGreen Says:

      Excellent post, Herr Wilton. Fifteen years ago, the Free Traders promised us that their Gospel of NAFTA would magically create a huge middle class of consumers in Mexico that would demand American-made goods. Remember that? So what really happened? We lost 15 million good paying manufacturing jobs and we got 30 million surplus Mexicans dumped on our doorstep.

      They promised us that outsourcing all of our industrial and manufacturing base to slave-labor countries like Red China would create an even better “service economy” for us. Remember? And aren’t all those so-called “service jobs” being exported to India?

      I’ve noticed that all the Free Trade advocates are worms whose own parasitic occupations (journalist, economist, business consultant, politician, professor) are in no danger of being exported.

      There’s going to have to be a lot of killing done after the Revolution. A lot.

    25. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Well that somebody that has to pay is the entire White Race.
      Because to me it looks like sheer stupidity on their part for
      letting this shit go on for so long. Go back to the early trade
      in Nigger slavery in New(Jew)England. Remember nothing is jew
      under the sun. But the New England Puritans never were so
      thrifty as when they carried on with jew supervision, the
      triangle of trade in nigger slaver. First makes some demon rum
      then secondly off to Afreeka to sell the fiery potion to Nigger
      chieftains for nigger slaves, thirdly off to the Caribbean to trade
      the niggers for sugar cane, and itz as easy as 1,2,3

    26. Tim McGreen Says:

      You’re right, NdG, the Puritans of New England were enamored of the Jews. They were seen as “people of the Book”. But many Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians knew better.

    27. Nom de Guerre Says:

      If there’s a bright spot in all this, it may be that the Chinks will
      take over Afreeka, and exterminate those primitives, they sure as
      hell won’t wring out any crococile tears, or need the apes for any
      labour or sports idols. Oi, vat a vaste of untermenschen material, h
      heh Harvey Fecalsteen?

    28. Mr Bean Says:

      India is going nowhere except wallowing as a perpetual 3rd world slum.

      The only things I see export from India are relatively low tech items like brake rotors, and DVD blanks. Even tiny Thailand export harddrives, cameras, etc.

      Fast growing? India is fast growing like Israel is fast growing, they are both recipients of American welfare. Money for India veiled as outsourcing contracts (in an attempt at positioning India as a hedge against China).

      India also has the same disease as most western countries of a huge annual deficit (if you spend more than you earn, you are setting yourself up for failure).

    29. The Red Skull Says:

      An exellent insightful article by Mr Stanton.Great work Arch!That article was about the exact right length to convey a strong point and opinion,but not too long to lose the reader.The Zogites won’t be happy until White Christian America is completely destroyed,and its remaining Whites are dumbed -down, de-racinated, compliant slaves.LIBERTY!-IDENTITY!-POSTERITY!——–Let those be our Watchwords.

      Ps—@ Tim for the above exellent observation on the NAFTA,CAFTA,SHAFTYA scheme pushed thru by Big Jew with their usual smokescreen of Lies and false Promises,and their compliant payed lackeys/traitors in Congress.I agree-LOTS of people are probably gonna die.Spartacus is a great story about fighting against the odds in a heroic way,where is OUR Spartacus????

    30. Tim McGreen Says:

      “SHAFTA” ……..Very good! And like NdG says, once the Red Chinese take over the Dark Incontinent, there won’t be any more “humanitarian aid” for those niggers. And no more annoying Christian proselytizing, either. The Chinks will let the Blacks simply annihilate each other as they seize all the oil, natural gas, gold and diamonds for themselves. And all those African wildlife reserves will become the private zoos and hunting grounds of high-ranking Chinese Party officials.

    31. Henry Says:

      “Spartacus is a great story about fighting against the odds in a heroic way, where is OUR Spartacus????”

      It’s a great story, good for a movie maybe, but it’s a tragedy. I’d prefer a story with a happy ending. We don’t need a Spartacus. We need a Frederick the Great or an Alexander. In the end, brave and admirable though was, Spartacus was a loser. He was crucified, along with thousands.
      I want a winner, not a loser.

    32. M. Kraus Says:

      But at least 100,000 new jobs are needed every month just to keep up with population growth.

      Reich states the problem here clearly, but wouldn’t dare to suggest the only feasible solution.

      Millions of useless oxygen thieves are piling on an already overburdened infrastructure, and only White Nationalists have the guts to say what needs to be said. That is why victory will be ours, ultimately. This bizarre fantasyland will just be a curiosity for future historians.

    33. Tim McGreen Says:

      I think Mr. Bean is right, India will probably never be a great technological and economic powerhouse. They are just a bunch of swarthy greaseballs who can’t invent a thing and who have no concept of public welfare. It will always be a country where the wealthiest 1% owns 80% of everything, while the rest of the population lives in abject squalor.

    34. Bret Ludwig Says:

      India is a country whose smart micropercentage are actually some of the smartest people on earth, in certain ways at least, while the overall IQ is not very high at all.

      If emigration to the West were impossible, the smart fraction would do what is needed, which is to sterilize out the stupid masses or otherwise extirpate them.

      China is the real threat. We are building them up to subjugate us, it is as simple as that. They have the smarts, the ruthlessness and ambition. They won’t invade our land mass, they will starve us out just as we did to Japan under FDR’s program to bring them in the war via strangling the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. The Germans were smart enough to avoid the provocation but the Japanese could not resist. Pearl Harbor gave FDR the means to go into Europe, his real goal, and worth the Pacific theater loss of life to him for it.

      We taught them well.

    35. ED! Says:

      I still hear power-house Christians of the John Hagee type calling in on talk radio and blaming the American workers for forcing our manufacturing base over seas because we made too much money! Remember the rape of the corporations by Jew Michael Milken? That son-of-a Jewish bitch was but one example of the damage inflected by Jews while Ronald Reagen stood by with his finger in his ass! Does anybody remember Jew Mickey Kantor? Kantor was the Jew who helped craft and push the NAFTA bill if I remember correctly. Does anyone remember Bill Clinton signing the NAFTA bill? It was Clinton who gave a pardon to the Jewish Master Criminal Marc Rich so the Jewish piece-of-shit could help other Jews screw the Russian people!

      The list of Jewish criminals runs off the table, down the hall, out the door, down the street, and out of sight!

      Why do we put up with the Jew???

      Good article by Arch Stanton!!!


    36. anonymous Says:

      Look, up in sky its a byrd, no, is it a plan, no its Supermammon.. Able too unhinge the scale of lady justice. Able too swoop & hide behind the skirt of lady liberty without detection. Able too leap tall buildings that aren’t there anymore. Now being mild mannerd sworn never too stop a train headed for the gulag, helping out the incredibly lazy cash cows & poo pooing our bourders. Able & ready hoping Americans never see truth, justice & the UN America sellout.

    37. Jim Says:

      Through Globalization, the jew accomplishes two of his primary objectives: World domination and the destruction of the White gene pool. Through the outsourcing of industries from First World White nations to Third World mud nations, he depresses wages for the White working man and insures that he will not be able to support a large White family. On the other hand, by inflating the wages of workers in Third World countries, the jew makes possible the rise in their standard of living and consumption level. Combine this with massive turd world immigration into formally White countries, and you have a perfect formula for the genocide of the White race. The only beneficiary of course, is the jew who is the MASTER OF WORLD FINANCIAL MANIPULATION.

    38. Nom de Guerre Says:

      http://www.dailyfinance.com/story/us-banks-laundered-mexican-drug-money/19535436/ Sooo, sorry we couldn’t have possibly known what was being done with all that bail out money

    39. The Red Skull Says:

      @Jim Above:

      Jim-That is the best short synopsis of Globalization in a nut shell.You make it sound so obvious,when its not,even to alot of us Awakened Whites.Exellent and in laymens terms a complex problem most of our people don’t even see,except us “racists”.That definition and comment makes the Skull’s “quotable quotes” file to further educate any lemmings who want to listen.–Heres one for you–Globalization=Extermination for the White Race.

      The split is starting!Hail Arizona And Missouri!

    40. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The jews really like to rub our faces in the kosher shit, they used to to sort of disguise the hekser marks they put on products, but now they are about the size of the israeli lapel pin Sarah Palin wears

    41. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Kosher Food Tax is yet another classic Jew extortion racket.

    42. Gerald E. P. Morris Says:

      “Never had jew money-mongers wrought so much destruction to so large a nation in so short a time….”

      While I concur with finding the vile kike culpable for doing what they do, and assessing their effect on human societies, I re-iterate that the Jewnited States of Amerikwa NEVER was an actual nation. It was rightly pointed out that the Jew England puritans were nothing but race-traitor hirelings of jewry more than once to “white nationalists” yet until we inculcate the proper Aryan Revolutionary Truth into enough of our Volk, namely, that the “U.S.A.” was a JEW PRODUCTION from its very beginning, our Volk will FAIL to act properly, laboring under the jew inspired poison delusion that there was and remains something worth saving about this mud-mob the kikes created here expressly for the purpose of destroying Aryan Civilization, primarily in Europe and yes, everywhere else they could find it.

      We will initially have to organize ourselves in very small, tight Aryan cells and work according to the concrete fact that our first goal must be to destroy every vestige of the jew status quo in North America. this means “terrorism” plain and simple. Even among those of suitable genetic purity, far too few at present can grasp the Truth enough to organize even the small percentile of the Volk necessary for Revolution, so those of us who DO truly understand are going to have to opt for terror and sabotage to get the only genuine “EFFECT” we have in our power. We must seek out and ally ourselves to those groups likewise dedicated to cleansing the planet of jewry, meaning certain Islamic groups. Let the whining defeatists pooh-pooh the “rag-heads” and join the kikes in the grave they’re actually digging for themselves as much as that race of fools which has served them so well unto it’s own extinction.

      In short, we will have to kill the kikes and their lackeys wherever, whenever, however we can. Jews, being the utterly evil filth they are, really have created a situation here where there simply are no innocents left. They do this deliberately and gratuitously as much as for their strategic interests. But, WE CAN USE THIS as well as use the mass impoverishment now looming so close. Let’s burn the farmlands which have kept Joe Sixpack’s gut over-full of Buttwiper and Blunderbread, let him watch his 17/8ths offspring starve or better yet, be devoured by roving packs of mudz and see how judeophilic it remains. Empty guts make great motivators and the ultra-short attention span again created by the kikes will serve us if we strike first to precipitate a more dire crisis than they have planned for! THIS is THE ONLY WAY we can survive, but that we can if but a few of us act properly soon….

    43. Jim Says:

      Gerald, you are absolutely correct in everything that you say EXCEPT that this is NOT the time to go on a physical offensive against ZOG. I understand your anger, even rage at the evil jew system that is destroying our Folk. At this time, our only weapons must be the sword of Truth and the armor of strict adherence to the laws of the current system, no matter how detestable they may be. We need to get our message out to as many of our deluded brethren as we can, and make use of the internet as long as it remains free from jewish censorship. The time will come, and probably sooner than later, when the struggle will advance to the physical plane, until that time, cool it.

    44. Dave Says:

      Cool yer jets man!

      I don’t think Jim is advocating procrastination or defeatistism in his statement Gerald. Only sanity. However,the question does arise. Should we act sane or practice insanity to achieve our goals.