Kosovo: Muslims Push Against White Serbs, But The Serbs Push Back
Posted by Socrates in dispossession & destruction, global government, globalization, good for jews, international Jewry, internationalism, Islam, Jew World Order, jewed foreign policy, Jewish racism, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, Kosovo, Muslims, Muslims in Europe, nation-building/nation-wrecking, New World Order, Serbia, Serbs, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists at 10:38 pm | 
A Muslim state[1] created in 2008 on historic White land – and built with vital help from powerful Jews in the U.S. government[2] – Kosovo is flexing its muscles and becoming more aggressive against the White people. Of course, no one will do anything about the aggression – not the UN, not NATO, not America, not the EU.
[1] Kosovo is 90% Muslim
[2] Two top U.S. Jews (Madeleine Albright and Richard Holbrooke) played key roles in the creation of the state of Kosovo
A history of U.S. vs. Serbia: [Here]
More about Serbia: [Here]
30 November, 2011 at 1:48 am
I think what the Serbs need is another Zeljko Raznatovic.
30 November, 2011 at 7:26 am
Don’t forget Sandy Berger and William Cohen. Hillary Clinton called it their kosher cabinet.
They were big Kosovo advocates. They seemed to really like bombing 12th century churches.
And the evangelicals cheered them on at the time!
30 November, 2011 at 8:13 am
From the homepage of the link provided above after “A history of the U.S. versus Serbia”: http://www.srpska-mreza.com/index.htm
“We, Serbian-American editors of Srpska Mreza insist on strengthening History-long good relationship between Serbian and Jewish people. Our bond is a strong one. For centuries, the suffering of our two peoples is the same. Our enemies are the same. Intolerance, racism, Nazis and Islam fundamentalists are our common enemy. Mass graves where Jews and Serbs are buried together stretch all across ex-Yugoslavia and are the proof of our common suffering and our eternal bond.”
WAT? Sounds like AmRen/VDare-styled “White Nationalism” to me. Next, maybe Edward Rubenstein can write a carefully-documented milquetoast article showing with numbers why “Albanian immigrants are undesirable” to Serbians.
30 November, 2011 at 11:48 am
Serbia will win in the long run, as the USSA continues to degenerate into a morally and economically bankrupt Jew and fag-infested federal police state/landfill for third world trash.
30 November, 2011 at 9:04 pm
Pietro Says:
WAT? Sounds like AmRen/VDare-styled “White Nationalism” to me. Next, maybe Edward Rubenstein can write a carefully-documented milquetoast article showing with numbers why “Albanian immigrants are undesirable” to Serbians.
Yeah that site is pathetic, it sucks up to the kikes and blames Nazism for everything. Typical anti fascist judeophile ‘right wingers,’ like the ones we see in the West.
30 November, 2011 at 9:04 pm
Pietro Says:
WAT? Sounds like AmRen/VDare-styled “White Nationalism” to me. Next, maybe Edward Rubenstein can write a carefully-documented milquetoast article showing with numbers why “Albanian immigrants are undesirable” to Serbians.
Yeah that site is pathetic, it sucks up to the kikes and blames Nazism for everything. Typical anti fascist judeophile ‘right wingers,’ like the ones we see in the West.
30 November, 2011 at 11:43 pm
John – Thanks for taking the initiative and perusing the link Pietro provided. I followed suite and think your general assessment is pretty much head on. These are the first words one reads upon opening the linked-to site:
“We are pleased to announce that one of our articles got published in the influential Israeli periodical Arutz Sheva.
We, Serbian-American editors of Srpska Mreza insist on strengthening History-long good relationship between Serbian and Jewish people. Our bond is a strong one. For centuries, the suffering of our two peoples is the same.”………
“Please read our articles on common suffering of the Serbian and Jewish people. (Please, follow this link).”
The same? A shared past between Serbian Orthodox Christians and Jews? I don’t know the history of that region all too well, but that sounds like quite a twist to me.
The rationale of linking recent Serbian history with the Jews is, of course, understood: it gives voice, prominence and an outlet to whatever these Serb ‘warriors of the pen’ have to say. Piggy-backing on the hollowco$t sure beats swimming against the tide.
The information contained therein does point to a real, bloody and merciless war fought in that area. The 7th SS Division Prince Eugen was formed as an almost exclusively anti-partisan outfit. If you read about the the war history in that area, don’t forget that partisan warfare is an ILLEGAL war. When civilians take up arms against an occupying army, the result is terrible for the civilian population as a whole. All civilians are guilty because it’s impossible to sort out the truly guilty from those who aren’t. For casualties an occupying army suffers from the hands of partisans, this right to exact terrible retribution along these lines then comes into play: Ten civilians executed for each soldier killed by partisans. One can only sadly contemplate the misery that area endured.
Later in the site, one comes across some bold venturing into less frequented areas of truth seeking:
“It is also our intention to educate all other peoples about the trickery the Western powers implemented in order to destroy Yugoslavia, because it was these powers and their endless imperial greed that brought misery and destruction to multi-ethnic Yugoslavia.”
But let them be hereby informed that American, globalist Jews were all for the breakup of Yugoslavia.
But then, we later read this which makes one wonder if they’ve got all their oars in the water:
“While pretending to be concerned about peace and human rights it was the Western powers who organized and supported Nazi and Islam fundamentalist forces in their act of destruction.” (?!)
What these Serb nationalists (?) need to understand is the broader picture. They are among the last victims of the European implementation of the NWO agenda. From Pierce’s ADV broadcasts on the subject (he gave a lot of attention to the Serbian war), I learned that General Wesley Clark actually came out to say that, among other reasons for this war, ‘There is no place for ethnic states in the modern Europe’. Wesley Clark’s father was a Russian Jew.
1 December, 2011 at 6:48 am
@ torrence
Good points, unfortunately judeophile ‘nationalists’ will never attack the kikes and will always blame the Nazis, hell American right wingers gladly send their kids to die for israel. There is no hope for this type of mindset.
1 December, 2011 at 7:51 am
Sounds to me like the Albanian mudslims are in violation by attempting to extend their boundaries beyond Kosovo proper. But since the victims of this aggression are white and Christian the kiken media sees no evil and hears no evil.
Don’t forget it was jews, inc. led by sheenie congressman Tom Lantos and sheenie general and son of a rabbi Wesley Clark that gave the mudslims a beachhead in this region of Europe while turning a blind eye to atrocities committed against Serb non-combatants.
It’s also interesting that the Serbs of Srpska Mreza feel the need to reach out to the jewish community. This constitutes proof that jewish power is dictating events in the region. The Serbs must realize that like Alex Linder says, with jews you lose, so they should give izzy the middle finger and do what’s necessary to ensure the survival of their ancient communities.
1 December, 2011 at 10:33 pm
Yeah, the evangelicals are on the wrong side of everything..FUCK EM!
What about bombing Serbia back into the stone age as to make it seem the U.S. is “Musllim-friendly” as to produce a false flag of thought that the the U.S. is not one sided…Hum?
mrcrouton Says:
30 November, 2011 at 7:26 am
Don’t forget Sandy Berger and William Cohen. Hillary Clinton called it their kosher cabinet.
They were big Kosovo advocates. They seemed to really like bombing 12th century churches.
And the evangelicals cheered them on at the time!
2 December, 2011 at 12:38 am
Are we becoming mentally installed into positions of thinking and understanding that are either unproven or incorrect?
Evangelical Christianity is not a form of religion I would promote wholesale, so don’t misunderstand my asking for proof of the statements that …”the evangelicals cheered them on at the time” (over the Serbian bombing campaign), or that “the evangelicals are on the wrong side of everything…” What are the reasons for making such pronouncements? Are there statistics, a survey, or an article or something you can refer me to to back this up, or does this just reflect a personal mal-disposition against evangelicals?
I come across such similar assertions on VNN quite often, frequently against religion wholesale, and I’m frequently left puzzled over them. Sometimes the shouting of slogans is effective, but when it comes to attaining to understanding, slogans are best left out.
Think honestly about this and I’m sure you’ll agree with me if you do: Believe me – Christianity in modern America is fairly weak, indecisive, morally corrupted and un-influential in our daily affairs. Some would like to think it otherwise, and, if it indeed did reflect the Bible Book of Philosophy, we would probably be better off it did exert itself. But in today’s America, to think that Christianity steers our society in one way or another is simply false. Organized religion takes orders form the government and media masters and doesn’t dare to much get in the way. They go with the flow – popularity being of pre-eminent concern – and don’t really buck the trend, but rather sanctify societal norms when they become irreversibly entrenched. When have the churches really opposed war? When have they instructed their members to refuse participation in wars? Let’s laugh together.
The point I’m making is that some blame religion for society’s ills, whereas religion in America is a bystander that usually doesn’t wish to get involved when the going gets tough. Inter-racial marriage is a case in point.
Christianity is often blamed for its popularity – that it promotes inter-racial unions, but this is false. C. embraces it because society embraces it. 80 years ago you wouldn’t have found many C. churches sanctifying it and if you came across one or two, they would have been small churches indeed. Other forces are at work changing society and once the lemmings in charge of much of organized religion understand what’s in demand, they give it religious respectability. That process is underway now with faggotry. Acceptance of this disease is becoming more widespread in society and consequently, religion is following the lead; not the other way around. I can’t give one example where religion in America during the past 100 years actually set policy or established societal norms. I fault them for not defiantly defending religious and moral ideals. They are too much fearful lemmings and followers, not fearless leaders. Here’s sort of a case in point:
Interracial Couple Banned From Kentucky Church
A Church holding a vote on this matter 80 years ago would not have been news, because they would only have been enforcing a societal norm. Today, they are at odds with a societal norm, and so come under the crushing barrage of media condemnation and possible governmental intimidation (loss of tax exemption?). Most of the members of that Church were too Jewed in soul to even stick around to cast their vote on the matter. Cowards.
It’s always a good time to remind ourselves of the fundamentals:
–Dr. William Pierce
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2 December, 2011 at 8:38 pm
Having come across another article about the Kentucky Free-Will Baptist Church that banned an inter-racial couple -the event that I referenced above, I decided to forward a brief message to the Church headquarters after reading about their public contrition.
“You should be upset that external forces are pressuring the Church on how it regulates and conducts itself. Christianity in this country has been irretrievably marginalized by the Jewish Media. The media has made a sensationalized national issue of this and you are reacting to this crushing media barrage in the manner the media masters intended.
Time to stick to organizational resolve out of principle.”