Book About the Nuremberg Trials
Posted by Socrates in "international law", David Irving, Frankfurt School, Germany, jewed law, Jewish power, Jewish revenge, Jewish Tyranny, Nazi era, Nazis, Nuremberg trials, Socrates at 7:21 pm | 
Good reading for newbies who aren’t familiar with the colossal farce that was Nuremberg, a.k.a. Jew’emberg. Not only did Jews like Murray Bernays and David “Mickey” Marcus plan the Nuremberg show trials, they even picked many of the judges and prosecutors. Some of the Frankfurt School teachers were there, and Hermann Göring’s interpreter was a Jewish woman. Nuremberg: a giant bagel piled high with lox.
2 January, 2012 at 12:10 am
This is one fine book – David irving’s ‘Nuremberg: The Final Battle’. I bought several copies and have given some away, the last one to a German fellow who runs a VW repair shop. I’ll say its recommended reading. Don’t turn on the Jew-Tube for a few evenings and in stead, build up the inner man and take in its contents.
The then Chief InJustice of the US Unsupreme Court, Harland Fisk Stone, called the Nuremberg Trials “a high grade lynching party’.
2 January, 2012 at 6:49 am
Torrence, I’m sure this is a fine book and all, but doggone it, the Nuremburg War Crimes trials are such well-tread territory! It’s like reading yet another biography of Abe Lincoln or one more JFK assassination conspiracy tome. What can we possibly learn from this book that hasn’t already been known or guessed at?
The Jews wanted revenge on the Nazi leadership….the Nuremburg trials were no different from Soviet show-trials….The defendants were forced to sign confessions in English, a language they didn’t understand….OK, got it. The bad guys won.
Tell me, is Dr. Irving capable of writing about other periods of History, or just the European part of WWII? How about a book on Peter the Great, or the Punic Wars or Buddica? The Right Wing Revisionist Krowd gets so hung up on WWII, as if there were no other periods in history worth talking about. Well, I’ve got news for ’em…there ARE.
2 January, 2012 at 9:09 am
Thankfully, I note that David Irving is neither a generalist nor compiler of the writings about history of others. And actually reading at least the instant review will teach the reader that his is not just another book on Nürnberg.
A catalogue of his 50-year career that matured into publishing that which no one else would publish is here:
This is his homepage:
2 January, 2012 at 9:43 am
2 January, 2012 at 9:54 am
I hope you take this as constructive criticism, but just who are you to say who should be reading about what? Where do you come off telling torrence that the Nuremburg War Crimes kangaroo court is “such well-tread territory” that it merits no further study? How do you know what other people know about it? Go out and ask 10 people on the street if they know anything about this subject and see what kind of response you get. There may be one or two who’ve heard about it, (perhaps)…………but only from the kike point of view. I’ll bet the others will give you some kind of slack-jawed faggot look on their face like: Duh, what? You assume way too much, Tim. You also display far too much arrogance toward other posters by intoning that your opinion is the only one that seams to matters or is worth consideration. I’ve noticed this in many of your posts about others you have issues with.
Why did Irving write about this particular period in history? Easy. He hungers for the truth and is sick and tired of Germany being a doormat for the kike and their lies. He’s sick and tired of Germany being blamed for the war that was started by the hate-filled jews in France and, his own country, England, in order to destroy Hitler’s Germany. He’s had it up to here with the tired, worn-out, and completely false fairytale called the “Holocaust”, the “Shoah”, as all normal, thinking people should be and he writes about it. These, and many other reasons, are why he writes the way he does. I also view Ernst Zundel and Sylvia Stolz the same way. These are German patriots and utterley fearless people who deserve our respect and admiration.
Another reason. WWII is THE defining period in world history….IMHO. As bad as WWI was it was merely a prelude to it. It was inevitable given that the same forces responsible for that war, i.e the jews, and their non-jewish enablers, guaranteed the second one. The second has also proven to be far more disasterous to our Race as a whole, the ramifications of which are still being felt up to this very moment in time. We still have people of our Race who are still alive from that period who remember what it was like, so it’s not ancient history like Peter the Great, the Punic Wars, and Boudicca. We have sound and video footage of real people doing real things in that war, not drawings or paintings for reference. I’m not saying they’re not important to talk about or study, just putting things in perspective.
In closing: I do like what you have to say about many subjects discussed on this site, Tim. You seem like a well-informed and erudite person and your posts are easy to read. You talk in clear and concise English which is very good. Keep at it. I would like to know, however, what you were talking about with regard to “Soviet show-trials”? Do you have some examples you’d like to share? Who do you think killed Kennedy and why?
Hey, torrence: It was a helluva lot more than a high grade lynching party. More like a high grade quasi-legalized hate/murder fest. Know what I mean? That should have been jews and race-traitors dangling from those gallows.
Belated Happy New Year to all!
2 January, 2012 at 1:31 pm
Mr. Republic, unlike your shameful decision to give me a thumbs down I awarded you a thumbs up for your passionate message posted above. Please, by all means read what you like. I just think that since WWII ended almost 67 years ago (Zounds! I remember when it was less than 30 years ago) there might be something else to discuss or read about. But perhaps I am wrong. You asked about the Soviet show trials and their relevance to Nuremburg. I do hope Dr. Irving’s book will enlighten you on that score.
BTW, Do you know who Kathy Ainsworth was? Or Robert J. Matthews? Frank Silva? Gordon Kahl? Matt Hale? Ben Klassen? They are all post WWII heroes of the White Race and they all deserve to have great things said and written about them. At this point we pretty much know all there is to know about Operation Citadel and Otto Skorzeny’s exploits. And we already know that the Nuremburg War Crimes Trials were themselves a crime. Is Dr. Irving capable of writing about anything else, I wonder? Or is he like our other monomaniacal friend Bradley Smith, who eats, drinks and breathes nothing but Holocaust Revisionism night and day?
Come on, we’ve drawn water from that old WWII well too many times. Other historical eras, both recent and long past, await our investigation.
2 January, 2012 at 2:57 pm
Indeed we have drawn water from “that old WWII well”, but the well isn’t dry yet and there are many parched minds in need of irrigation.
2 January, 2012 at 4:59 pm
They hung Julius Streicher. What was he guilty of? He was a publisher wasn’t he?
Rudolf Hess, essentially told the “court” to f–k off. God bless him.
—The mossad killed Kennedy. One word, Rubenstein. They have him on video staking out the police station. The jews killed Kennedy, mystery solved.
Lee Harvey Oswald, rest in peace.
I’m no historian, but it’s clear to me.
2 January, 2012 at 7:38 pm
Albrechtsberger Says:
2 January, 2012 at 4:59 pm
They hung Julius Streicher. What was he guilty of? He was a publisher wasn’t he?
Rudolf Hess, essentially told the “court” to f–k off. God bless him.
—The mossad killed Kennedy. One word, Rubenstein. They have him on video staking out the police station. The jews killed Kennedy, mystery solved.
Lee Harvey Oswald, rest in peace.
I’m no historian, but it’s clear to me.
Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
2 January, 2012 at 9:26 pm
This is how valuable threads stray off-point.
“Mr. Republic, unlike your shameful decision to give me a thumbs down I awarded you a thumbs up for your passionate message posted above.” How would you know that? And why would such a decision be shameful?
Mr. Irving is the most successful and relatively highly regarded Third Reich era historian rather than simply a writer. He explains the difference between reading and quoting what others have researched and what he does here:
Feel free to provide a bibliography of what your recommend we read about the individuals you submitted. In my opinion, you can learn most of what you need to know about Gordon Kahl, for example, by watching the online video Death and Taxes. What more needs to be written about him and the others mentioned based on information supplied by those who have actual individuals involved?
2 January, 2012 at 9:38 pm
Sorry for the typo: Make that “What more needs to be written about him and the others mentioned based on information supplied by those who have actual knowledge of individuals and events involved?”
3 January, 2012 at 12:21 am
Tim is just upset that I recommended people turn off the JewTube for a few evenings to take in some serious content. For some, a day without the J-Tube is like a day without orange juice. It leaves one feeling empty and irritated, so they fly off the handle a bit too quickly.
Really, Tim, was your first post under this thread necessary? I mean, c’mon now, is there nothing a bit higher on the relevance scale we should jump into the mosh pit over? I’m grinning ear to ear on all this. This is so comical, I’m laughing out loud….really, I am. ]
We all need a time out session now and then as we’re told to stand in the corner, so let’s give Tim the pass on this. You’re still one of the gang, buddy. Glad you’re on our side.
(You are on our side, right?)
All is well comrades.
3 January, 2012 at 1:55 am
I don’t wish to come across as a thin-skinned, insecure wreck of a man who needs to respond to each and every slight posted about him online. But really, Torrence, that last message of yours demands an explanation. Now, I promised myself I would take the high road in this matter, but I’m afraid a little fly-swatting is in order……..
So, (folding my arms in a defiant gesture) I resent your recommendation that people turn off their JewTube a few nights a week and “take in some serious content”, eh? Am I understanding you correctly? Whence comes this accusation, eh? (Grabs Torrence by the lapels) Where do you come off saying things like that about me, eh?
All right….(releasing a visibly shaken Torrence, I take off my glasses and rub my eyes as I turn my back to him and walk solemnly through the open french doors and out on to the balcony overlooking the windswept sea) Maybe I was a little rough on Dr. Irving. Maybe I didn’t understand what he was trying to say. Maybe there are a lot of things I don’t understand. Are surprised by my candor, Torrence? You needn’t be. Yes, I’ve said a few things I wish I could take back. But isn’t that part of what it means to be human? Surely you don’t begrudge me my humanity, Torrence? Without that, why, we’re no better than the toiling beasts of the field.
Do I resent your calumny against me? I’ve every right to, you know. Do I resent your laughter? Would it interest you to know how much it pains me to made an object of scorn, of derision? Would it, I ask you!
No, Torrence, I shall not stand in your corner for any “time out”. You may laugh all you want. By all means, do have a good, long laugh! But mark you this, sirrah: The next time you find yourself floundering in a sea of thumbs down as a result of one of your inane comments on Christianity, do not expect me to come riding to your rescue. It simply will not happen. There, I’ve said and I’m glad I did. (I take one last short, exaggerated drag off my cigarette like Bette Davis and then storm off the stage.)
3 January, 2012 at 1:55 am
I don’t wish to come across as a thin-skinned, insecure wreck of a man who needs to respond to each and every slight posted about him online. But really, Torrence, that last message of yours demands an explanation. Now, I promised myself I would take the high road in this matter, but I’m afraid a little fly-swatting is in order……..
So, (folding my arms in a defiant gesture) I resent your recommendation that people turn off their JewTube a few nights a week and “take in some serious content”, eh? Am I understanding you correctly? Whence comes this accusation, eh? (Grabs Torrence by the lapels) Where do you come off saying things like that about me, eh?
All right….(releasing a visibly shaken Torrence, I take off my glasses and rub my eyes as I turn my back to him and walk solemnly through the open french doors and out on to the balcony overlooking the windswept sea) Maybe I was a little rough on Dr. Irving. Maybe I didn’t understand what he was trying to say. Maybe there are a lot of things I don’t understand. Are surprised by my candor, Torrence? You needn’t be. Yes, I’ve said a few things I wish I could take back. But isn’t that part of what it means to be human? Surely you don’t begrudge me my humanity, Torrence? Without that, why, we’re no better than the toiling beasts of the field.
Do I resent your calumny against me? I’ve every right to, you know. Do I resent your laughter? Would it interest you to know how much it pains me to made an object of scorn, of derision? Would it, I ask you!
No, Torrence, I shall not stand in your corner for any “time out”. You may laugh all you want. By all means, do have a good, long laugh! But mark you this, sirrah: The next time you find yourself floundering in a sea of thumbs down as a result of one of your inane comments on Christianity, do not expect me to come riding to your rescue. It simply will not happen. There, I’ve said it and I’m glad I did. (I take one last short, exaggerated drag off my cigarette like Bette Davis and then storm off the stage.)
3 January, 2012 at 5:44 am
No, I did not give you, or anyone else on this thread, a thumbs down.
With regard to “Soviet show-trials, no, I wasn’t trying to show any sort of link between it and the Nuremburg Trials. Nuremburg was a joint American, British, French and Soviet judaic-conspiracy to murder and/or hand down long prison sentences to patriotic Germans for merely attempting to defend themselves against the crud of the planet. I thought you were referring to Soviet trials of White Russian nationalists within their own borders.
And yes, I am familiar with all those good folks you mentioned above. I’ve also met Tom Metzger, and Karl and Mary Hand when I attended their wedding in the mid-eighties, as well as others. Tom is a very interesting guy. Serious-minded, but has a very dry sense of humor that I find funny.
I’m pretty well read on the War on the Eastern Front. I’m still fascinated by it. The sheer scale and scope of it is mind-boggling. Most Westerners cannot even grasp the magnitude of it. If we lose say a squad or a company of men in battle that’s huge news here. That was nothing in the War in the East. The Germans and the Soviets lost entire Brigades, Divisions, Corps, and Armies in one fell swoop and kept right on going. (Not all at one time of course). It was truly a war of annihilation. It’s sad that the Germans, and her allies, did not prevail there, but it does not diminish in any way what they did there. Im proud of what they did and tried to accomplish. I especially am proud of the Waffen-SS, a truly Pan-Aryan organization worthy of emulation.
Tim, the “Holocaust”, as used by our common enemies, cannot be dismissed so out of hand. They use it as a club to bash our collective heads with while it gives them cover to proceed with their plan of genocide against us. Of course, we know it is a monumental fraud, but unfortunately many of our kinsmen are still in the dark about it and how truly dangerous it is. We must continue to hammer away at it until it collapses of it’s own weight.
3 January, 2012 at 10:35 am
Ok, everyone. I’ll go stand in the corner for a time out. A little light-hearted banter on my part has been wrongly received and I apologize. This is a small issue all around and it needs to be dropped. Maybe tonight I’ll have a few words to say about Mr. David Irving (he has no doctorate; this in his enemy’s eyes disqualifies him from being a legitimate, ‘serious’ historian. Yes, I know, ridiculous).
I’ve got to go-I’m back to work now after two years without work.
Off to work, America! You’ve got Israel to support.
Bark you lemmings….You’re Israel’s Bitch.
3 January, 2012 at 6:03 pm
Recently, I picked up a clearanced Blu-Ray player for $50 and found it connected to the internet. YouTube can be searched and “David Irving” displays a list of video of his presentations on his annual tours in America. He by the way is recovering from a recent hip replacement but undoubtedly will be back. On one of the videos he discusses why he didn’t get an advanced degree and it was simply the incredible success of his first publication, realization that life is short (50 some years ago), and felt the need to keep working instead.
That ability to put YouTube, etc., on the big screen caused me to locate and save “David Duke,” “Kevin MacDonald,” et al., and have them at the ready for unwitting house guests over the holidays. What I like about the latest technology as contrasted by the VCRs from the mid-1980s, is that one can take a time-out from whatever one is watching online and pick up again the next day exactly where one quit.
We’re a contentious lot and that’s probably a good thing. I’d say the only thing more important is loyalty to kith & kin and a willingness to fight FOR one another. I regard much of what happens here and in the forum as all in the family except when it becomes obvious that we’re NOT dealing with family.