You Knew It Was Gonna Happen: Five-Year-Old Trannies
Posted by Socrates in child psychology, children, homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, Jewed science, Jewed workplaces, Jewish 'experts', Jewish 'science', pop culture, psychology, Socrates at 2:02 pm | 
“The school created gender-neutral lavatories for him.” This is a toddler. Ha-ha! White citizens have all sorts of strange “disorders” now, which didn’t exist before The Jewing [1].
[1] The Jewing = the Jewish takeover of major portions of Western culture, e.g., film, media, medicine, psychology, law
10 March, 2012 at 5:09 am
There’s a brief phase in the lives of some little boys when they’re curious about the other sex, a phase when they don’t know any better and will play with girls’ toys or want to be like Mommy or something like that. But it passes and the boy soon realizes that he’s a male and that males don’t play with girlish toys or act like girls and that such behavior will cause the other little boys to shun him.
Why any parent would encourage effeminate behavior in a small boy is beyond me, unless the parents are homosexual perverts and deviants, which these days is all too possible. It’s mental cruelty to encourage a boy to act like a girl, a species of cruelty that can have permanent consequences. The boy might grow up to become like Norman Bates or Jeff Dahmer, for crying out loud.
10 March, 2012 at 7:52 am
We’ve all read the stories where some little White boy will get suspended from school because one of his anti-White, Cultural Marxist brainwashed teachers will catch him drawing pictures of guns on his notepad during study hall? Or, I think I can remember at least one case where a kid was kicked out of school because he was pointing his finger (as if it were a pistol) at another kid during recess, and shouting ‘bang’, ‘bang’.
The Cultural Marxist’s enemy #1 is the White heterosexual male and they have been waging a relentless war of genocidal hatred at White men and at our White sons for going on 40 plus years Cultural Marxism, being a jewish concocted weapon of mass destruction by stealth – of White Western civilization – has long feared the historically well documented ‘wrath of the Aryan and Celtic warrior’. I believe this is one of the primary driving motivations behind the clearly transparent effort to de-masculinize White men and White boys, and to replace their masculinity with a feminine, soft, and weak sort of passivity.
So, for all of you White fathers out there who find yourself too gutless to stand up to the Political Correctness ideology, who find yourself refusing to use the word ‘nigger’ to describe the savage animals who are raping and robbing and murdering and terrorizing the white communities where you live, who find yourselves setting a pathetic example to your observant White sons and daughters by gluing your worshipful eyeballs to your 32″ wide TV screen – filled with sweaty, dred-locked, tattooed black criminals and slobbering over these savages as if they were dusky skinned Gods – maybe all of you White dads need to stop and reexamine what it means to be a racially healthy role model for your kids?
Face facts, White man. Your sons are not going to receive the proper training they need to become healthy, masculine MEN from the enemies who dominate our Cultural Marxism poisoned public or college education systems. This task is the responsibility of White men who are fathers, or uncles, or grand fathers. And, the very first step necessary to start down the right path – is to tell the Political Correctness kwaps to kiss your White ass.
10 March, 2012 at 8:24 am
“Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first drive mad.” Ancient proverb, sometimes attributed to Euripides. A modern rendering might be; those the jews seek to destroy they first drive crazy with fads and isms.
10 March, 2012 at 8:38 am
I was just flipping through the channels the other day when I saw a show called “Pimp My Ride”. The episode featured a cute White girl, a mere 17 years old, who got a bunch of “homies” to pimp out her ’67 Mustang. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the White girl literally running up to and jumping into the arms of the spade who came to pick up her car. Christ, I thought, where’s the stupid father of this girl? And as if all that wasn’t bad enough then the niggers ruined that classic car by putting those big rims on it an’ shit. What a catastrophe.
10 March, 2012 at 2:51 pm
“White citizens have all sorts of strange ‘disorders’ now, which didn’t exist before THE JEWING.”
That phrase reads like the title of a horror movie. But it’s no work of fiction, the Jewing process is real and corrosive.
10 March, 2012 at 5:09 pm
There was no mention of the psychologist’s name but it was probably Dr. Irving Goldfarbowitz or something like that. It’s actually normal for a very young male to express an interest in female pursuits and/or being female since the vast majority quickly grow out of it. Unless, of course, their parents take them to see a jewish head shrinker.
Gender identity disorder, eh? Only the diseased mind of the jew could dream something like that up. Dr. Goldfarbowitz and his colleagues will fix you right up for only $200.00 an hour.
The hated white gentiles are much less of a threat to jews and the jewish agenda if a sizable number of their men are suffering from gender identity disorder.
10 March, 2012 at 8:09 pm
“Why any parent would encourage effeminate behavior in a small boy is beyond me, unless the parents are homosexual perverts and deviants, which these days is all too possible. It’s mental cruelty to encourage a boy to act like a girl, a species of cruelty that can have permanent consequences.”
Tim, FDR’s mother used to dress and treat her little son as a girl.
11 March, 2012 at 4:15 am
Well then, you’ve proven my point, sir.
12 March, 2012 at 4:52 pm
Well, my brothers never did show any sign of wanting to play with my dolls and participate at my tea parties. They played with tanks and trains. Dahmer was born that way. There really is no other explanation to that weirdo. Race mixing is the root of this problem. There is no amount of external influence that can change nature. There is only so long a real boy will put up with this nonsense of being girlish. He will resist no matter what.
12 March, 2012 at 9:52 pm
Everything jews touch turns into shit.
12 March, 2012 at 9:52 pm
Everything jews touch turns into shit.