Queers: the Other Over-Sexed People
Posted by Socrates in "gay", AIDS, black sex-drive, blacks, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Socrates at 4:36 pm | Permanent Link
You know how a negro is a “penis with legs”? Well, a fag is just as bad. He wants to screw any thing at any time, 24/7. Even the threat of a deadly disease doesn’t deter a queer from trolling for anonymous anal “love.”
16 February, 2014 at 5:51 pm
To think that just a little over 100 years ago the British authorities threw Oscar Wilde in Reading Gaol for homosexual offenses. Now homos in England are a pampered and protected class who must have everything about their deviant sex-lives carefully explained to them so that they don’t hurt themselves or their “partners”.
Sorry CW-2, but it’s too bad England didn’t get hit with a few more buzz-bombs in WWII. Or are they called doodlebugs?
17 February, 2014 at 6:29 am
Tim, it was the V-2 that caused most damage, but they were an indiscriminate weapon and none landed on 10 Downing Street or the ‘muthafukka’ of Parliaments…unfortunately!