Rights vs. Rights
Posted by Socrates in ancient Greece, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, Israel, Israel's "right to exist", jewed culture, Jewish genetics, natural law/natural justice, philosophy, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, White inventions, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought at 2:54 pm | 
The Jews always say that “Israel has a right to exist.” Based on what? Based on nothing. Jews are a bunch of genetically-defective, paranoid troublemakers who have caused nothing but trouble for the world.
White people, on the other hand, gave the world to mankind. Every idea or invention of note (e.g., democracy, the automobile, the telephone, the refrigerator) came from Whites.
So, if Israel has a right to exist, then the West has an even greater right to exist. By exist, I mean “exist intact,” not ruined by Jews, Blacks and Browns.
Furthermore, Holocaust denial is illegal in many countries. Therefore, “criticism of White culture” (i.e., criticism of the greatest culture in history) should be a much more serious crime than Holocaust denial.
Based upon natural law and natural justice (concepts which were known in ancient Greece), I declare 1) that the West has a right to exist intact, and 2) that criticizing White culture is illegal, even if no such laws yet exist in the law books.
1 June, 2014 at 4:30 pm
Your argument is air-tight; It cannot be refuted or disputed. BUT, trying to argue with Jews is pointless. The Jews have a built-in way of filtering out the facts in an opponent’s argument, if the facts are inconvenient. They have a different definition of what “truth” is. For us, truth is the unbiased, objective reality of a thing, idea or situation. For the Jews, truth is whatever advances the wealth and power their race and destroys their enemies.
The Jews have an alien, Afro-Asiatic mentality that is totally incompatible with the Aryan mentality. We cannot live together under the same skies and under the same flag. So off they go to Soviet Birobidzhan, where they can get on each others’ nerves all they want.
1 June, 2014 at 6:35 pm
“So off they go to Soviet Birobidzhan”
Birobidzhan is a rather esoteric term for 12 feet under, isn’t it?
1 June, 2014 at 7:42 pm
I take your point. Bury ’em under 12 feet of reinforced concrete, like the body of Eva Peron.
2 June, 2014 at 6:00 am
Here are but a few names to teach our children
European creators, discoverers and inventors…
Alexander The Great 356 BC-323 BC
Plato 428/427 BC – 348/347 BC
Euclid of Alexandria About 325 BC – about 265 BC
Archimedes of Syracuse 287 BC-212 BC
Leifr Eiríksson 970-1020
Christopher Columbus 1451-1506
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci 1452-1519
Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1543
Ferdinand Magellan 1480-1521
Edmund Halley 1656-1742
William Shakespeare 1564-1616
Galileo Galilee 1564-1642
Johannes Kepler 1571-1630
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn 1606-1669
Sir Isaac Newton 1643-1727
Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750
Ludwig Von Beethoven 1770-1827
Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
George Washington 1732-1799
Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826
James Madison 1751-1836
Charles Darwin 1809-1882
Wilhelm Richard Wagner 1813-1883
George Boole 1815-1864
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky 1840-1893
Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922
Thomas Edison 1847-1931
Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck 1858-1947
Henry Ford 1863-1947
Alexander Fleming 1881-1955
Guglielmo Marchese Marconi 1874-1937
James Joyce 1882-1941
Niels Henrik David Bohr 1885-1962
Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger 1887-1961
Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky 1889-1972
Linus Pauling 1901-1994
William Shockley 1910-1989
Wernher von Braun 1912-1977
Francis Harry Compton Crick 1916-2004
2 June, 2014 at 2:04 pm
My post didn’t go through.
3 June, 2014 at 7:59 am
Alexander The Great 356 BC-323 BC
Plato 428/427 BC – 348/347 BC
Euclid of Alexandria About 325 BC – about 265 BC
Archimedes of Syracuse 287 BC-212 BC
Leifr Eiríksson 970-1020
Christopher Columbus 1451-1506
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci 1452-1519
Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1543
Ferdinand Magellan 1480-1521
Edmund Halley 1656-1742
William Shakespeare 1564-1616
Galileo Galilee 1564-1642
Johannes Kepler 1571-1630
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn 1606-1669
Sir Isaac Newton 1643-1727
Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750
Ludwig Von Beethoven 1770-1827
Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
George Washington 1732-1799
Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826
James Madison 1751-1836
Charles Darwin 1809-1882
Wilhelm Richard Wagner 1813-1883
George Boole 1815-1864
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky 1840-1893
Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922
Thomas Edison 1847-1931
Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck 1858-1947
Henry Ford 1863-1947
Alexander Fleming 1881-1955
Guglielmo Marchese Marconi 1874-1937
James Joyce 1882-1941
Niels Henrik David Bohr 1885-1962
Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger 1887-1961
Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky 1889-1972
Linus Pauling 1901-1994
William Shockley 1910-1989
Wernher von Braun 1912-1977
Francis Harry Compton Crick 1916-2004
Thom McQueen (still living)
Antagonistes (still living)
3 June, 2014 at 5:42 pm
Other great White Men (and a few great White Women, too):
Charles Augustus Lindbergh
Hanna Reitsch
Emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus Augustus
Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus
Knut Hamsun
Erwin Rommel
George Patton
Andrew Jackson
Ezra Pound
Frederick the Great
Alfred the Great
Jack London
Hypatia of Alexandria
Robert Matthews
Cathy Ainsworth
George Lincoln Rockwell
…………To name but a few.
3 June, 2014 at 5:48 pm
Jack London above. I was waiting for his name to surface.
3 June, 2014 at 6:18 pm
Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin
Arno Brecker
Ernest Hemingway
Sri Sreggin Das
4 June, 2014 at 8:30 am
I didn’t see William L. Pierce or Alex Linder’s names on that list.
An inexcusable oversight.
8 June, 2014 at 9:13 pm
A few more: Antonio Vivaldi, George Orwell, Tim McGreen
9 June, 2014 at 9:12 am
Bigduke, you’re far too kind. I am thousands of light-years behind the great Venetian composer and British novelist you mentioned, sir.