Russia Firing Artillery Shells Into Ukraine?
Posted by Socrates in Afghanistan, double standards, globalization, internationalism, Iraq, Iraq War, jewed foreign policy, jewed media, Libya, NATO, Russia, Russophobia, Serbia, Socrates at 2:50 pm | 
The American “conservatives” are all worried about this. *Yawn* What’s the big deal? America bombs other countries all the time. Here’s a short list of countries that the U.S. has shelled recently: Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia [1], Libya, Somalia, Panama, Grenada.
[1] as part of NATO
24 July, 2014 at 6:56 pm
Funny how the kahnservatards wring their hands about civilian deaths when Russia, Syria or some other kikenmedia bogeyman of the month takes offensive military action, but are heartless, dismissive and cavalier when kwans in uniform are killing and torturing innocents in foreign lands and often blame the victims. I remember Rush Limburger blaming David Koresh’s followers for getting burned alive by the Clinton regime in 1993 and they were all up to the same tricks during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
24 July, 2014 at 7:25 pm
Russia has shown tremendous restraint in dealing with the Ukrainian conflict, especially when you consider that it’s a conflict that is taking place right along Russia’s border with Ukraine. Unfortunately that restraint is being perceived/spun as weakness by ZOG. At this point it should be obvious to everyone that the puppet regime in Kiev is the aggressor in that conflict and that they were the ones who were responsible for shooting down that Malaysian jet, probably on orders, or with help from, Washingcoon.
The Blight Wing pretends to care a great deal about the loss of life on board that plane but cares NOTHING for the hundreds of innocent Palestinians who are being deliberately murdered in the Gaza Strip Ghetto by Zionist butchers. As far as the Jews are concerned the Palestinians are simply staging a slave-revolt that needs to be ruthlessly crushed. And yet the Jews have the chutzpah to portray themselves as champions of “civil rights” and “democracy”. Sons of bitches.
24 July, 2014 at 8:50 pm
I wouldn’t believe a word they’re saying. It’s a good bet there is no Russian shelling. The media are corrupt. They need something to deflect attention from Gaza. What could be better than a phony shelling from Russia? It’s as if the blight wing (jews) were saying: “So you’re concerned about shelling in Gaza? Okay, we got some shelling right here! Look at this shelling, you dumb goyim!”
24 July, 2014 at 9:57 pm
This is pretty mind blowing and not at all outside the realm of possibility. Of particular interest was the case made by Jim Stone, who says that MH17 was actually Malaysia Flight 370 being “disposed” of.
25 July, 2014 at 3:02 am
That sounds like the “jet liner full of corpses” story I read about somewhere,
speculating about the fate of those planes (it’s late here in Lotus Land and I’m disinclined to hunt it down). If that story’s true it’s got to be the most macabre and disgusting thing I’ve ever heard of. Until the next thing, that is.
As a pal of mine puts it, you have to wonder what..or who.. is next.
25 July, 2014 at 3:03 am
That sounds like the “jet liner full of corpses” story I read about somewhere,
speculating about the fate of those planes (it’s late here in Lotus Land and I’m disinclined to hunt it down). If that story’s true it’s got to be the most macabre and disgusting thing I’ve ever heard of. Until the next thing, that is.
As a pal of mine puts it, you have to wonder what..or who.. is next.
25 July, 2014 at 12:22 pm
Mel, I think you’re referring to that incident in 1985, where a US navy ship “accidentally” shot down an Iranian passenger jet over the Persian Gulf, killing everyone on board. ZOG floated a rumor in the press that the plane was not full of live passengers who were killed in the incident, but rather it was loaded up with corpses, so that the Iranians could deliberately provoke the US into shooting it down and looking like the bad guys. It was such a preposterous story that not even the establishment Jewsmedia, who normally love being propaganda pimps for the Washington regime, could run with that story without jeopardizing what little credibility they had.
25 July, 2014 at 2:07 pm
Follow-up comment.
As always, I was right.
The US State Department has no evidence that Russia shelled Ukraine.
25 July, 2014 at 3:35 pm
I don’t recall that story, Tim. But this does seem to be part of a meme, if you will, like the magical mystery figure of the sickx million. Apparently that’s the story the Russians are being given, according to this (dubious) website
ZOG in US tells a whopper, ZOG in Russia tells the same whopper? Not much of a stretch, since the commies and crapitalists have been bed partners all the while.
HOLY SHIT! A JETLINER WITH 6,000,001 of G*d’s Own just disappeared under the Golden Gate Bridge! The humanity! ;)
25 July, 2014 at 3:46 pm
Thanks for the link, Sean.
Apparently the “Ukranian Spring” is bustin’ out all over. ” ukraine government collapse ” search resulted in 4.3 million hits (Bing). Did the Internet force the MM’s hand, or has this become approved and vetted information?
Sweaty hands holding that tiger’s tail. Haha.