Archive for July, 2016

31 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in 'color revolutions' in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, America, anti-White themes, Cultural Marxism, democracy, democrazy, equality, equalocracy, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, nation-building/nation-wrecking, republic vs. democracy, republican government, Rhodesia, Roosevelt, Roosevelt's Jewish cabal, Socrates, South Africa, Soviet Union, Ukraine, war, war as a racket, war as unnecessary, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 1:28 pm | Permanent Link

America has been pushing “democracy” throughout the world for years, even where nobody wanted it, e.g., in the Middle East. An interview with Jewish author William Blum: [Video]. More about Blum’s book “America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy”: [Here]. (Trivia: America itself wasn’t regularly referred to as a “democracy” until F.D. Roosevelt’s heavily-Jewish administration began doing so. […]

30 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in federal authority vs. local authority, federal courts, federal government, Socrates, state laws, states' rights at 11:41 am | Permanent Link

Each time a state passes a good law, a federal court voids it. So why bother having state legislatures? In fact, you could say that state and local governments no longer have any real power, it’s all federal power today. [Article] and [Article].

29 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in "gay", evolution vs. revolution, homosexual themes, homosexuals, military, queers, Socrates at 1:09 pm | Permanent Link

..and no one can stop it since America is a “democracy” full of idiots and crooked politicians. Make no mistake: this “queer thing” isn’t an evolution (i.e., a society evolving slowly and naturally). This is a revolution (i.e., a society being changed very quickly and very deliberately by certain people who have a sick agenda). […]

28 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, liberals, politics, Socrates at 5:06 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on the TV: a liberal, anti-Donald Trump political commercial where children are watching Trump say “bad” things. Liberals always use innocent children as “political weapons.” When they want to pass gun control laws, they mention “children.” When they want to pass “hate crime” laws, they mention “children.” When they create anti-Trump TV commercials, the […]

28 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, black cops, Confederate flag, Cultural Marxism, police, political correctness, Socrates at 1:12 pm | Permanent Link

Do you want to talk about “discrediting a police department”? Negro police officers discredit every police department in America. (Hiring standards at police departments were significantly lowered in order to produce Black cops [and female cops]). [Article].

27 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 4:19 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce. […] “Most of these non-White races breed much faster than Whites do. The result has been a steady rise in the percentage of non-White minorities in America. If you live on a farm in Kansas or the Dakotas you may not have noticed the change. If you live in Florida or […]

26 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black culture, General Decline, Philadelphia, Socrates at 1:35 pm | Permanent Link

Wow! A heavily-non-White city is having trouble running things related to the Democratic convention. Gee! Who’da thunkit?? [1]. [Article]. . [1] a majority-non-White city, Philadelphia is 44% Black and 12% “other” non-White races. This is largely due to “White flight” from 1950 onward, i.e., Whites not wanting to live amongst Black hoodlums so the Whites […]

25 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, health care, Obamacare, race, race and health, Race Denial, Socrates at 2:06 pm | Permanent Link

First of all, in many places in America, “minorities” are now the majority. e.g., California, NYC, Miami and Deeetroit. Second of all, we’re told all the time by the media and the schools that “race doesn’t matter, we humans are all the same except for our skin color.” If that’s true, then why do “minorities” […]

24 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in National Socialism, race, Socrates, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 4:31 pm | Permanent Link

by René Binet (1950); in 6 parts, just follow the links at the bottom of each page: [Here].

24 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", 'human rights', Cultural Marxism, Diversity, equality, equalocracy, political correctness, Socrates, Wordism at 3:34 pm | Permanent Link

Bob Whitaker on Wordism: “To a Wordist, an American is not someone who was born in America. To a Wordist, a True American is someone who believes in the right words.” (No doubt, words such as “equality,” “diversity,” “democracy,” “civil rights,” “human rights,” etc.)