The Myth of Sexism
Posted by Socrates in "gender", "sex equality", Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, sex, sex differences, sexism accusations, Socrates, women, women and 'equality', women in the workforce at 12:39 pm | 
Sexism doesn’t exist. Just stay home in the kitchen where you belong and stop pretending that you’re a short man with tits. There: a non-existent “problem” solved for all eternity in just three sentences.
8 October, 2016 at 10:06 pm
“Greathouse touches on a phenomenon called “pattern matching,” when investors look for entrepreneurs who remind them of prior successes. So investors might be more likely to fund entrepreneurs who look like, say, Mark Zuckerberg.” (Quote from the article.)
Greathouse is using sex as a proxy for ethnicity/race. He frames his comments as sympathy with women whom he states are discriminated against in the Venture Capital industry; this way he avoids being accused of anti-Semitism.
9 October, 2016 at 4:28 pm
All of these comments appear to be directly on target regarding the sources of our peril, their assumption being that the internet can make billions of proles aware that something more must be done just now than cringe and complain, but without REAL regime change right here in the good ol’ JuSA, civilization will relapse into barbarism for everyone. Nor does “Election 2016” offer any avenue out of this fever swamp whatsoever. For the Hasbara’s 1/2 percent minority, which like the Mossad specializes in doing wars by deception, outvotes sites such as VNN 100 to 1, the same way they did last century via their now-fading print mediacracy. With the money that’s behind them, an internet search for “White pride” will continue returning 100 “white supremacism” and “racism” hits for every straight answer. So let’s keep at what we’re doing, but ALSO give more support to the mere handful of straight and honest hardcopy newspapers jumping into that void slowly being vacated by those no-longer-relevant metropolitan rags. One such highly-readable “Southern agrarian” monthly, a 24-page tabloid, would be The First Freedom out of Silverhill, Alabama. It’s even online, for those too cheap to subscribe, at .
10 October, 2016 at 7:29 am
Sexism doesn’t exist. Just stay home in the kitchen where you belong and stop pretending that you’re a short man with tits. There: a non-existent “problem” solved for all eternity in just three sentences.
This sems to be the simplest soluyion to me.
12 October, 2016 at 12:01 am
Sexism, to use the liberals’ own words against them, is nothing but a social construct.