16 March, 2017

America: Everything We Do, We Do for the Jew

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, Gulf War, Iraq, Iraq War, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Jewish chosenness, Office of Special Plans, Saddam Hussein, Scud missiles, Socrates, UN, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 3:39 pm | Permanent Link

Big Jew owns the most powerful weapon in the whole world. Nukes? No, this weapon is even more powerful than nukes: it’s America. Any time the oily people get into “trouble” they just sic America onto the problem, like an attack dog, and the problem is solved (sometimes). As one example, consider Iraq. The Jews cooked up the 2003 Iraq War because Israel was afraid of Saddam Hussein (especially after he launched dozens of Scud missiles at Israel in January 1991); the Jews also wanted revenge against Saddam for daring to bomb “God’s Chosen People.” By the way, newbies, Israel is indeed an “apartheid” state.


  • 5 Responses to “America: Everything We Do, We Do for the Jew”

    1. Tim Says:

      Falk is Jewish this is commonly known. It is called controlled opposition, so the Jew can hit their hand on their head and whale. All the same usual filth. This will now give a sounding board to all the sycophant gentiles to prostrate themselves in front of “their” jew and of course jews to shriek and scream. The Weak minded are too afraid to see with their own eyes and sound mind. People are told they are depressed, kids a told they have ADHD and all manner of problems. 4 year old children (Not Jewish) are told they can choose what sex they are. How long will we let this inbred wimp of a tribe do this to us !

    2. Tim Says:

      Falk is Jewish this is commonly known. It is called controlled opposition, so the Jew can hit their hand on their head and whale. All the same usual filth. This will now give a sounding board to all the sycophant gentiles to prostrate themselves in front of “their” jew and of course jews to shriek and scream. The Weak minded are too afraid to see with their own eyes and sound mind. People are told they are depressed, kids a told they have ADHD and all manner of problems. 4 year old children (Not Jewish) are told they can choose what sex they are. How long will we let this inbred wimp of a tribe do this to us !

    3. fd Says:

      The Jews and Federals have placed the people under hateful surveillance and the rigors of military despotism. And that is why statehood is worth nothing.

      The Federal assault at Waco killed 9 bikers a few years ago. Many suffered from shrapnel wounds (military hardware against the people).

      Mr. Orwell:

    4. archer Says:

      I always thought Saddam sealed his fate when he started giving checks for 25,000 to the families of suicide bombers acting against Israel, that’s was the last straw and we were told to invade and destroy him. We are nothing more than attack dogs for the Jews and globalist corporations, that’s what the CIA is all about.

    5. Socrates Says:

      archer Says: I always thought Saddam sealed his fate when he started giving checks for 25,000 to the families of suicide bombers acting against Israel

      This is news to me. I’ll have to investigate this.
