Ann Coulter Pulls Out of Her April 27 Berkeley Speech
Posted by Socrates in anti-fascists/antifas, anti-White terrorism, anti-White themes, censorship, college, Cultural Marxism, free speech, free-speech martyrs, Marxism, political correctness, Robert Jay Mathews, Socrates, universities, War On White People at 3:03 pm | 
The Marxists win again, as usual. You’re starting to miss Robert Jay Mathews (1953–1984), huh? He wouldn’t have put up with that sort of anti-White crap. The Marxists would flee upon seeing Mathews coming towards them.
[Article] and [Article].
27 April, 2017 at 10:25 am
Ann Coulter and free speech: The very heart of the 1st amendment is the right to express your will. Coulter only needs to look around and see that the South is denied free speech by having its Dixie flag and monuments removed. So why does Coulter think she is any different. No criticism against Coulter by any means. The above is a damn good example that she should take note of.