College Professors and the Word Games They Play, or, Just Rename It, Part II
Posted by Socrates in affect intensity, authoritarian vs. totalitarian, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Frankfurt School, left-wing violence, leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, liberals, political correctness, politics, propaganda, Socrates at 4:14 pm | Permanent Link
First, the Frankfurt School, and now this guy. He renamed “authoritarianism” to “right-wing authoritarianism.” (What did I say earlier about the Left renaming something first in order to create social change? By the way, an “authoritarian” is, ideologically speaking, less severe than a “totalitarian” [i.e., a communist]. But no matter which words you use, leftists are more violent and more controlling than rightists, despite the common lies to the contrary. Most political violence in the world is committed by leftists due to their unique brain features which cause them to “act out” emotionally)[1].
His book: [Here].
[1] a “high AI” (“affect intensity”) person feels more emotion, while a “low AI” person feels less emotion. Leftists are “high AI” people, like negroes
14 June, 2017 at 1:18 pm
Big Jim Jesus is one of the most emotional men I know, but yet he is also one of the most rational.
Why? His mind and character have been molded by the Scriptures.
The rational mind is the rider; the horse is the emotions.
Jill Mustang
15 June, 2017 at 5:33 pm
I bet that Big Jim Jesus Nigga rides you a lot!