Women Make Better Managers? Says Who? Feminists?
Posted by Socrates in feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, Socrates, women bosses, women in the workforce at 12:06 pm | 
Never mind the fact that women should stay at home and raise kids and not work outside the home.
I had a female boss for a couple of years. She was nice enough and more-or-less capable, but I noticed several negative things about her: 1) she got emotional at the drop of a hat; 2) she took every comment personally even if the comment wasn’t personal; 3) she tried to please everyone by always making wishy-washy compromises and not making firm decisions, leaving everyone dissatisfied — in other words, nobody ever got exactly what they wanted (e.g., it’s like ordering a pepperoni pizza but receiving a Canadian bacon pizza instead: you can eat it but it isn’t exactly what you wanted); 4) she also ignored her family, usually putting her job first and the family needs second. My experience dovetails with those of other men: it’s a complete fallacy that women make better managers. To be a boss is to lead people with a firm hand. Women aren’t natural leaders. As Alex said, they’re emotional herd animals.
30 June, 2017 at 2:35 pm
Half-ways competent wimmin bosses are bad enough, but what really destroys an organization and its esprit de corp is a female dominated HR department.
1 July, 2017 at 1:18 pm
Getting emotional and personal, incapable of true leadership, no vision, trying to please everyone, incapable of making decisions and sacrificing personal life… Sounds exactly like every male boss I ever had.
2 July, 2017 at 7:36 am
I had a female mid-level manager for about a dozen years, and while she was fairly capable at whatever administrative tasks she normally did – it became very apparent to me that she was not capable of making a decision on any technical issue that I might bring to her, without asking me to provide her with all sorts of additional written and extensively researched documentation that would boost her ability to give me her okay on the best solution that I would have already determined to be the correct and wisest path to pursue.
This would invariably cause significant and unnecessary delays in the implementation of the solution to the technical issue, and impact the project teams who were rendered idle due to not being able to work.
Eventually, I just made the decision to avoid asking her for input on technical problems that I already knew how to resolve. I’d just fix the problem and let her know after the fact.
The key to getting away with going around the boss is tha
2 July, 2017 at 7:37 am
The key to getting away with going around the boss is that you had better never step on your dick.
And, I never did.
2 July, 2017 at 4:08 pm
hick dead Says: “Getting emotional and personal, incapable of true leadership, no vision, trying to please everyone, incapable of making decisions and sacrificing personal lifeā¦ Sounds exactly like every male boss I ever had.”
Are you sure they were male? Maybe they were trannies…
2 July, 2017 at 5:49 pm
Socrates, awhile back on a similar post you said women managers take everything personal even when it has nothing to do with them. You got that right. Women are terrible managers. Too emotional. I mentioned about a year ago that female management at Faulk Central Library in Austin, Texas almost shut the place. They chose to rule in the insolence of power and it back-fired. People left the place in droves.
6 July, 2017 at 10:16 am
This thread is full of landmines .
We need our women
But Oprah
The Jews
And our communist education system
And man hating Feminism are beating
Us to them .Destroy the women and you destroy the race.
We are halfway to extinction.