An Anti-Fascist Statement
Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, Ayn Rand, Chile, Fascism, fascism accusations, individualism vs. collectivism, jewed culture, jewed politics, libertarians, Pinochet, Socrates at 2:42 pm | 
(Above: Pinochet, seated in front, just after the Sept. 1973 Chilean coup).
(I’m sort of tempted to sign that anti-fascist statement in order to make a point: I’m not a fascist per se, and Alex has said the exact same thing, and most of the people in the White nationalist movement are also not fascists per se; although I do understand that, to save the sinking ship called America, there will likely come a point in time when fascist measures must be implemented for a few years, just like Augusto Pinochet did in Chile circa 1973/1974. To think that America can vote itself back to being a healthy republic is to be an idiot).
Give this libertarian credit for not signing that anti-fascist statement; however, it’s sad to see that a lot of people don’t understand the real nature of libertarianism: it’s a Jewish movement posing as a freedom movement. Libertarianism has no power in the West, and that was the whole idea from the beginning: to make White people think individually, not collectively.
5 September, 2017 at 3:17 pm
That’s a Mighty Fine picture of Commie
Ass -kicker and Notorious Boot-Driver
My Main Man in the Chile Pot—
Augusto Pinochet!!
Seig Friggin’ Hiel !!
Just looks like he’s ready to start
The Purge!
5 September, 2017 at 3:54 pm
BIG time, Red Skull…I so hear you!
Yes, America will literally need White P-O-W-E-R,
in the true muscle sense of the word.
5 September, 2017 at 4:00 pm
Nice Picture! It excites the mind! I don’t think the country can be saved until the leviathan government on the Potomac is defunct.
5 September, 2017 at 9:40 pm
Sadly, the only way out is some sort revolution for white nationalism while we still have the numbers. Politics and democracy were finished in the west long ago. I know the corporate International Jew is already pushing for their Marxist agenda, the so called NWO. It will be a battle for political/religious ideologies with race being the prime motivator.
5 September, 2017 at 11:28 pm
While all the comments here are good some deserve
Special Attention . I call Yalls eyeballs to the mighty
Fine and Truthful comment above by Mr. Z.
Dear Destroyer
I could write all damn day and curse and yell
And rub my Shiny Red Bald Skull furiously
And not come up withabetter 3 sentence
5 September, 2017 at 11:35 pm
Simple Summary of the part of Shit Creek that WE
As a People are paddling into.
Class ; Newbies and Salty Veterans Ahoy
Write down Mr. Zs comment and keep it with
You . As a Reminder of the Reality We Face.
Yes im yelling it!
5 September, 2017 at 11:55 pm
Yknow what the El Hefe Malo is thinking. ?
In this picture. ?
He’s thinking right after this damn publicity picture hes gonna
Go supervise the Execution of 50-100 of their Antifa and after
They’ve been cleaned up and their guts fed to the pigs and their heads
Line the garden on posts like tiki torches
He wants to throw some refried beans on the grill and burritos and tamales
And crack open a case of Modelos cause itd be Modelo Time and then reassure
The old lady that everythings cool as he bangs the hell out of her and says that
Their getting a nice Casa Villa over looking the lake.
Just my idea
Im pretty close i bet.