Cultural Marxism Never Forgets, or, Getting the Rocker Treatment
Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, baseball, Cultural Marxism, double standards, First Amendment, free speech, jewed culture, Jewed sports, John Rocker, Orwell, Socrates, sports, War On White People at 3:14 pm | 
Many years later, a White professional baseball player is being forced to “atone” for past Orwellian thought-crimes, the First Amendment be damned. (It’s funny how Blacks can make racist comments about Whites and not get into any trouble). If you remember, another White professional baseball player, John Rocker, was also forced to undergo “sensitivity training” for making un-PC comments. Is your First Amendment right to free speech voided when you sign a sports contract? Hmmmm?
“The Office of the Commissioner will require sensitivity training for Mr. Hader and participation in MLB’s diversity and inclusion initiatives.”