Washington: Palestinians Penalized for Trying to Prosecute Israel’s Endless War Crimes
Posted by Socrates in Geneva Conventions, genocide, genocide by jew, Genocide Convention, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli war crimes, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish genetics, Palestine, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 7:24 pm | Permanent Link
This is ridiculous. Israel commits more war crimes in one week than other countries commit in one year, yet, the Palestinian lobby is in trouble with the Trump administration for calling for Israel to be prosecuted for war crimes! Amazing. Israel should be prosecuted for 1) decades of war crimes, 2) genocide, 3) stealing Palestinian land, and 4) using military force against civilians. Israel is an apartheid state paid for by American tax dollars. If the Jews are so smart, why can’t they support themselves? Why do White Americans have to support them?
12 September, 2018 at 7:41 am
“If the Jews are so smart, why can’t they support themselves? Why do White Americans have to support them?”
jews are the only known parasites with the ability to think. Granted, they don’t “think” the way normal people do. No. Their first and greatest impulse is, “How can I fleece?” “How can I get?” (Not “How can I make?”)
Parasites, by nature, always try to suck off of a host first and foremost. If they were ever left to themselves on an island, they would self-destruct through vampirism and thievery.
24 September, 2018 at 5:08 pm
Jews are our common enemy , I see what they are doing to this country, killing white families, making the white poor, and now every movie the white man looks dumb while the nigger is smart and gets the beautiful white girl
Make no mistake about it, Jews has been doing this to the entire world
Your ideas about Arabs was shaped by the jews , making us look like monsters and terrorists.Now they are doing this to the whites in the USA (they have been planing this for a long time)
How come Jews in Christian lands have more power, more money and have control of the MSM, sports, entertainment , law, money supply, banks etc…and yet they represent 1% of the total population in the US