The Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates — Again
Posted by Socrates in economic cycles, economy, Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, fiat money, jewed economics, jewed finance, Jewish banking, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish deceit, Jewish genetics, Jewish money-magic, Socrates at 3:30 pm | 
Jewish money-magician: “Observe how I manipulate the economy: I just wave my magic wand, and (*poof*) the economy is weaker. Then, I wave my magic wand again and (*poof*) the economy is stronger! Now, I go back again: I wave the magic wand and (*poof*) the economy is weak again! See? (*poof*) Stronger! (*poof*) Weaker!”
White man: “Hey, knock it off, I’m gettin’ dizzy here!”