Virginia: Charlottesville Removes Holiday Honoring Thomas Jefferson, Replaces it With “Freedom for Negro Slaves” Day
Posted by Socrates in America, America the White nation, America's founders, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, black culture, Charlottesville rally, historical propaganda, history, History for newbies, slavery, Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), Socrates, Thomas Jefferson at 11:12 am | 
Freedom for negro slaves: now there’s something to “celebrate”! Now the Blacks go around robbing and murdering White people. Great idea, ending slavery! What other great ideas are in store for us? Dental work without Novocain? Maybe we should allow Blacks to vote…oh, wait a second…
Did negro slaves do more than Thomas Jefferson to create and maintain America? Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, among other things. Which of America’s key founding documents did negroes write? Any of them? Nope. Then why are we honoring negro slave freedom over honoring Jefferson? When are White people going to say “no” to this endless, anti-White cultural destruction? By the way, the “Sally Hemings/Thomas Jefferson story” is all bullshit. [Article].
9 July, 2019 at 11:59 am
The glorious New America is forming. Old America must be erased so the replacements don’t get the bad feelz.
The local radio was making fun of the $4.5 billion approved for the poor downtrodden future lifetime democrat voters by saying why don’t we just give them a free house.
Laugh about it now because it won’t be so funny when it is mandatory.