Zap! When Non-Whites Meet White Technology, or, The Trait of Cautiousness is a White Thing
Posted by Socrates in race, race and cautiousness, race and IQ, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought, White vs. non-White countries at 11:35 am | 
“I think I’ll work on the electrical system without checking it for live current first” — this Chinese doofus no doubt said to himself.
A web search shows that most accidental human electrocutions occur in non-White countries. Duh.
Cautiousness is a White trait. Being an idiot around hazardous substances/situations is a non-White trait. (e.g., I once saw a negro cleaning tools with lots of gasoline while smoking, and lighting, cigarettes. Furthermore, I’ve seen Mexicans with scary work habits involving ladders. Securing a ladder before climbing it is not something that Mexicans do, apparently).
In this video, a chink is actually being cooked by electricity after being zapped — watch the front guy carefully and look for sparks [Video].
A fried Mexican: [Video].
12 July, 2019 at 3:43 pm
LOL! Feel good stories of the day. Darwin is cracking a smile somewhere.
Rub some of that magic Kwanstain dirt on the injuries and they heal right up.