“White Flight”: Thinking-Cap Time
Posted by Socrates in 'White flight', 'White racism' myth, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, Obama, racism accusations, Socrates at 1:56 pm | 
News quote: “We were doing everything we were supposed to do – and better,” Obama said of her family, recalling when they got a new address on Chicago’s South Side. “But when we moved in, white families moved out.”
Gee, imagine that. I can’t fathom why anyone would move from Chicago’s heavily-Black, crime-ridden south side. Can you? I’m stumped.
Put on your thinking caps, newbies: if Black people didn’t commit more crime and cause more trouble than Whites, why would White people flee from “darkening” neighborhoods to Whiter neighborhoods? Moving is an expensive, pain-in-the-ass endeavor and nobody moves without a good reason. Obviously, Blacks are a problem (just ask anyone who has experienced neighborhood “darkening”!).