Give the Ancient Roman “Caesar” Salute, Get Fired (Because the Paranoid Jews Want It to Happen)
Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' haters, Auntie Cementism, Auntie Semantics, Auntie-Cementism, Jewish complaining/whining/kvetching, Jewish paranoia, Jewish power, Naziphobia, Nazis, Roman or Caesar salute, Rome, Socrates at 3:47 pm | 
“Vhy, vhy do they make the evil salutes!?? Vhy do they hate us, Moshe!?? Is it because we are parasites??” News flash: Catholic schoolchildren gave the stiff-armed, palm-down Roman salute in the 1950s. It is a greeting which basically means “hail our leader” (perhaps they were referring to Donald Trump today? Seems logical); but those Catholics must have been Nazis, right, Moshe? In fact, every White person must be a closet Nazi! Right, Moshe? Of course!