Sand-Niggers Rape Young Boys: Who Knew?
Posted by Socrates in Allahu Snackbars, Aloha Snackbars, Islam, Islamification of the West, Muslims, Muslims and children, Muslims and pedophilia, Socrates at 12:25 pm | 
Ann Coulter’s getting really close to White nationalism here. Like, 1 inch away from it (unless the article has been edited since I read it).
Anyhow: I thought the Allahu Snackbars were moral, uptight, Muslim “servants of Allah” and they were totally against the “sexual depravity of the immoral, degenerate, Western world.” Guess not! It seems that they enjoy not only diddling little girls but diddling little boys, too:
“Even the left-wing…Guardian (in the U.K.) has written about the gusto for boy-rape in the Arab world: “[M]en who sodomise young boys are not considered homosexuals or paedophiles. The love of young boys is not a phenomenon restricted to Afghanistan; homosexual pederasty is common in neighbouring Pakistan, too.”