Poland Says No to Social Media Censorship
Posted by Socrates in "woke", cancel culture, censorship, New World Order, NWO, Poland, social media/big tech, Socrates, Trump, Trumpphobia at 11:04 am | 
So, Poland went from being enslaved by Jewish communism to being enslaved by Jewish big tech. How ironic. All roads lead back to the Jews [1]. (Hungary is now suffering the same things that Poland is, because those two countries are the last White, conservative countries remaining in Europe. Those two countries have been singled out for cultural destruction by the NWO, in other words).
“Poland spent 45 years under communism, and Kaleta says that experience has taught it the value of free speech and that when the country sees these disturbing new trends toward censorship, the red light goes on.”
Of course, you know what’s coming for Poland now (from the West): Credit? Canceled. Bank accounts? Canceled. And so on. (Several of Donald Trump’s bank accounts were recently canceled).
[1] Jewish, communist officials such as Jacob (Jakub) Berman, Hilary Minc, Anatol Fejgin, Jozef Swiatlo and Roman Zambrowski terrorized Poland after 1945.