Thoughts on Cosmotheism
Posted by Socrates in Bible, Christianity, Christians, cosmotheism, Islam, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, Jewed religion, Mormons, Old Testament, religion, Socrates, William Pierce at 11:47 am | 
Everyone needs some spirituality in their lives. Even you. Booze and young hotties will only get you so far.
Unlike the other, Middle Eastern religions, Dr. William Pierce’s Cosmotheism is a logical, natural religion for White men. Among other things, it seeks to improve mankind, to make mankind better: smarter, healthier, more understanding of things around him. Hence Pierce’s comment that “Cosmotheism is the underlying idea of 20th century science.”
Cosmotheism makes more sense than any other religion. Furthermore, Christianity, Islam and Judaism all have Jewish roots through the Jewish, Biblical patriarch Abraham; they are called “the Abrahamic religions” [1].
Unlike the other religions, Cosmotheism gives man a direction, a road map, a game plan for the future. The other religions are merely based on Semitic fairy tales.
According to Cosmotheism, it is the duty of current White men to pave the way for the next type of White man: the Superman. No, he doesn’t wear a red cape and fly around at supersonic speed. He hasn’t even arrived yet. The Superman is merely a better man, in every way: smarter, healthier, more compassionate, more attractive — the whole nine yards. That’s partly where science comes in.
You may want to look into Cosmotheism for yourself [2].
Quoting Pierce, re: Cosmotheism: “Man, the world, and the Creator are not separate things, but man is a part of the world, which is a part of the Whole (i.e., the universe), which is the Creator.” This just means that everything in the universe in connected. They don’t exist on their own. The Creator is the physical manifestation of God. God the physical, God the real. There is also God the spiritual: what you feel inside you. So there are two manifestations of God in Cosmotheism: things which you can touch (e.g., a tree) and that which is spiritual (i.e., what you feel and think).
[1] Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all Levantine (Middle Eastern) religions with Jewish roots. Why would White men want to follow them? According to the Bible (the Old Testament, which is also called the Jewish Bible), Jesus was a Jew because his mother Mary came from the Jewish House of David. That’s the narrative. Under Jewish religious law, that makes Jesus a Jew. All three of those religions spring from the Jewish, Biblical patriarch named Abraham. His son Ishmael is called the “father” of the Arabs, while Abraham’s other son, Isaac, is called the “father” of the Jews. The Old Testament was, of course, written by Jews; indeed, the Jewish “Torah” and the first five Books of Moses in the Bible (the Old Testament) are exactly the same thing (i.e., Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). Ask any rabbi. Even the Mormons use Moses as a guiding figure in their religion, i.e., in their Book of Moses, within their “Pearl of Great Price.” Jewishness is everywhere in “Western” religions.
[2] a quote about what Cosmotheism is: “To the pantheist (i.e., Cosmotheist), everything is interrelated. Thus, pantheists see human life not as independent and self-contained but rather as an integral part of the world. This stress on wholeness should not be taken to mean that pantheists are contending that “all is one,” that there aren’t separate entities in the world, that the perception of distinctions is an illusion. Rather, pantheists—or most of them, anyway—are saying that the various elements that comprise the world are not merely distinct; and that most fundamentally, most importantly, they are not distinct. When pantheists look at the world, they see connectedness, they see unity. What makes pantheism a religion and not simply an insight or a philosophy is that this unity that pantheists see is divine—it is sacred. To pantheists, the world isn’t simply a set of interrelated concrete phenomena. There is more—call it God—and this “something more” infuses, permeates, the world. It is part of everything, and everything is part of It. It divinizes the world and makes it holy. When pantheists look at the world, they see God.”
More: “The appropriate relationship to the theistic God (e.g., Christian or Islam) is deferential and devotional. He is prayed to. He is an object of worship—the sole object of worship. The worshipper does not identify himself with God or seek to merge with God or become God; that would be blasphemous. Rather, the fundamental objective of religious practice in the theistic tradition is to establish a proper relationship with God. Cultivating this proper relationship brings the worshipper peace and happiness and perhaps an ecstatic joy, and it gives him direction in living in accordance with God’s will and in escaping God’s displeasure or wrath. The worshipper gains strength and guidance from God—perhaps with assistance from a messiah—in the lifelong task of achieving salvation in this life and bliss and serenity in the next life.
In theistic traditions, there is the belief in personal immortality. The faithful will survive death in some form. Death is regrettable to be sure, but that regret is softened by the conviction that the next world will be a better place than this one is. In fact, in theistic traditions existence on earth is in large measure perceived as a time of preparation for the afterlife.”