Women Geniuses: the Latest Thing
Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, equality, feminism, feminization of the West, human equality, political correctness, re-writing history, women, women and 'equality', women geniuses at 12:03 pm | 
Best meme I’ve seen in months and I’ll tell you why:
“Behind every great woman is a team of men who did all the actual work.”
There’s a new thing around. A narrative. Very PC. It’s all the rage. It basically goes “a brilliant woman invented X, Y or Z but never got any credit for it because sexist White men hogged all the credit because White men are chauvinist pigs who keep women down.” That’s the usual, basic narrative.
Example: I just saw such a narrative two days ago on the internet that basically went: “a female physicist helped win WWII for the allies by inventing anti-radar technology that allowed allied airplanes to avoid German radar.” She was brilliant! A genius! Sure. Right. Okay. (Did you know that an Italian woman invented Velcro? Yeah. She was pulling a wool sweater over her head and it got caught on her mustache. *rim shot* Couldn’t resist. Velcro was actually invented by Swiss electrical engineer George de Mestral in 1941).