Race Is a Fiction: My Debate with Jared Taylor
Posted by Socrates in Catholicism, Catholics fighting jews, E. Michael Jones, intellectuals, Jared Taylor, Jewish DNA/racial make-up, Jewish genetics, Jewish Question, Jews-posing-as-White-people, race at 1:20 pm | 
by E. Michael Jones.
(This is interesting, I suppose, but I don’t grasp why Jones wastes so many words on something so simple. Is it an intellectual thing? A Catholic thing? What? [Jones is a Ph.D. and a Catholic]) [1].
“But that is only half the story. By making Jews white, Taylor simultaneously makes whites Jews, turning them into unwitting accomplices in the destruction of their own culture and their own lives, as happened at Charlottesville. Anyone who claims that Jews are white is the enemy of the “white” people he claims to lead.”
[1] I gather that Jones believes that Jews only became Jews after they rejected Jesus. But since Jews are a race (via inbreeding), Jesus has nothing to do with the matter.