Here It Comes: the New Normalcy of Routine Vaccinations. No, Thanks.
Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, India, jewed medicine at 10:04 am | 
Several virus experts have said that, if a vaccine is of good quality, then it will protect against Covid-19 “variants” as well as Covid-19.
So why would the Jewish CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, say that life probably won’t return to normal without yearly “re-vaccinations”? [1]. Why would people need yearly repeats? (And how did India wipe out Covid by using only Ivermectin? Why does America need “3 jabs plus double-face-masks” when India can do it all with some inexpensive pills? [2][3]).
[1] “Bourla was born and raised in Thessaloniki, Greece. His parents, who were Sephardi Jews, were among the 2,000 of 50,000 Jews in Thessaloniki…” — Wikipedia, Sept. 2021
[2] about Covid in India: “Uttar Pradesh beats all other states (except Bihar) with the lowest COVID deaths and infections because of early and preventative Ivermectin use IN ALL FAMILY CONTACTS. This is despite Uttar Pradesh having only a 4.9% vaccination rate, one of the five lowest of all states in India.” [Here].
[3] Apparently, massive, global Judeo-pressure has been put on India since it has, apparently, just dropped the use of Ivermectin for Covid treatment.