A Quote About Covid Vaccines That Will Go Down In History
Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, jewed medicine, Jewish 'experts' at 4:38 pm | 
For 10 months, the “Covid-19 experts” told us that “the Covid vaccines are safe.” But now comes this, re: vaccinating children from the ages of 5 to 11 years old:
“Dr. Eric Rubin: ‘We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it, and that’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines.’”
“And Dr. Rubin is no ordinary doctor, Dr. Eric Rubin is the Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.”
So, young children are going to be given a vaccine that we need to “learn about” the safety of?? Really?? For real?? No animal testing first?? (And by the way, according to this December 2020 article, “Top infectious disease specialist discusses role on FDA vaccine advisory committee”, Rubin is a Jew: [Here]).