1968: the Year America Passed the Point of No Return
Posted by Socrates in 1968, America, America the White nation, America's founders, American history, counterculture, Founders America, hippie movement as Jewish, hippies, history, History for newbies, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marcuse, Paul Krassner, Sixties at 12:07 pm | 
“I hate America so much that I’m ready to go to prison for it” — (paraphrasing) Jewish radical Abbie Hoffman to fellow Jewish radical Jerry Rubin, 1968. Ironically, Rubin later became a capitalist.
There have been rough spots in America’s history, there’s no question about that. For example, the “Civil War” of 1861-1865.
But 1968 was the year when America finally reached the point of “Oh, no! America is doomed to fail, no matter what we do.”
Everything bad came to a head in 1968. Unprecedented rioting occurred that year in 100 U.S. cities. Sometimes it was Blacks rioting, other times it was anti-Vietnam-war hippies. Comedy became political in January 1968 with the TV show “Laugh-In.” In April, there was a big shoot-out between the cops and the Black Panthers in California. In what would become “a thing” in America, five buildings at Columbia University were taken over by leftists making the usual outrageous demands.
America finally transformed from a White republic into a multicultural democracy with the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (aka the Fair Housing Act), which amounted to the federal government telling you who you were going to rent a house/apartment to. As if it’s the government’s business to tell you what you’re going to do with your own private property [1][2].
The first major anti-gun law in decades came along in 1968, and it wiped out more of our constitutional rights. Teenagers were taking LSD and “dropping out” of society to follow left-wing gurus, many of whom were Jews, e.g., Ram Dass. Young men were being sent to Vietnam to fight a war which was not ours to fight. Feminism was on the march (e.g., angry feminists protested the Miss America Pageant that year). Here’s a quote about feminism: in 1968, “Yale University, after 267 years, decides to admit female undergraduates.” Oh, boy, progress! Leftism was also on the march: on the TV, in the movies, in the music, in the books. Normal people were looking around for hope but were finding only destruction and freakiness. Abnormal ideas were suddenly “normal.” Importantly, the counterculture/hippie movement in America was almost entirely a Jewish creation, beginning circa 1964 with Herbert Marcuse’s groundbreaking book “One-Dimensional Man” and moving onward via other Jews such as Paul Krassner, who almost single-handedly founded the hippie movement and who coined the word “Yippie” (referring to himself, Hoffman and Rubin as counterculture leaders).
[1] The Jew, congressman Emanuel Celler of New York, birthed those laws. Indeed, Celler, Marcuse and Krassner did so much damage to America in the 1960s that every schoolboy today should be able to recite their names (with plenty of venom!); the Civil Rights Act of 1968 came from House bill HR2516 and was introduced into Congress by Celler in mid-January 1966. Celler also chaired House subcommittee #5, which considered HR2516; that subcommittee had jurisdiction over civil-rights bills, giving Celler much leverage in the creation of civil-rights legislation during the 1960s.
[2] “A reading of the important founding documents, however, shows clearly that the Founders held property rights to be as important as other human rights. In fact, at times they insisted that the right to acquire and possess private property was in some ways the most important of individual rights.” — article “The Primacy of Property Rights and the American Founding” by David Upham, 1998.
Strangely, except for the “takings clause” in the 5th Amendment, the U.S. Constitution contains no firm protections of private property. You would think otherwise! Maybe America’s founders thought that the idea of private property was so obvious that they didn’t even need to mention it? (Or, maybe the founders really were “The Founding Fuck-ups” as some people have said: they left a lot of legal protections out of the Constitution).