Lenin and the Jewishness of the Soviet Union
Posted by Socrates in Bolsheviks, Lenin, Soviet states, Soviet Union, Yakov Sverdlov at 8:55 am | Permanent Link
(Above: Yakov Sverdlov, who came from a family of Jewish radicals).
Seen: a 1990s news clipping that mentioned V. I. Lenin’s part-Jewish roots and his role as the “creator of the Soviet Union.”
Well, I sort of beg to differ with that “Lenin-as-creator” claim. Lenin founded the Bolshevik Party, that’s true. But the Soviet Union never would have “taken flight” without a key Jew: Yakov Sverdlov (1885-1919), a close buddy of Lenin.
Sverdlov would frequently give Lenin advice, and he would also “road test” Lenin’s political ideas. Sverdlov was a top-notch organizer, with a fly-paper memory, who acted as a political “manager” (if you needed to ask, or, you needed to know who to ask, you asked Sverdlov). He was the first, de facto leader of the Soviet Union and he was politically so important that the Soviet Union likely would not have existed without him, even though he died very early, before the Soviet Union actually came into existence in 1922; prior to that it was known as the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic [RSFSR]) [1].
As I noted previously: “Stalin said it was Sverdlov who transitioned the Bolshevik Party from an illegal, unorganized political party into a party that was able to actually govern (i.e., to terrorize), an effort that was apparently very difficult but Sverdlov nonetheless did it…he shaped it into the weapon that it became.”
The upshot here is that the roots of the Soviet Union are even more Jewish than many people realize: add Marxism (a Jewish ideology, based on Jewish communal living) and Sverdlov (Jewish) and Lenin (part-Jewish) together, and you’ve got nearly a small synagogue.
[1] “According to Podvoisky, the chairperson of the Military Revolutionary Committee, “The person who did more than anyone to help Lenin with the practicalities of translating convictions into votes (i.e., committee votes) was Sverdlov.” — Wikipedia, Dec. 2021