A Vital Quote for White People
Posted by Socrates in Western civilization, Western culture, Western philosophy, White culture, White identity, White inventions, white nationalism, White philosophy at 10:24 am | 
Newbies, this quote is so important in our battle against “woke” that you should be able to quote it from memory (most of it, at least). If you can’t, then start memorizing it.
Even non-White scientists agree: “In the 20th century, in the modern world, there were no non-western ideas of note.” If you were looking for better proof that White people are superior to non-White people, you won’t find it. Much to my surprise, this article is still up at New Statesman. In this era of rabid anti-Whiteness, that’s rather shocking.
“A year ago I published a narrative history of the main ideas that shaped the 20th century. In my research, I visited roughly 150 scholars, leading specialists in their fields, in Europe, America and the Middle East. I asked each expert what were the three most important ideas in their discipline in the 20th century. I found a great deal of agreement, a strong sense of a great conversation taking place.
That was agreeably surprising. What shocked me were my interviews with scholars of non-western cultures. Here, I am referring not only to western specialists in the great non-western traditions, but scholars who were themselves born into those traditions – Arab archaeologists or writers, economists and historians from India and China, poets and dramatists from Japan and Africa. All of them – there were no exceptions – said the same thing. In the 20th century, in the modern world, there were no non-western ideas of note.” — Peter Watson, in his article “Lost in the swamp of modernity” at www.newstatesman.com, 29 October 2001. [Here].