PeeWee Herman and the Jewish Mindset
Posted by Socrates in affect intensity, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jews and Affect Intensity, Jews and comics, Jews as childlike at 1:22 pm | 
Interesting. Jews are childlike in many ways, so they identify with children [1]. In fact, since Jews “grow up quickly” (because they are very often intellectuals), they may feel a special longing or desire for childhood things (the whole comic-book industry is very Jewish. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc. were all created by Jews) [2].
“Good thing children are small and weak because the childish mind lacks empathy, is often demanding & impetuous, and feels the world should revolve around his or her wishes.” (Jews also lack empathy, are demanding, and feel the world revolves around them).
[1] Jews are high in Affect Intensity (AI). A “high AI” person feels more emotion, while a “low AI” person feels less emotion.
[2] article “Supermensches: Comic Books’ Secret Jewish History” in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, 2016.