White Philosophy for Newbies
Posted by Socrates in free speech, free-speech martyrs, freedom, Western civilization, Western culture, Western philosophy, White philosophy, White thought at 11:09 am | 
(This is original philosophy, i.e., not copied from a book)
1. Steve Smith, Joe Brown, Larry Jones and Frank Taylor are all different people, i.e., they are, of course, not the same person.
2. Since they are not the same person, they will naturally have different views and opinions on certain issues (politically speaking).
3. The idea that all of the men would have the same opinions and views would, of course, be ridiculous.
4. Therefore, some of the men will have opinions and views leaning towards the Left (politically speaking) and some of them will have opinions and views leaning towards the Right (politically).
5. Given the fact that three Western countries established, long ago, that free men have the right to free speech (those countries were England in 1689, France in 1789 and America in 1791; you can see the quotes below in the footnote [1]), none of the opinions and views of the 4 men above would be more, or less, legitimate. All of their opinions and views would be held in equal esteem. That’s what free speech is about: allowing free men to express their ideas without punishment, censorship or judgement. That’s how we, as a people, learn. Ideas help us grow intellectually. (Had we censored Plato or Aristotle or Kant, where would we be today? Socrates died for free speech, in fact. Plato urged censorship of certain stories for youths, which makes sense, since youths are not yet adults).
6. Therefore, there is no such thing as “racist speech” or “hate speech” or “sexist speech.” All speech in the Western world is legitimate and valuable (and protected). Those who would try to censor free speech are tyrants and traitors who are running against a centuries-long Western tradition.
[1] England’s Bill of Rights in 1689 legally established the constitutional right of freedom of speech in Parliament, so-called parliamentary privilege. See also: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, France, 1789, and, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, 1791. Furthermore, Article 19 of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”