25 March, 2006
Posted by alex in college, frauds, respectability - the paste jewel at 5:11 am |

[From The Daily Reckoning] Most of the money spent by most people is spent for reasons of vanity not necessity. Education included.
[From The Daily Reckoning] Most of the money spent by most people is spent for reasons of vanity not necessity. Education included.
[Any WN who tell you CCC is pro-White are pulling your leg. These guys are semitically correct sidetrackers. Note the usual double standard. If you discuss jewish funding of our politicians purchasing foreign policy for Israel you’re “antisemitic” – if you discuss colleges accepting gifts from Arabs, you’re shrewdly following the money. How much money […]
C’mon… The jews got it locked up. What are you gonna do? Fight city hall? I didn’t sell out, son, I bought in.