Posted by Socrates in Socrates, videos at 4:47 pm |

Dropping a bowling ball from 165 meters up, down onto a trampoline. [Video].
Dropping a bowling ball from 165 meters up, down onto a trampoline. [Video].
A good video for newbies, and oldbies, too; it mentions the Frankfurt School, but sadly not the Jews per se; it explains why leftists become leftists (they lack any meaning in their lives so they seek out causes to join; unfortunately, it doesn’t mention “affect intensity,” an important feature of the left-wing brain [1]; also, […]
Meow! Good video. Did various officials conspire to violate the civil rights of Whites in Charlottesville and in the state of Virginia? Who will be the first to file a lawsuit over the Charlottesville rally? [Video]. (The video has since been removed by YouTube. Hopefully the video will reappear somewhere else).
Squatting Slav is a Serbian-Canadian YouTuber and video activist who fights the anti-White Social Justice Wackjobs. His YouTube channel is Here.
Interesting video about women competing with other women: [Video]. Another video [Here]. The Social Justice Warrior (SJW) movement as a type of “substitute government” (instead of the government censoring your speech, the SJWs censor your speech): [Video].
Priceless video Here.
Back when America was a White republic, not a casserole of non-White immigrants as it is today: [Video].
You can have freedom, or you can have Zionism. You can’t have both. Israel caused 9/11. Zionism is why so many people hate America. What if America was controlled by White people instead of Jews? [Video].
“Racism” is knowing that there are differences between the human races and acting according to those differences. What could be wrong with that? [Video]. Also, a funny video: [Here].
by ThePatriotNurse. I don’t know this woman, but she makes a few interesting points, e.g., the Korean shopkeepers in L.A. (Please recall that I also mentioned America’s pop culture as being the only culture we have, as opposed to, say, Sweden or Britain, which have genuine cultures passed down from generation to generation). [Video].