Final Version: Interview with Contentious Times

by Alex Linder

7 February 2005

Vanguard News Network is a white supremacist online news site. Founder and Editor Alex Linder agreed to submit to a cross-examination from Contentious Times about his racial beliefs. What resulted was a three-session interview consisting of highly volatile content. Linder's eloquence was both persuasive and self-damning. This material is raw and highly offensive. And it's real. This is the interview for anyone who thought racism was an ailment of generations past, that bigotry was an ugly thing of years ago. It's for anyone who laughs at jokes about race and thinks it harmless. It's for anyone who sits by as a racial slur slips from the mouth of a neighbor. And its also for everyone who values free speech. This interview was conducted by Contentious Times editor Nina Neff. Profane racial slurs used by Linder have been replaced by (n.s.) throughout the text. [Ed.: reversed by us. Note that Neff has no problem printing 'white trash.']

Contentious: You are a self-proclaimed "racist," which is usually thought of as a derogatory term. What redeeming qualities does racism have?

Linder: Races differ in substantial and extremely important ways. The most intelligent man this continent ever produced, Thomas Jefferson, was a racist, as were all of the Founders. 'Racism' as used today is a verbal bomb used to scare White people away from realizing that they have interests -- and fighting to defend them. A new generation of Whites isn't scared off by the term, and combats directly the jews responsible for it by building media and politics outside their control.

Contentious: What about racial equality do you find threatening?

Linder: Equality among races does not exist. It CANNOT exist. My emotional reaction to that FACT does not matter, since the fact does not vary with my opinion, but exists whether I like it or not. The FACT is that subspecies of animal CANNOT occupy the same territory. One drives out the other. Your question suggests you have been brainwashed to believe that equality of races both can exist and is desirable. But it cannot and it does not, and attempts to impose it only lead to misery.

Superiority or inferiority must pertain to some specific thing. Blacks, for instance, are profoundly different from Whites. They have far lower intelligence.

Contentious: Scientific studies have not found this to be the case. Though some blacks may be less educated, IQ of people with similar education tends to remain consistent throughout all races. Do you have any sources to back up your claim?

Linder: Try Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Rushton, for two, but honestly, every study that has ever been conducted finds blacks one standard deviation lower in IQ than whites. That is, the blacks' average IQ is 85, and the Whites' about 100. But if you test blacks in Africa, where they don't have the white admixture (blacks in America average about 20% white blood), the average IQ drops to around 60. The average black in Africa is borderline retarded by White standards, and that fact alone explains the complete lack of development on the continent, apart from where White settlers brought civilization - the former Rhodesia and Zimbabwe. Now headed straight for the crapper since they've been turned back over to savages, most of whom literally would not exist had White medicine never been introduced to Black Africa.

It is absolutely settled, the fact that races differ in intelligence. Actually, Orientals have a slightly higher AVERAGE IQ than whites, but they cluster in the middle. The people on the far extremes are white males, and that is why nearly everything that exists in the world today was created by a white male. What you read in the media and see on tv and learn in school is a bunch of lies. Race exists, and it is extremely important. Blacks have 10-15% more testosterone than Whites; this racial difference explains their proclivity for violence, and makes them extremely dangerous to live around, thus accounting for what the jews in the media disparage as 'White flight,' which is nothing more than White self-protection. They are far more violent. So much so that White people hate being around them and move away whenever they have the money to. Blacks were used as a tool and front by jews, who do not feel safe in a nation with a strong and cohesive White Christian majority. In the name of "civil rights," they eliminated the White self-protection of FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION, and forced Whites to mix with blacks at gunpoint. Your reader will know from tv that Whites are always portrayed as wimpy, stupid, and not with it, and encouraged in every sector to mix socially and sexually with all kinds of niggers and deviants.

Whites used to protect themselves by segregation. But the jews outlawed that in the sixties. The liberation of blacks was the effective enslavement of whites. Did you know that Haiti used to be the richest state in North America? Now it's the poorest. What happened? The black slaves rebelled and killed every white on the island. And it quickly became a slum, and has been ever since. Race is the key to understanding history.

Contentious: Your slogan (No jews. Just Right.) reflects the site's pervading theme that the Media is controlled by jews. Which media figures are Jewish?

Linder: Better to ask which aren't. The point is not that every person in the media is a Jew, but that there is a political Line set by jews, and nobody seeking to get ahead dare cross it. I fell afoul it in my career in professional conservatism. If you don't think that jews control the media, you simply aren't acquainted with the facts. Did you ever notice that no Jew is ever described as a hater? And no Jewish group is ever described as a hate group? But to give you one specific example, the New York Times is owned by jews, has been since just before 1900. The NYT is considered the most influential paper in the country. All the major tv networks, and most of the rural papers take their lead from this paper. The jews frame the issues, the jews define the terms used to discuss those issues. That is raw power.

Contentious: Your site also claims that "jews got us into this war [in Iraq]. President Bush is a fundamentalist Christian. How can it be argued that jews are responsible for our current situation in Iraq?

Linder: Bush is a figurehead. If the war goes horribly wrong, he can be dispensed with and blamed. But the jews who produced this war, and promoted it through the media, were the ones who came up with the lies that Iraq had WMDs. These jews are tied to the Likud party in Israel, and they don't give a damn about what's good or bad for America, all that matters is what is good for Israel. Same thing with Rumsfeld: he's there to give an appearance it is not jews conducting our foreign policy. But the minute things go wrong, he and not they will draw the heat. So the jews enjoy the real power, while escaping the responsibility. They're the power behind the scenes. They have operated this way for centuries. In fact, if anything, they're far more openly powerful today than anytime before.

Contentious: VNN consistently portrays society as degenerative. What movements today do you consider positive? What steps would you like to see taken towards a better America?

Linder: I would like to see Whites flock to our new White Freedom Party - the first party in America overtly to represent the interests of the White man. Our platform includes pulling troops out of Iraq, shutting down the border with Mexico, and putting the leadership of the top Jewish organizations on trial.

Contentious: What, in your opinion, is the Holocaust?

Linder: It's a Big Lie that produces hundreds of billions in revenue for Big Jew while indemnifying it against all criticism. Your reader will not know, of course, that the people now promoting "the Holocaust" are cousin to the jews who produced the Real Holocaust - the murder of tens of millions of White gentile Christians in the Ukraine and Russia and Eastern Europe after a gang of Jewish criminals murdered the Czar. To repeat: the Jew-led Bolsheviks slaughtered literally tens of millions. The German nationalists attempted to prevent the jews from doing the same in Germany. They succeeded in taking power from the jews in that country, and that is why they are the most demonized men on earth. Only the Jew won world war two. His victory allowed him to make the bogus claim that six million jews were slaughtered. That is a lie, and a big one. The plaque at Auschwitz originally claimed four million were killed there. Today that plaque reads 1.5 million. No correction has been made to the official six million figure. Your reader should ask himself: how come I know how many jews were killed in world war two, but have no idea how many Americans?...or Germans?...or French?...or British? Even the jews have given up on their lies about soap and lampshades being made of Jewish corpses; tomorrow they will give up on the lies about gas chambers. Big Lying is a specifically Jewish technique. As a side note, you will often see jews or sycophant columnists write about the Big Lie, and claim it as a Hitler or Goebbels technique. But when you read Hitler and Goebbels, they specifically point out that jews are the ones who practice it. Thus, jews lie about lying. They're a vicious and devious race, and it comes from their xenophobic, paranoid genes and culture.

Contentious: Why do the vast majority of scholars agree that the holocaust was in fact the systemized murder of millions of jews? Why do we here from American camp liberators who found gas chambers and malnourished children? Why are there thousands of eyewitness accounts? Pictures of torture and humiliation? Do you discredit these?

Linder: In much of the world it is against the law to question the official version of the "Holocaust." That alone suggests where the truth lies. The vast majority of scholars 1) hasn't studied "the Holocaust," and 2) would keep its mouth shut if it learned the facts because it doesn't want to go to prison. Again, at one point the jews claimed 4 million were killed at Auschwitz, and that was the MAIN death camp. Now they claim 1.5 million. They're still exaggerating the number of deaths, but, for now, what happened to that 2.5 million? The plaques exist. There are pictures of them. WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE 2.5 MILLION PEOPLE?

Of course there were malnourished people. It was a war. Supplies were few. But when you see a picture, how do you know what you're really seeing? The Simon Wiesenthal Center has been caught brushing in smoke to Auschwitz camp pictures. Other jews have taken photos of people that Jew-led communists murdered and called them "Jewish victims of the Nazis." jews used to claim that soap and lampshades had been made from their bodies. Then they finally admitted they were lying -- IT NEVER HAPPENED. Gas chambers are next. Zyklon B did exist. It was a pesticide used in the camps to kill vermin that spread typhus. Again, if the Nazis had gassed jews, it wouldn't be against the law to claim that they didn't, as it is in France and Germany today. The truth can defend itself; lies require legal protection. If the Germans had wanted to mass-murder the jews, they would have done it the way jews did it to White Christians in Eastern Europe: with a bullet to the back of the head - easiest and cheapest way possible. The simple fact of that matter is that the "six million jews murdered by Nazis" is a Big Lie.

Contentious: Are you personally acquainted or friends with any individuals in the minority groups which you attack? What about when you meet a black or Jewish person on the street? In a professional setting? What are your feelings? How do you react?

Linder: I treat individuals as individuals, but I don't shrink from making group judgments. I arrange my life to have as little interaction as possible with savages and their promoters.

Contentious: "Savages." Its a pretty archaic term, especially after Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jr., Kofi Annan, Colin Powel, and Condi Rice, to name a few. Society is filled with intelligent, respected black figures. Archeological findings from the sixties documented the existence of advanced black African civilizations centuries before the dawn of comparable cultures in Europe. What about blacks do you feel is inherently "Savage"?

Linder: Well, since you cite nigger King, did you know that the night before his assassination he was holed up in Memphis hotel room with three prostitutes and beat the hell out of one of them? Did you know that he stole his Ph.D. thesis? Did you know that his records are sealed until the late 2020s because the media and government don't want you to know what an animal he was? And he's the MOST ADMIRED nigger in America - the one they hold up as an example. A plagiarist, adulterer, and a communist. An all-around savage punk who was erected as the new Jesus by the Jew media.

What about blacks is savage? Have you ever watched BET? What about blacks isn't savage?

As for the mythical findings, blacks in Africa never invented language, let alone anything else. I'm familiar with the myths they circulate in black studies, but the truth is that the only history of Africa we have comes from the whites who colonized it.

Contentious: What about hate crimes?

Linder: It's a bogus category set up by jews to demonize White males and draw attention away from the fact that black-on-White crime is out of control. For example, there are about 2 million black-on-white crimes a year -- almost all interracial crime is colored-on-White -- whereas there are maybe 7,000 so-called hate crimes, the majority of which are non-violent, such as swastika graffiti.

Contentious: How do you feel about inter-racial marriages and relationships?

Linder: "Give your child the gift of White genes." Blacks are subhuman compared to Whites. White girls are brainwashed by Jewish tv to think blacks are cool. What they find is that all niggers can give them is VD and bastards. What a nice present for your child, girls.

Contentious: That is clearly a huge overgeneralization. Yes, its true that this may be all some black people have to give, but the same is true of whites--- the spectrum that ranges from a loving, supporting significant other to an irresponsible one continues throughout all people, and is determined by the individual, not the race. What makes a child with both white and black genes inferior to a 100% white child?

Linder: The black part. It ain't the nigger in Halle Berry that's attractive. And it ain't the nigger who supplied the sperm that formed her who stuck around either, but her white mom -- not that you'll hear her mention that when she receives an award!

Black bastardy rates have been 70% and up for a long time. Blacks never in history except during slavery formed families. Forming families is a white thing. White girls who mess with niggers will end up hurt, bet your life on it. Blacks are jungle animals who belong in Africa where they're happy lying around doing nothing. Watch "Survivor" -- even the niggers who come from Harvard are useless. They don't work. They expect a free ride from Whitey. They bitch and moan. They're effeminate and irresponsible. In a word, they're niggers.

Contentious: What is attractive about Fascism?

Linder: Fascism is a term that means little to nothing; it is generally used by leftists as an empty hate-signifier, much as 'corporate.'

Contentious: Your site has an essay which claims that America was not meant to be a democracy. What was it meant to be?

Linder: America was founded as a republic. White male property owners were polled to provide political leadership. Not coincidentally, this system provided the best leadership America ever had. Older white males who have established themselves as qualified due to their literacy, stability, and ownership of property form the only class fit to rule society.

Contentious: What is your opinion on Hitler's regime?

Linder: Hitler's party and governing period are highly interesting and worthy of study. The Hollywood version of Hitler has nothing to do with the real thing. Let's put it this way: Europe today is flooded with White-hating Muslims and jews passing hate-crimes laws that literally jail people for speaking the truth about what happened in World War II. These would not be the case if the Aryans had beaten the jews in World War Two. As we say, Only the Jew won world war two.

Contentious: Do you consider yourself a Neo-Nazi? How did you feel about Richard Butler's recent death?

Linder:I don't label myself. I came to racialism from conservatism - Edmund Burke and Russell Kirk and the old National Review. The German nationalists had many things of great value to teach, and I like to ponder how these two traditions dovetail, and what we can take from them to protect and advance the White race moving forward in the 21st century. Wisdom is wisdom, no matter where it comes from. I'm not bigoted in terms of source, since everything must be measured against objective reality in the end.

As for Richard Butler, I met him once. He was a very soft-spoken, polite, religious man who was greatly wronged by a corrupt system, and I lament his death. I would note that he was an adherent of a branch of Christian Identity, which I do not follow myself.

Contentious: Could you expand a little on Christian Identity?

Linder: CI has a couple varieties, frankly, they're too idiotic to mention. They basically revolve around whites replacing jews as chosen people. The concept of any people being chosen by a nonexistent god is ridiculous.

Contentious: You emphasize the rights of the white Christian male very heavily. What branch of Christianity to you subscribe to?

Linder: I'm an atheist. I believe men have something like free will. Sure seems that way, at least. And so they and no god are responsible for their actions.

Contentious: Racists are often attacked as being ignorant. Do you consider yourself knowledgeable regarding the culture and customs of Jews?

Linder: Yes. They form a xenophobic, paranoid, hostile, aggressive tribe that hates all other people. Naturally they present themselves as lovers and great benefactors of humanity, but you'll find that in every case their humanitarianism and universalism redound to their benefit alone.

Contentious: Could you give an example?

Linder: I could give many examples. Jews were the main, really the only, pressure behind the 1965 act that overturned our immigration system to allow flooding by third-worlders. The white majority never wanted this. jews wanted it because they feel safer in a diverse community. The jews presented their specific ethnic interest as a universal interest, i.e., "diversity is our greatest strength." In the same vein, they pitch that America is an "idea," rather than a nation of blood and soil, like every other. But the men who founded America were NOT diverse, they were British, for the most part, and Northwestern European for the rest. The jews LIE about our history. And they own the media, so their lies stick. Freudianism is another example. The Jew says the Aryan's not wanting to act the way the Jew acts is "repression." I.e., gentiles too really are Fockers, they just fear it. If Whites are controlled and self-contained and disciplined, calm, and thorough in their actions, then they are really disordered Authoritarian personalities. Whatever the Aryan does, he's wrong. Whatever the Jew does, he's right. The problem becomes not the Jew and his nasty, invidious, disgusting behavior, but the nigger/gentile/White man's natural reaction to it. You'll see this game played out over and over.

Contentious: What do you hope VNN will accomplish?

Linder: Educate the public and draw the most vigorous White males to our side, as newly organized through our 'White Freedom Party,' founded January 15, 2005.

Contentious: What is the woman's role in your movement?

Linder: We follow Napoleon's approach: careers open to talent. But women are encouraged to become mothers. For the average woman, birthing and raising children is both the purpose she's most suited for and the activity from which she will derive the greatest rewards. Feminism, founded by jews to set the White sexes at war, denies this. But it is true.

Contentious: Where did you get the name Vanguard News Network? What significance does it have?

Linder: Vanguard has some communist connotations I would not choose, but I chose it for the simple English meaning - the leading party; the party in the front, showing and leading the way. We show people the suppressed truth about jews, and about the nigger they sicc'd on us, and lead the way in fighting back.

Contentious: What do you hope to gain out of this interview?

Linder: I hope that a couple readers will be interested enough in what I've said to check out my website(s) at and and Perhaps they will investigate my claim regarding the mysteriously reappearing 2.5 million at Auschwitz. Readers need to understand that nearly everything they read in the mass media is a lie, and a lie which serves an agenda - an agenda set by the Jew. To give a non-overtly political answer, and just possibly intrigue a reader into checking it out, if only to reassure himself I'm lying, or a fool, take Albert Einstein. He's presented as the greatest brain ever. But he was a plagiarist.'s the kicker...he did not come up with E=mc2. Did you know that, reader? I'll bet 1000:1 you did not. What else do you "know" that ain't so?

Contentious: This is a very bizarre claim. Einstein did not come up with E=mc2? Then who, if I may be so bold, did?

Linder: An Italian industrialist named Olinto De Pretto published E=mc2 twice before Jew Einstein. Proof: . The industrialist Olinto De Pretto, a native of the Veneto region of Italy, published the article in which he gave, in its final form, the equation E=mc2. This article appeared on June 16, 1903, and was published again in February 27, 1904, the second time in the Atti of the Reale Instituto Veneto di Scienze. De Pretto thereby preceded Einstein's famous 1905 "E=mc2 " paper by at least a year-and-a-half. [Much more, and very interesting stuff. Einstein was fluent in Italian, and at other points in his career was caught plagiarizing material. Rather like Martin Luther King, wouldn't you say?]

Contentious: You use derogatory terms consistently in your website. Why?

Linder: The Jew-controlled media use 'white trash' every day of the year. Why?

Contentious: I'm not inquiring about the media's motives, but about yours. What point does using the word "nigger" make?

Linder: It makes the point that niggers exist, and that we are not to respect them or pretend they are anything other than what they are. When niggers stop existing, I'll stop using the term.

Contentious: You claim that notions of racial equality have been promoted by jews. In case you missed it, the jews are white. What would they have to gain by arranging for their own destruction?

Linder: Jews are only white when it serves their interest. They slip back and forth. But no, in fact jews are an ethnic hybrid. A highly inbred subset of Semites. One of the most highly inbred peoples in the world, rather funny when you think how they mock rural white Americans as being sister-fuckers. They are exceptionally xenophobic and paranoid. Yes, they've done studies. If you take a Jew baby and a white baby away from its parents and expose it to a stranger, the Jew baby will react far more strongly. It's like they have antennae. They HATE outsiders. The white baby will be far calmer. His people did not, for evolutionary reasons, develop the same way jews did. They apparently evolved to be more cooperative, necessary to prepare for colder winters than in Africa or the Middle East. Again, a neutral biological fact, with huge social implications.

Contentious: What do you want to see done to "preserve your people"? George Lincoln Rockwell, of the ninteen-sixties American Nazi party, wanted blacks shipped to africa, homosexuals exiled, and jews exterminated. Malcom X wanted to create a Black Muslim nation out of a couple of southern states. You have spoken of closing the borders. If however, you were succesful in doing so, there would still be PLENTY of people here whom you find objectionable. What do you propose we do with them?

Linder: Our mission is a Whites-only state. However that is accomplished doesn't matter. If there were such a country today, in which Whites made political decisions for White people, Whites would flock to it by the millions. The jews well know this, believe you me, and that is why they've banned White segregation. Because we don't need niggers, Mexicans or jews. THEY NEED US. And so they must continue to deny us our Constitutional right to freedom of association: because they know we don't need them and will exclude them the minute we are allowed. And that's when the free ride ends. Niggers and jews, no surprise, prefer to continue feeding on the supine Aryan's soft parts. But a hardier breed is coming. We are not going to take this treatment forever. We have begun to fight back through the White Freedom Party.

Contentious: What core values promote racism?

Linder: Sound mind in a sound body in a sound community in a sound nation. More simply, people prefer their own. And that preference should not be, as it is now, thanks to the jews, illegal.

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