30 October, 2006

Monday Night: Free Talk Live – 8 PM CST

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live, James Hawthorne at 3:50 am | Permanent Link

Update: Short show tonight, it has been a hard week and it is just Monday! Anyway, thanks to Bud White and James Hawthorne for making it happen, all 90 minutes.

Show archive now available:

ftl_10-30-06_p1.mp3 (22 MB)
ftl_10-30-06_p2.mp3 (12 MB)

Monday night we’re celebrating the release of the eleventh edition of Aryan Matters, with hosts Lee Gardener and James Hawthorne. Join host Geoff Beck along with James Hawthorne.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

  • 31 Responses to “Monday Night: Free Talk Live – 8 PM CST”

    1. James Hawthorne Says:

      Direct Stream & Download on Aryanmatters.com.

    2. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      can’t call in tonight. woman visiting from out town. she will expect that we fuck. and she likes to gab gab gab before during and after, so tonight is off, MOST LIKELY.

      there’s always a chance i could call in near the end, but it doesn’t look good.

      sorry to disappoint, AGAIN.

      you’ll get your opposition view from me maybe friday.

    3. JimSummers Says:

      Forget this Silverstein clown as he’s clearly never going to call. I don’t know why his posts are still being permitted to show up anywhere on VNN.

    4. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      The posts should be “pulled.”

    5. Geoff Beck Says:

      I’m starting up the studio and playing some some songs, tune if you like.

      Though the show doesn’t start for another 70 minutes.

    6. Hoosier Says:

      I agree Shabbos Shabazz, Silverstein should be banned. He adds nothing but unstable psychosis with his antics. I’d like to see this side of VNN more or less flame free.

      On another point, I started reading “Mein Kampf.” I’ve just passed page 65. I’m really enjoying reading this book. I don’t want to comment, as I’m reading, then thinking about what I’ve read, then reading more. I’m trying to fit it into my mental framework, and it doesn’t quite “fit” – it’s something new for me. I want to draw my own conclusions, rather than relying on someone else interpretation.

    7. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      issues i plan on wanting to discuss when i call in to the show (if i’m available on a night the show is on; i think you all can understand that i MIGHT BE BUSY during your show time?):

      1. how i was goaded into being a so-called TROLL by the sarcastic trouble makers who were recently banned to nutzpah and now are out free again. they constantly harrassed me until i blew. then i ended up being everyone’s favorite target. and i fought back. and it was a gang-up fest.

      2. i started off being your friend, but the constant harrassment and sarcasm toward me and infighting turned me into your enemy, as i’m sure it has turned many others into your enemies; your CAUSE will never go anywhere because of the all the infighting. i see it going on now on the board; it goes on ALL THE TIME. you people just can’t get along with each other; i think alot of it is just plain self-hate.

      3. how the three cunts HELL RAISING WOMAN, HITLER GODDESS, and LEISCHGIRL made life a living hell on that forum with their constant anti-shit harrassment and free reign to denigrate men. i couldn’t take it anymore. those cunts should have all been banned. one of them was, LEISCHGIRL, at least, who I HELPED as a total phoney and anti. and the thanks i get: nothing. just more harrassment from the nutzpah 2.

      4. how the jews will crush you with the weight of their power.

      5. how i openly declare that yes, jews are against you, and you shall be defeated. you are already losing, and are growing weaker and weaker until no strength is left.

      6. how i do not hide the jews’ program against whites by race-mixing and other propaganda; i revel in it now.

      7. how the jews are now bringing their battle to you out in the open, since there is now nothing to fear from you because you are so weak, powerless, moneyless, inept, self-hating, infighting, and a bunch of perpetual losers.

    8. Hoosier Says:

      To Silverstein:

      I really don’t know what happened in the forum, between you and the other posters. I don’t pay that much attention to what goes on over there. It does seem like you’re stinging over whatever happened. Whether you deserved it or not is something I can’t comment on.

      I’m not trying to flame you, but would like to make some observations: What I do recognize, is that you’ve lost a great deal of credibility – based on the feedback you get. You’re not helping yourself much by saying you will call in, and then you don’t call in, and now it drags on and on. Put another way, if you want to regain your credibility, I’ve found a quick and easy way to do so is to do what you say you are going to do.

      I mean, first you say you’ll call in, and then you don’t, and then you say you MIGHT call in, and now, who knows? Whether you’re trying to do it or not, it has the appearance of playing games with people.
      I can get shitty with people when I think that’s what they’re trying to do. Maybe that’s what others are doing too.

      Why not pick a date to call in, and just DO IT? No more excuses and bullshit. It’s already past old. Do what you say you’re going to do. I would like to suggest you contact Geoff to make sure everything is ok, have your skype stuff ready, and be prepared and collected and rational. I think you’d gain, or start to regain people respect. I know you’d gain some of mine. Or, if you don’t want to call in, then go with that, and be done with it.

      OK, it’s late, and i have to get to bed – tomorrow is going to be a long day.

    9. New America Says:


      22 Bud White discussed the recent list of most dangerous cities in the United States – remarkably, they all have a high proportion of black people in their population – Beck discussed Chittum’s “Civil War II,” and the impact of RACIAL Balkanization in the Kwa’s future – various local New Jersey stories were discussed – White’s blogsite, “NewJerseyUnfiltered.com,” is doing well – Beck recommended a greater use of photos on our websites –

      34 James Hawthorne – at 39 discussed James Cameron, new leader of Conservative Party in Great Britain – discussed article, “Team Cameron’s Big Jewish Donors” –

      46 Beck noted “the silence is beginning to crack” – cited Institue for Historical Review’s citation of British originally opposing Iraq War – noted Foreign Office is more independent that their American counterparts – have been groomed for public service –

      49 Hawthorne cited the recent disclosures of British Army General Dannat that the Iraq War is a lost cause – we should pull their troops out – Beck mentioned politician Tam Dayall – said cause of war was the JEWS – cited the example of Senator Hollings discussing JEWISH power at the end of his career, when it was safe –

      57 Beck discussed Karen Kwiatowski, Hawthorne noted she said the Israelis walked into the Pentagon as if they owned the place –

      60 Hawthorne discussed a book by a protege of Freud, “Judaism and Psychoanalysis” – Dr. Mortimer Ostow died, linked anti-Semitism to unhappy childhood experience, used the example of toilet training – Hawthorne noted Jews blame anti-Semitism on anything but Jewish behavior – Ostow wrote a book in 1996 – “Myth and Madness, The Psychodynamics of Anti-Semitism” – this makes no sense, as small children can not link toilet training with Jews – we must fight fire with fire, with our own media

      67 Beck – feminism – used to be staple of the JEWISH left – superseded by neoconservatism – does not seem to be as popular as it was – late 80’s feminists getting really hot and heavy about porn – some feelers out between Christian conservatives and feminists on porn issue – this moment was the moments of the demise of feminism – PORN IS A JEWISH BUSINESS, AND YOU DON’T MESS AROUND WITH THE MONEY STREAM – FEMINISM WAS A CONCOCTION OF JEWS – THE FEMINIST GROUPS SEEM TO HAVE DISAPPEARED FROM THE SCENE – seems to be a dead issue because they strayed off the reservation – Hawthorne noted intelligent White women have abandoned family/children, doing corporate work until they are 40, and then unhappy

      69 Beck – on Chertoff – focused on Chertoff statement that Internet is training tool for terrorists – Chertoff’s rationale for proactively going against any potential threat – new laws are all directed at US – getting US enslaved and controlled – all we get in return is more porno, sports tv, alcohol, drugs – they are going to do all they can to shut as down; by passing a law, or by intimidating us – Hawthorne – dual citizenship for the man running Homeland Security – Bush needs Israel more than Israel needs Bush – Beck – Bush may be no longer necessary to the JEWS – Clinton did not let JEWS maneuver him into wars – Clinton’s overseas operations were small, pinprick operations – Bush not as smart as Clinton – Clinton would never go for ground war in Middle East – Blair reminds of a Clinton type person domestically – Hawthorne – both basically same Democrat/Socialist – Beck – only difference is personality – Blair is craftier and smarter than Bush – BBC loves turning the screw on Bush – Hawthorne – go back to Chertoff, after First Gulf War, same people tried to persuade Bush, Sr. to invade – the Jewish neocons are “a bunch of crazies” – Beck – Bush, Sr. had Old School foreign policy advisors – more of a mind of his own in that regard – Hawthorne – the JEWS are very patient, very methodical, bided their time – Clinton too intelligent for them – along came George W. Bush, said to themselves, “Yep, he’s the man!” – Christians are fighting for safety in the Hereafter; JEWS fighting for the Here-And-Now, and they are fighting totally – Beck – this JEWISH war against the Goyim transcends generations – must teach our children to think intergenerationally – this idea of they are Warriors for their RACE – as important as marshaling courage and fighting spirit for the moment – it’s a dual track program – their WILL be another generation – this is an evolutionary strategy of ours – those who remain after the Culling will be stronger, fewer of the defect of being altruistic to Outsiders – this is all about Outreach – we must reach out to Others like us, and turn them into Warriors for our RACE – Hawthorne – this can only be done through the Internet – people using Parliament and European Parliament to shut down the Wild West of the Internet; they will link us with pedophiles, and link us with them – “we must remove pedophiles and the haters” – Beck – Chertoff mentioned Internet as playground for terrorists AND the pedophile – must read history of Russia – the JEWISH-Bolshevik Russian Revolution were done there – read Robert Conquest – “The Great Terror” – to get a handle on the people we are dealing with – the descendants of the original JEWISH-Bolshevik Russian Revolution – also note the pathologizing of us, use of psychiatric terms as used by Russian JEWS to control dissidents – Freud made Aryan behavior and attitudes into a “mental illness,” Kevin MacDonald noted this in “The Culture of Critique” – Russia “persecuted” Jews in 70’s, 80’s, because the Goyim finally figured it out – Stalin, et. al. slowly clamped down on the JEWS – Kaganovich, JEWISH mass murderer of Ukrainians – Hawthorne – JEWS stick together, the Russian Revolution was basically The Tribe against The Gentiles – they are a Force, they stick together – they want our RACE to be miscegenated out of existence, Israel on top of the pile –

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    10. Mati The Estonian Says:

      abou this Silverstein issue – I should call in in some day to – Skype is Estonian invention. my excuses problably will be not ladyes (there are more of them by number any way so smart ones will understand my and DO NOT intervien if I want a make a phone call and I dont date stuped girls) but different time zone LOL
      more important isuues – I found reacently pretty intresting article about “modern revolutions – everyone should read it …

      about matters more trivila but high importens anyhow – INFIGHTING.
      I have seen this shit around here and around net to much recently. why is that ???
      is that because kikes are sitting between lines of aryan freedomfighters ? like this guy thinks ??? http://www.erichufschmid.net/ .

      in 1985 when I was still in Soviet Military Academy we had a lecturer (no names, he had a mask and room was more or less dark) but we where told he is long – very long time GRU operative and he told a line I still remember …
      “we infiltrated anything, and I mean EVERYTHING – goverments, organisations, movements political and even sport organisations. not to mention ANY local (GB,US) anti and even pro gov movements”
      as we all now the soviets where jew/sionist bastards – so tehcnivally we dont have any soviets left but we have still those kikes around so …
      I guess some of the peoples from 9/11 truath movement and in aryan movement
      ARE in kikes payroll we cannot ignore it but we should use OUR common sense and not blindly bashing around and kill any intrest and credibility we my have towards our movement in general public.
      I understand – most of them (general public) are just ignorant – they are conditioned thinking shertan ways and that it – but they still are aryans and can be useful to as. but with this infighting WE alienate those people and the suffering site will be OUR movement.
      so maybe M.Ruppert, M.Tsarion, Alex Jones and countles other are gov/jew dupes or even agents. but if we look closer any one of them have some credible info in they stories and if they can avake even 1 – ONE person a week or in year thats good – because even if some of them do not find a true path some will. people are curious creatures – if they did find they way to Alex Jones thats mean they are not totally hopless and can find they way to REAL FREEDOM FIGHTERS …

      thanx and sorry if I have to many mistakes ;-)

    11. Hoosier Says:

      Hey There, New America, nice to “see” you. I gotta run, just “stopped in” for a second, but wanted to say “Hi.”

    12. Misanthrope Says:


      Hope your’e reading an unexpurgated edition of “Mein Kampf”, and not the kosherized Ralph Manheim translation. The tenor of both translations are different. I doubt that you will find an unexpurgated edition in a bookstore. There are several internet sites that sell the real thing. I have read that Mein Kampf ranks 2nd, next to the Bible, in all time book sales. It is inspiring and motivativing. BTW, I also am a Hoosier.


    13. Hoosier Says:

      Nice call, Misanthrope, fellow Hoosier – thank you. I am reading the edition that’s translated by Ralph Manheim. It has a forward about “white hot hate” and “Hitler’s fantasy world” and so on , written by a Konrad Heiden. I skipped reading it. Still, I picked up on the power of the underlying text.

      I can’t speak or read German – Is there a English translation that is generally considered “The Real thing?”

      Thanks for any help on this.

    14. New America Says:

      To Matti the Estonian:

      Peter Shank had the Great Insight on the entire “911 Truth Movement,” and he noted that, once you get away from “physics and facts,” ALL of the “911 Truth Movement” deals with everything about a mass murder EXCEPT the ONE question that matters – “WHO PULLED THE TRIGGER?”

      The answer is, of course, the Goddamned JEWS pulled the trigger – for themselves, personally, and to provide the excuse needed to bring America into the MidEast and destroy the Goddamned JEWS enemies – and remain, as their Big (Dumb) Brother.

      Shank even had one of the big guns of the “911 Truth Movement” on, and this guy SAID, in effect, we will never talk about the JEWS and 911.”

      These are ALL false flags designed by Goddamned JEWS to keep everyone looking at the right hand, while the left hand stabs us in the back.

      Incidentally, your point about the “Soviet” (you do know that ‘Soviet” is simply a code word for “JEWISH-controlled, don’t you?) Military Academy teachers are echoed repeated in the works of “Victor Suvorov,” particualry his work, “Inside Soviet Military Intelligence.”

      Thanks for your excellent comments!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    15. New America Says:

      To Hoosier:


      I use the Mannheim translation because it is good enough for now; perfection is not really required, and, as always, some books are best read in the original tongue.

      I HIGHLY recommend “Hitler’s Table Talk” as a very good look at the mind of The Man Above Time in his own words – very useful commentary on all manner of issues.

      As well, I recommend you get a copy of “Imperium,” which is even available in free pdf download at Solar General; the first chapter will provide the inspiring context needed to understand so many other issues around FAMILY, RACE and CULTURE.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    16. Hoosier Says:

      One book at a time, New America, one book at a time :-)
      I did find and put on hold –

      Mein Kampf, complete and unabridged, fully annotated
      Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945.
      Publisher: Reynal & Hitchcock,
      Pub date: 1939.
      Pages: 993 p.

      – at my local library, so I may be able to pick up kosher influence between one version or another. I might get a copy from the Library for “The Hill of the Ravens” by H. A. Covington, which I beleive you recommended.

      Here’s a tip for library users in the United States: If your local library doesn’t have a copy of a book you want to read, you can ask the librarian to order it through what they’ve told me is the “Interlibrary system.” They will check throughout ALL Libraries in the USA, and if they find it, the library who has a copy will send it to your local library for you to check out. It won’t cost you a dime.

      Your library = all USA libraries, for all practical purposes. They might even BUY the book for you to check out, if they can’t get it. This was my reply when I requested “Hill of the Ravens”

      I’m not finding another library in the nation who had the book
      cataloged on WorldCat; so, Interlibrary Loan isn’t possible. I’ll
      submit a book purchase request for this title. If we’re able to still
      buy a copy, we’ll place a reserve on the title for you.”

    17. Mati The Estonian Says:

      You know, I know and lots of other people knows that jews are behind 9/11 (and not only that) but lets be honest lots of people JUST DONT KNOW – thats simple. if WE want to be good persons we need let them come to truth – and all those dupes and not dupes in 9/11 movement and whatewer movments HELP US – unidentinally I guess but nevertless they do…
      letting some info out ALL those from “not know’s” will get the spark of truth. those people don’t get are lost cause anyhow. so basically even if those dupes spreading false info and stuff in silently we should let them (not help but just let) because people wich still have some grey material inside they brains will get the RIGHT info not from those dupes but at least they will WAKE UP…

      thats way I use word “soviet” not russian – soviet jews deported almost 400 000 estonians to Siberia (main soviet guy in Estonia was Idel Jakobson) between 1939-1947. they shot my father’s parents in 1940 – father was 10 months old and was deported to Siberia – he barely survived.. Suvorov and his works are intresting – I havent figured out 1 thing – his a real thing (not in person but in ideas) or just a damage control. but he has to many good info in his books – those are to lenghty to talk in here so …

    18. Mati The Estonian Says:

      oops I almost forget before getting to sleep tonight …
      some of the estonian nice decent girls – just for You guys understand how hard his our life in Estonia LOL

      I hope vnn admin dont mind ;-)


    19. Hoosier Says:

      Interlibrary loan:


    20. New America Says:

      To Hoosier:

      You had the line that summarizes out future as a RACE, in microcosm:

      “I’m not finding another library in the nation who had the book
      cataloged on WorldCat; so, Interlibrary Loan isn’t possible.”

      “Hill” is not the best place to start; the best place is “A Distant Thunder.” which ends with the inspiring telegram from our university on Mars, and second is “A Might Fortress,” which deals with the issues whereby we EARNED the independence we once thought we had.

      I think I gave you the websites to Covington, and the phrases from his books that summarize his (characters) position on the issues.

      What I admire about Covington – and I know he has his detractors, and I could not care less, until they have done a lot damn BETTER than he – is that he looks to the patterns that work – that have WORKED for the Goddamn JEWS in forming their own nation, while taking over what was OURS, and applies these patterns with an Aryan mindset worthy of – well, think of Nietzsche at HIS best, uniting with Jefferson at HIS best.

      I find enough power and clarity of thought in the Mannheim translation of Mein Kampf to keep me going; as an aside, the Movement Ballerinas seem to always complain, but never have a better answer, or even one good alternative. Their perpetual naysaying leads to our continued ineffectiveness, and our posterity’s doomed impotence.

      The smallest good deed is far more importance than the grandest of intentions – I stole that from someone, but I don’t recall who.

      The “good deed” we can ALL do, today, would be to send some money to Alex Linder, where we KNOW its all going for a good cause.

      Thanks for the heads-up!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    21. Hoosier Says:

      It’s odd how certain posts won’t show up. I’m guessing that the moderator gets flooded with junk, and from time to time, a legitimate post gets flushed with the rest. I had said:

      To Mati the Estonian:

      Those women from Estonia are beautiful – thanks for the links – very uplifting

      To New America:

      Yes, you gave me the link to The Northwest Trilogy:

      That’s when I wanted to read the trilogy, after I read those excerpts. I’m confused though, I thought “Raven” was the first book in the series. What is the order that the books should be read in, 1-2-3?

      Yes I also need to send Alex Linder a check – next paycheck I will.

    22. New America Says:

      To Hoosier:

      It’s “A Distant Thunder,” then “A Mighty Fortress,” and then “Hill of the Ravens.”

      “Thunder” ends with the communications from our University on MARS.

      “Ravens” is not as complex as the others in terms of defining how the Northwest Republic came to be; “Thunder” and “Fortress” are worthy of taking a week or so off and just outlining it – Covington has seen a lot, thought a lot, and says a lot, and develops a society where EVERYTHING pulls off of RACE, and, right out of “Imperium,” it’s a RACE with no illusions as to the challenges it faces, and the power to turn the obstacles, into opportunities.

      Thanks for sending some money to Linder; he’s walked point for all of us, and still does.

      We should encourage that.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    23. Hoosier Says:

      Thanks New America. I sort of have the flu today, so I’m moving and thinking slowly. One thing is for sure, we have to get the money supply back from the Jew. Talk later.

    24. New America Says:

      To Mati the Estonian:

      I MUST give credit for “Truth In Advertising” to the women of Estonia.

      This one: http://www.rate.ee/userinfo.php?id=554410 pretty much redefines the phrase “Truth In Advertising.”

      An astrological sign of a BLACK WIDOW SPIDER!

      First time I’ve seen THAT!

      Free advice, brother; the rest are quite attractive, and seem well worth the while of any man.

      THIS ONE, though…

      MAN, she looks like the original “Steel Cage Match” of romantic conquests!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE! (just not with Black Widows!)

    25. Hoosier Says:

      New America

      Don’t discount ALL of the “Steel Cage Match” women..some of them are simply looking for a strong man who will stand up to them, and not take shit from them. A man who will say “NO” to them – or say “this is the way things are going to be, and if you don’t like it, there’s the door -” and MEAN it. The whole “tough” outer exterior is just an act, and inside is a woman who is gentle and loving.

      Others are simply – psycho – or damaged – and will fight you about everything. The “fun” will never end, and about all one can do is avoid them or dump them as soon as possible. Good luck trying to “change” them. They bring nothing but misery to the table. If they refused to accept you as the leader in the relationship, it’s nothing but trouble ahead.

      You’ll have to trust me when I say I’m speaking from hard expereince in this matter. I don’t hate women – but there are certainly ones to be avoided.

    26. Hoosier Says:


      I’d have to say, though, that that one is bad news – look at the dyed red hair – and the slogan “life sucks – so enjoy it!” And the black widow graphic – I’d say – “No thanks.”

    27. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      will someone PLEASE edit NEW AMERICA’s posts down to a readable size? There’s no need to be so wordy about so little.

    28. New America Says:

      To Hoosier:
      Good points, all.

      I’ve noticed more and more young men are choosing to simply not marry.

      In turn, this fuels the anger and resentment of young ladies, who become bitches, which, in turn, leads to young men being “confused,” and angry, and not marrying…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    29. New America Says:

      And, silverstein?

      Silverstein wtc7 wrote:

      will someone PLEASE edit NEW AMERICA’s posts down to a readable size? There’s no need to be so wordy about so little.

      in reply:
      VNN is succeeding where all who came before us – Rockwell, Pierce, one and all – because it is focusing on the Deep Issue of RACIAL SURVIVAL in the Undeclared War between the GODDAMNED JEWS and OUR posterity.

      This means seeing, with intellectual courage, the correct analysis of exactly what went wrong, at the INSTITUTIONAL level, and what can be done about it, at the PERSONAL level, and eventually, at the INSTITUTIONAL level.

      This requires looking at New Ideas – SOLUTIONS where we learn the temporal skills needed to build a better world for our posterity, AND where we can generate the CREATIVE solutions needed to sustain this world.

      We explicitly deal with the issue of RACE, writ large; the Greatest WAR is the RACIAL war we have been drafted into between the GODDAMNED JEWS and Western Civilization, in all – ALL! – of its Aspects.

      The GODDAMN JEWS create a Wall of Words to keep us intellectually enthralled, and subservient to them, attacking us with ten lies before we can correct one, and attacking us with ten MORE lies in that time.

      This shit has to STOP!

      We have to shift from pure defense to constructive offense – not just blocking their punches, but COUNTERPUNCHING the Satanic bastards.

      That will take as many words as it takes; if you want me to remove some words, well, to paraphrase Mozart, “Too many words? Which ones would YOU remove, and why?”

      Rather than criticize me for using “too many words,” why not constructively criticize the IDEAS and IDEALS I am supporting?

      In the alternative, practice Linder’s Principle of Constructive Rebellion: “The best rebellion is excellence.”

      Why not do better?

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    30. James Hawthorne Says:

      Hey Silverstein – I thought you left ? … call into our programs kikenstein !

    31. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      re: new america: i read about 1/2 of your post. still too wordy for what it’s saying. BREVITY!

      re: james hawthorne: i’ll call in IN MY OWN GOOD TIME. i’m a glutton for punishment. i can take the abuse. i took it on the forum. i can take it on your show.
      i can’t help it that I HAVE A LIFE and am not near a computer every second of the day (like the kikencunt HITLER GODDESS). why doesn’t that childess cunt call in?
      like i said: i very much intend to call in. i have a few details to iron out first as well regarding skype…(that’s another issue). oh yes, i know how to use it; already tested it. there’s just one little issue i’m still trying to resolve that i can’t talk about…) when it’s resolved, i’ll definitely call in. it may take another week or so. so don’t wet your panties; i’ll call in, soon enough