2 December, 2007

Free Talk Live 12/02/07 With Mark Faust “History of The Federal Reserve and The Dollar”

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 7:34 pm | Permanent Link

Have you been wondering why our economy is slipping downward so quickly? Have you been wondering why the dollar is worth less each day? Tune in to this special broadcast and learn who is behind every economic disaster in US history and why.

This broadcast will be an education on the who, what, when , where, why and how of the Federal Reserve Bank. So get ready to take notes and archive this valuable information to add to your arsenal of knowledge and understanding.

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  • 36 Responses to “Free Talk Live 12/02/07 With Mark Faust “History of The Federal Reserve and The Dollar””

    1. MIKEY Says:


    2. Hoosier Says:

      Check back at a little before 9PM EST tonight, Mikey. That’s when the show starts, and when the feed will be turned on.

    3. Olde Dutch Says:

      What makes you think the jews wouldn’t be better off if the Federal Reserve System were abolished? After all the jew have a lock on investment banking, are way over represented in commercial banking control & ownership. Particularly jewish are the big money center commercial banks in the major metro areas. Also, the jews have a strong showing in big city S&L’s.

      Without the Fed the jews could pretty much do whatever they wanted to do in banking without answering any questions to anyone. No rules, what-so-ever.

      Maybe, the jews are pushing to abolish the Fed, and make their financial control complete. Besides Bernacke, the jews only have two or three other sure jew or shabbos goy votes. More in line with their general % of the population.

      This whole deal with the Fed is more like chess than checkers. LOL.

    4. Hoppe Says:

      Ron Paul doesn’t just want to abolish the Fed, he wants to abolish fractional reserve banking. That’s the key to the jewish banksters power. It allows them to loan much more money than they have on hand, thereby gaining control over the collateral for those loans.

      Paul threatens the foundations of jewish power.

    5. Vaultner Says:

      The FED isn’t doing us any good. If the gold of this country is actually accounted for instead of just being trusted to them we’ll be a little closer to having control again.

    6. sgruber Says:

      Hitler’s economic system worked best – it worked for the people who participated in it, i.e. the nation, i.e. the general population of Germany’s race, NOT for the international banker who piles up billions, lives in unprecedented personal luxury and fucks/tortures/poisons slaves of all ages. The jews.

      There is a solution to the jewish problem.

    7. hoosier Says:

      Hitler got out of the International banking system, Sgruber. It was not based on gold either, but rather, the productive power of the german people. Germany boomed. The founding fathers of the USA did the same thing with colonial script.

      I don’t quite understand it, but once a country or an area gets away from money as a debt instrument, they start prospering.

    8. Olde Dutch Says:

      All banking is fractional reserve banking. Always has been, always will be. The Federal Reserve requires that banks keep a certain amount of money in “reserve”; that fraction of money they don’t lend is the reserve. Some is kept with the Fed, some is kept in the bank’s vault itself.

    9. Socrates Says:

      Olde Dutch Says: “Without the Fed the jews could pretty much do whatever they wanted to do in banking without answering any questions to anyone. No rules, what-so-ever.”

      The Fed is America’s central bank. It creates U.S. monetary policy. Why on earth would ANY Jew want to give up any position within that bank? In fact, if memory serves me correctly, we’ve debated this topic before.

    10. Olde Dutch Says:

      Hitler was a Keynesian, or was Keynes a Hitlerian:

      But as I looked into it, I found that respected academics have long drawn analogies between the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes, generally considered the most important economist of the 20th century, and the economic policies of Nazi Germany.

      For example, an article in the April 1975 issue of the prestigious Journal of Political Economy points out that German economists in the early 1930s were well aware of Keynes’ work and were developing theories along parallel lines. These involved the now familiar prescription for economic depressions of large budget deficits, public works programs, and easy credit.

      A July 1992 article in the journal Explorations in Economic History found that German fiscal policy stopped being restrictive and turned “Keynesian” as soon as Hitler took power. Government spending increased almost immediately, helping to pull Germany out of the depression while America and Britain still maintained restrictive fiscal policies.

      Furthermore, it turns out that Keynes’ greatest admirers have long maintained that Hitler’s economic policies were indeed Keynesian. In a lecture to the American Economic Association’s annual meeting in 1971, economist Joan Robinson, a close colleague of Keynes, said, “Hitler had already found how to cure unemployment before Keynes had finished explaining why it occurred.”

      In 1977, John Kenneth Galbraith, the famous Harvard economist, wrote in his book, The Age of Uncertainty , that Hitler “was the true protagonist of the Keynesian ideas.”

      Keynes himself even explained that his theories were not incompatible with national socialism. In the forward to the German edition of his book, The General Theory (1936), Keynes wrote that “the theory of output as a whole, which is what the following book purports to provide, is much more easily adapted to the conditions of a totalitarian state, than…under conditions of free competition and a large measure of laissez-faire.”

      For these reasons, some right-wingers have attempted to show that Keynes was a totalitarian himself. Keynes “admired the Nazi economic program,” wrote Lewellyn Rockwell of the Ludwig von Mises Institute last year. In the Mises Institute newsletter in April 1997, historian Ralph Raico virtually accused Keynes of being a communist. He was “a statist and an apologist for the century’s most ruthless regimes,” Raico wrote.

      In my view, such criticism is completely wrong. Keynes was very anticommunist. “Red Russia holds too much which is detestable,” he wrote in 1925. “I am not ready for a creed which does not care how much it destroys the liberty and security of daily life, which uses deliberately the weapons of persecution, destruction, and international strife.”

      Keynes developed his theories in the 1930s precisely in order to save capitalism. He understood that it could not long survive the mass unemployment of the Great Depression. His goal was to preserve what was good about capitalism, while saving it from those who would destroy it completely.

      Said Keynes in The General Theory , “The authoritarian state systems of today seem to solve the problem of unemployment at the expense of efficiency and of freedom…. But it may be possible by a right analysis of the problem to cure the disease whilst preserving efficiency and freedom.”

      That Keynes’ theories were fundamentally anti-socialist can perhaps best be demonstrated by the way communists viewed his work. This can be found in the 1969 book, An Analysis of Soviet Views on John Maynard Keynes by Carl Turner. He shows that leaders of the old Soviet Union saw Keynes as one of their greatest enemies precisely because he saved capitalism from collapsing into socialism, as Karl Marx had predicted would happen.

      Of course, there is much in Keynes’ work to criticize. Many of the economic problems of the postwar era result from it. But in the context of his time, I believe Keynes is a man to be admired, not slurred as a crypto-fascist.

      Bruce Bartlett is a senior fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis.

    11. Olde Dutch Says:

      Exactly, the jews “really” don’t need the Federal Reserve.

    12. Newe Dutch Says:

      What makes you think the jews wouldn’t be better off if the Federal Reserve System were abolished?

      Because it was created by the jews (Paul Warburg, etc) in the first place. Duh.

    13. yeeuh Says:

      Ain’t no Jew goin’ nowhere no time.

    14. Newe Dutch Says:

      Olde Dutch is either a stooge or the biggest idiot on the planet.

      I’m not sure which.

    15. Olde Dutch Says:

      The Federal Reserve System provides for some transparency, and as I pointed out before, the jews don’t hold a disproportionate number of policy votes on either the board or the fmoc. This is probably due to the geopolitical nature of the Federal Reserve System.

      Naturally, a jew like Warburg had to have his nose under the tent, and he did play a role, but, so did Carter Glass. Can we say the Klan created the Federal Reserve? LOL.

    16. Newe Dutch Says:

      Naturally, a jew like Warburg had to have his nose under the tent, and he did play a role, but, so did Carter Glass.

      Carter Glass was just another dime-a-dozen politician who did what he was told to do by his financial backers.

      Comparing Paul Warburg to Carter Glass is like comparing Paul Winchell to Jerry Mahoney.

    17. Olde Dutch Says:

      Those words about Carter Glass would have gotten you horse whipped in Olde Virginia; and the number of your White parents questioned. LOL

    18. Olde Dutch Says:

      Here’s a good page to use in any discussion of the FED:

      Scroll down to the fmoc members section. How many jews can you identify? Three, maybe four?

    19. Mark Faust Says:

      The FED prints the dollar…..They would make no more interest from loaning cash to the Government if they had no fed…..Especialy during war time. I will go into all of this tonight.

    20. Heather Blue Says:

      Okay, it 8:58. Mark is on in TWO minutes.

    21. Olde Dutch Says:

      The US Bureau of Engraving & Printing under the Treasury Department “prints” the money.

      Aldrich a jew—better check that one. LOL

      House was a British agent.

    22. Hoosier Says:

      You’re doing a great Job, Mark. You have a nice steady delivery, and a conversational tone, which I prefer to the “emotional hysteria” approach. The whole international banking/federal reserve is – a hard thing for me to get a “mental picture” of, but you’re filling in some blanks. Keep up the fine work.

    23. Olde Dutch Says:

      The relationship between the government securities dealers and the Federal Reserve needs to be explained. Even the experts can’t explain it.

      Lots of jews in that woodpile.

    24. Newe Dutch Says:

      Here’s a good page to use in any discussion of the FED: http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomc.htm

      We’re supposed to be impressed by a page filled with self-serving propaganda from the Fed’s own website?

    25. Olde Dutch Says:

      That’s the mechanics of it; and understanding the mechanics is to understand the scams. Spouting antique blight wing coonservative propaganda ain’t going to get you anywhere. LOL

      Here’s another interesting page where the FED attempts to explain the relationship with the government securities dealers.

    26. Dawn Landry Says:

      Great show, once again-keep reporting on the Jew (and imitating
      them too)! I’ve got to cut out on it now-will listen to the archive-Dawn Landry

    27. Pony Says:

      Lots of ammo in this one. Good job

    28. VNNB Says:

      OK I will clarify….The fed CALLS FOR the printing of the money. Kind of how a contractor tells his Mexicans to build the house.

    29. Newe Dutch Says:

      Here’s another interesting page where the FED attempts to explain the relationship with the government securities dealers.

      There’s nothing interesting about that page or anything you’ve said.

    30. Olde Dutch Says:

      Do you go to candle light vigils? LOL

    31. ty grant Says:

      Great show guys thanks…

    32. yeeuh Says:

      Fuck that. Bring back Alex — bring back emotional hysteria!

    33. sgruber Says:

      Alex Linder’s presentations are not “hysterical” (a term that refers to female emotional disorders). They are actually very logical.

      The difference is that he speaks colorfully and memorably. It’s the difference between a subject being explained by a good textbook, and the same subject being treated in a $300 million movie with blockbuster special effects, direction, and production.

      Such a movie is not necessarily “hysterical,” it’s just a different way of communicating. I agree with you, though, that it would be good if Alex Linder returned.

      A culture needs good, clear textbooks AND good, clear spectaculars. What’s wrong with both?

    34. VNNB Says:

      I would love to have Alex on…..He is busy recently.

    35. Pan Says:

      Excellent job Mark. Put it on CD and listened to it a couple of times already and will pass it on.

    36. O*R*I*O*N Says:

      Congrats on great show Mark.
      Competently executed and well researched. One of the most informative topical shows, I have ever heard on the Net or anywhere.
      Keep up the excellent work.