Archives 2

The more recent story-links are toward the left and top of the page.

Lincoln: Ship 'Em Back

Freeing the slaves was the first step. Shipping them back was the next.

Jared Taylor Tries to Get WFB to Respond on Race

The old man's entering his dotage. Rudderless, his magazine drifts whichever way the Jewish neocon wind blows...

Chinese Set to Invade Italy?

Chinese are making their way into Western Europe from Eastern Europe. This is starting to raise political problems affecting the upcoming election in Italy.

Jew Straw and Britain Ponder Race Crimes Police Squad

Whites commit "special" crimes -- worse than ordinary ones -- so of course a "special" squad is needed to catch them. Britain may actually take the "lead" in the "hate" crimes horse race if it goes ahead with this.

German Paper Prints Photos of 22 Rightist Enemies of Democracy

It's illegal not to be a leftist in Germany.

Jews, Feds and New World Order Work Hand in Glove to Seize Your Gun

See how it all comes together. Jews are our foremost opponents. If you are a White man who wishes to speak freely and defend himself, you must realize the Jew is your enemy.

Britain or America?

Wherever Blacks spread, educational levels drop. Then the papers trot out the same old preposterous explanations and quack panaceas. Here's a story we've seen already a hundred times...

Leaving America

The rare interesting story on taxes and their driving out of the country tens of thousands of people. America?

VNN's R. Belser goes to the local public library and enters the Twilight Zone

White Woman Jailed for Calling Mexicans 'Spics'

They barged into her, she said she wished they'd speak English, they trailed her to her car, wrote down her license, and a couple days later the NKVD showed up. Browns have more rights than you, White man -- in your own country.

Wiesenthal Center Paid to Brainwash Military

Turncoat Leyden makes a pretty penny denouncing what he used to advocate. My question is, how do you look at this drooling, hypocritical pampered whiner Wiesenthal and then look at yourself in the mirror, Leyden? What do you think of guys like you, Leyden? Does the paycheck make up for your self-respect?

Solid Advice From Me and Billionaire Larry (Wink)

College is in most cases a waste, unless you major in partying. Real learning has been driven out of the academy, and you are likelier to get super-rich starting your own business. The younger and the more energy you have, the better to get started. College is nothing but listening to bitter middle-agers with nothing fast or spirited about them. Stay around them long enough and you will end up the same... Take this 34-year-old's advice, high school grads: For God's sake, at least work a couple years before you go. If the money doesn't cure you, at least you will value the education you must pay for. Second, parents are fools to pay anything like $20,000 a year for "education" which is nine-tenths unwisdom and liberal dogma that has to be unlearned later. Real education is reading and thinking, and you can do that for free anytime and anywhere. If you're paying for a name, unless you get Harvard, Princeton or Yale, you aren't getting what you think. Nobody's heard of the other schools.

Al Gore and the Jew-Run INS Packed Swing States with Browns

Al Gore is a mean, vicious, dirty little prig who bites and eye-gouges like a crooked wrestler. Even his old friends say he was a nasty little tattletale as a piker. Here Gore is instrumental in helping the Jew-run INS pack in a million illegals to get Boss Tuna elected. That would matter if we were a country of laws rather than a country run by a Jewish criminal gang fronted by treasonous White figureheads. This country is over, White man. Figure it out. The battle is for what comes next.

Social Control and the German Right

Some interesting thoughts on social control as an instrument for browbeating the incorrect -- the holders of abhorrent aberrant opinion. No irony. The German ruling class knows exactly what is wrong and right, just like always.

Latest from Germany: Schroeder Moves for Ban

Hate reports from L.A. Times and Washington Post as Schroeder presses for ban on NPD. The Jewish hate papers hate it that Germans might be as proud of Germany as they are of being Jewish liars. Deeper view into NPD, which claims boost from ban talk...

Semitically Correct Swedes Attempt to Ban David Iriving

Gutless Norsemen conspire to remove his books from library purchase lists, because Jews say he's an anti-Semite.... If what the Jews claim about the Holocaust is true, why is it necessary to jail people for doubting? Why can't Jewish truth survive without banning books? Why does Jewish truth always require outlawed speech, censored publications, jail sentences and every form of legal protection the scurrilous not-so-Shylocks can devise? Why can't the Jews ever advance their cause openly and honestly? Why must only Jews be allowed to speak and everyone else listen? Why must Jews make their way by smears through the dark? As well ask what makes a Jew a Jew... The answer is that they are not like us, their interests are not our interests, their genetic and moral codes differ from ours, and lying and smearing and crying are their kosher tools.

Review of Finkelstein: Jew as Liar

Jews have a proclivity for lying the way blacks have a proclivity for violent crime. Take the most basic example: There were 60,000 Jews alive in the camps after WWII, and 20,000 died very quickly thereafter. Yet today, one in three Jews in the street in New York City claims to be a "survivor." And the "industry" claims there are 10,000 survivors dying each month. What is it with Jews and the truth? There is something deeply disordered about their group fantasies of martyrdom. Of course, if Finkelstein weren't a Jew himself, his book would have to have been self-published. Jewish control of the media is a very real thing.

Strange Story from South Africa

Jewish psychiatrist now in Canada being chased by new SA for participation in old SA Army attempts to cure homosexuals by drugs, talking, chemicals and sex changes. The story presents a dilemma to the media because they have to weigh the value of promoting homosexuality against the peril of criticizing a Jew and the Jewish disease/religion/panacea psychiatry.

Feds Waste $25M And Counting Chasing Rudolph

They're not just mendacious coverers-up, they're incompetent too. How much more of your hard-earned money are these rabbit-scream tape operators going to waste?

Aristophanes Uncensored

Library re-issuing Greek, Roman classics the way they were written, rather than Victorian bowdlerizations we're used to....

The Puritans Hunted Imaginary Witches -- We're Different

Our witches are real. An unusual musician is tracked down and stuck under the Jew-leftist microscope because he appears to be one-third of a degree out of alignment with The Force. It is clear Moynihan must be stopped. Not that he's on our side, because he isn't, but a good example of the careless pseudo-paranoia that characterizes the SPLC Jewish hatemongers and their "monitoring" brethren.

WND Poll Shows Less Than Half Favor 1st Amendment

The Government is Good. It provides Services, and meets Needs. All in the name of the People. That is Democracy, and thou shalt have no other gods before It. So if you criticize it you must be Bad. And Bad People deserve to be Silenced. Because we're all in the Same Boat. We all must be good Team Players. There must be no disturbance in The Force....

Interview with Ward Connerly

Note his remarks on how dangerous and dislikable Al Gore is; also -- seconding Paul Craig Roberts -- on the role of the courts in thwarting popular will. The naivete of the questioner is also remarkable.

Al Gore and the Jew-Run INS Packed Swing States with Browns

Al Gore is a mean, vicious, dirty little prig who bites and eye-gouges like a crooked wrestler. Even his old friends say he was a nasty little tattletale as a piker. Here Gore is instrumental in helping the Jew-run INS pack in a million illegals to get Boss Tuna elected. That would matter if we were a country of laws rather than a country run by a Jewish criminal gang fronted by treasonous White figureheads. This country is over, White man. Figure it out. The battle is for what comes next.

Social Control and the German Right

Some interesting thoughts on social control as an instrument for browbeating the incorrect -- the holders of abhorrent aberrant opinion. No irony. The German ruling class knows exactly what is wrong and right, just like always.

Latest from Germany: Schroeder Moves for Ban

Hate reports from L.A. Times and Washington Post as Schroeder presses for ban on NPD. The Jewish hate papers hate it that Germans might be as proud of Germany as they are of being Jewish liars. Deeper view into NPD, which claims boost from ban talk...

Semitically Correct Swedes Attempt to Ban David Iriving

Gutless Norsemen conspire to remove his books from library purchase lists, because Jews say he's an anti-Semite.... If what the Jews claim about the Holocaust is true, why is it necessary to jail people for doubting? Why can't Jewish truth survive without banning books? Why does Jewish truth always require outlawed speech, censored publications, jail sentences and every form of legal protection the scurrilous not-so-Shylocks can devise? Why can't the Jews ever advance their cause openly and honestly? Why must only Jews be allowed to speak and everyone else listen? Why must Jews make their way by smears through the dark? As well ask what makes a Jew a Jew... The answer is that they are not like us, their interests are not our interests, their genetic and moral codes differ from ours, and lying and smearing and crying are their kosher tools.

Review of Finkelstein: Jew as Liar

Jews have a proclivity for lying the way blacks have a proclivity for violent crime. Take the most basic example: There were 60,000 Jews alive in the camps after WWII, and 20,000 died very quickly thereafter. Yet today, one in three Jews in the street in New York City claims to be a "survivor." And the "industry" claims there are 10,000 survivors dying each month. What is it with Jews and the truth? There is something deeply disordered about their group fantasies of martyrdom. Of course, if Finkelstein weren't a Jew himself, his book would have to have been self-published. Jewish control of the media is a very real thing.

Kosovo: Jewish Lying Has Consequences

It's one thing when they lie about the Holocaust to extract billions from us, but Jewish lying can literally kill us and destroy our nations, as well as impoverishing us, when it comes to instigating foreign wars. Maddie Albright, that exceptionally unprepossessing Jewish gal (who lied she didn't know it) and her NATO and media liar buddies sold us into a war on Serbia, based on wholly made up atrocity figures. This story from a ground reporter doesn't put it that bluntly, but if you read between the lines, it's clear. No more than 2,000 bodies have ever been found -- belonging to various factions, while the lying Jewish media and lying Jew-controlled State Department and the lying Defense Jew Clark insisted there were ten thousand or more Serb murders of the noble and innocent (if gun- and dope-running) Albanian gangsters. The Jews used your tax dollars to finance a war to destroy the racial integrity of a sovereign White nation, explicitly to confirm that they will stand no opposition to multiculturalism -- outside Israel. That's how Jews operate, and we are fools to suffer them, White man. Oh, by the way, here's a story about a real mass grave...

Strange Story from South Africa

Jewish psychiatrist now in Canada being chased by new SA for participation in old SA Army attempts to cure homosexuals by drugs, talking, chemicals and sex changes. The story presents a dilemma to the media because they have to weigh the value of promoting homosexuality against the peril of criticizing a Jew and the Jewish disease/religion/panacea psychiatry.

Feds Waste $25M And Counting Chasing Rudolph

They're not just mendacious coverers-up, they're incompetent too. How much more of your hard-earned money are these rabbit-scream tape operators going to waste?

Aristophanes Uncensored

Library re-issuing Greek, Roman classics the way they were written, rather than Victorian bowdlerizations we're used to....

The Puritans Hunted Imaginary Witches -- We're Different

Our witches are real. An unusual musician is tracked down and stuck under the Jew-leftist microscope because he appears to be one-third of a degree out of alignment with The Force. It is clear Moynihan must be stopped. Not that he's on our side, because he isn't, but a good example of the careless pseudo-paranoia that characterizes the SPLC Jewish hatemongers and their "monitoring" brethren.

WND Poll Shows Less Than Half Favor 1st Amendment

The Government is Good. It provides Services, and meets Needs. All in the name of the People. That is Democracy, and thou shalt have no other gods before It. So if you criticize it you must be Bad. And Bad People deserve to be Silenced. Because we're all in the Same Boat. We all must be good Team Players. There must be no disturbance in The Force....

Interview with Ward Connerly

Note his remarks on how dangerous and dislikable Al Gore is; also -- seconding Paul Craig Roberts -- on the role of the courts in thwarting popular will. The naivete of the questioner is also remarkable.

Latest from Zimbabwe: 229 More White Farms to Be Seized

And some of the very best in the land. With private industry at a standstill, the country may be about to go under.

Schroeder Slams Right in Strongest Words Yet

Oh the horror! Some Germans actually like their country, and prefer it German. For background read this biased report on right-wing activity and "hate" crimes in the Fatherland. And here for a special report on the same focusing on the states of the former East Germany.

Rostock Covered with Hess-Murder Posters As Rightists Rally

A second report here.

Pierce on Lieberman: Orthodox Hatred

Find out what Orthodox Jews like Lieberman actually believe, as spelled out in their Torah and Talmud. These people are our sworn eternal enemies -- and that's in their words... Buy the Israel Shahak books he mentions here. Finkelstein's "The Holocaust Industry," mentioned on last week's broadcast, is also available.

Lieberman's Workaday Tergiversations

Coreligionist Hentoff shows the 'conscience of the Senate' is just another sleazy pol, even apart from his racist religion.

They Call It 'Kritarchy': Rule by Judges

Ever since Brown v. Board, it's been dictatorship by the judiciary, observes Paul Craig Roberts.

Just Say No To High-Tech Immigrants

Is there really a lack of programmers? Or is that corp-speak for "we don't want to pay older Americans what they're worth when we can import cheap colored labor"?

A Libertarian Explains Camden, N.J.

Without recourse to race... See, if they just lower taxes enough, it will become civilized. All that Black trash will stop jackin' cars and start packin' books.

Movie Review: American History X

The pro-White skins get all the better of the arguments, but Semitical Correctness ultimately prevails.

America's O.T.: Original Tyrant

Sobran on why FDR was one of our two (Lincoln) worst presidents.

Another Absurd Result of Letting Jewish Judges Write the Rules

Boys play on girls' softball team, people get angry...

Australia Battles Abos

Old policies come back to haunt Aussies. Remarkable how problems with redskins plague not only the U.S., but Canada, Australia and New Zealand too. Not being as clever as the Americans, the Ozzies haven't yet hit on the clever solution of giving the Abos (as they call them) race-exclusive rights to operate casinos.

Witnesses Buy Ad: We Saw Missile Hit Flight 800

Slow-loading ad -- you be the judge.

Germany: CDU Calls for Net Censorship

As dictated by their Jewish bosses, the CDU comes out for "net filters" that prevent access to anything that displeases the Jews. Jews are streaming into Germany from Russia, many or most collecting benefits checks from German earners. But if you say a word against them, you are a hate criminal and liable for jugging.

Latest from South Africa

White historical place names to be swapped for those preferred by the savages. Also, a group of visiting German teens is attacked, and 17-year-old Norwegian abducted, raped by armed savages. Teens fly straight home, under no illusions about the judicial system. The Blacks are the proximate cause -- the underlying cause is the Jew-run media that destroyed civilization in RSA. This will happen in your country too.

White History?: Spirit Cave Man's Future Still Up in Air

The BLM says old bones are Native American, but can't tie them to a specific tribe. The big fear is that, as with Kenniwick man, they might represent Caucasians preceding the redskins, with ominous P.C. implications. Friends of the Past demands scientific study, which Nevada State Museum says it won't allow.

Jewish Liars at Washington Post Convert 8-Year-Old White's Murder Into Hush Crime

Delete a "whitey" here and there and a hate crime becomes a hush crime. It cannot be over-repeated: The Washington Post is a Jew-edited, Jew-owned hate paper, just like the New York Times. Don't spend your money buying White-hating Jewish agitprop. Cancel your subscriptions, get your news online at pro-White sites such as VNN, and donate money to keep them around and fighting for YOU.

Germany to Waste $35M on Anti-Right Propaganda

Echte Deutschen will be browbeat into Semitical Correctness with their own money, whether they like it or not. Moral: Don't lose wars.

The Special Case of Switzerland

If we think its peace and prosperity can be preserved in our own multilingual empire, we need to think again, because Swiss success requires far sterner virtues than Americans are likely to muster, says Swiss German Catholic-descended Steve Sailer.

Review of Taboo: Blacks Superior Physically

The Jewish-controlled media can't admit it, because then someone might mention the other side of the coin, their mental inferiority. Can't have that in this land where we are "equal" in our lack of "freedom" to rebut the Biggest Lie of racial inequality.

Eminem: All the Other Slim Shadys are Equally Grating

Culture in 2000 America is TV. TV is run by Jews. As is sold music. If you wish to understand the country, you have to look at what it buys and watches. Eminem, the White rapper also known as Slim Shady, is what the public orders. Denied racial pride, encouraged in self-hate, no wonder White kids ape Blacks -- the only model open to them. Eminem is the natural result of 16 years of Big Lying by Jew-controlled school, government and television. We must turn the chaos and recklessness of these Eminem wiggers back on the generators.

Another Proud Product of Diversity

South Africa's come up with a car flamethrower to crispify Negro carjackers. Yet another way our colored "equals" contribute to the economy.

Jews Worry at the Spread of Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam

There are 5.7 million Jews in America -- and 6 million Muslims. Ponder that. Here's some background from a worried Jewish source on origins of NOI and its founder. The biggest threat, from the Jewish perspective, is that Blacks will rediscover some of the self-discipline the Jews set out to destroy through the welfare state. Polls show that opposition to Jews is far higher among Blacks than among intimidated Whites. They are too stupid to pretend not to dislike what is foreign and disgusting, unlike Semitically Correct Caucasians.

Young People, "Keep your powder dry," Says Vidal

A famous neocon told us privately that Gore Vidal was "evil." That's certainly the party line among the Jews and those intimidated by them. Read this Salon essay and note that what the queer novelist says from the left is similar to what many say on the nationalist right: an economic collapse is coming, and with it a chance for genuine reform. Until then, watch and wait and laugh at the Monoparty.

Big Media Go Tabloid as Intelligent Head to Web

Fox News Editor related to Bush analyzes the changes brought by the Internet, especially its effect on TV news. He more or less agrees with what Drudge says in his Manifesto. For the first time in a long time, you can read things that haven't passed before Jewish eyes. And as the Chosen are rapidly buying up ISPs -- not to mention pushing censorious "hate crimes" legislation -- who knows how long that freedom will last?

Rise in Incivility

Fred Reed says we need a social standard. He implies that Black standards are inferior to the White standard that used to obtain, but, as a "respectable" conservative, implications are as far as he will go. Jewish judges and Jewish TV have elevated slum Negro standards of behavior, and relativism has made everybody afraid to call a spade a spade.

Marriage Works, Cohabitation Doesn't

Yesterday he denounced traditional Englishness, today he denounces traditional marriage. It cannot be over-repeated: Jews like Jack Straw poison White civilization. Young Whites: get married, have kids, ignore the promiscuity and miscegenation the Jew Tube spreads before you as desirable.

Jew Lieberman Reaffirms Support for Discrimination Against Whites

The Jew said he felt among "family," reassuring Blacks he supports the strengthening of laws making Whites second-class citizens.

Jewish Hate Group Whines "Anti-Semitism" When Black Paper States the Obvious

Jew Lieberman's selection should spur the flow of Jewish money into Democratic coffers, states one of those idiotic Afro-American papers. Of course, Jewish money already makes up more than half of Democratic contributions, and, last we saw, about a quarter of Republicans'. ZOG is a silly myth, though.

Gore Favors Global EPA

Economist Laura Tyson says he supports the nascent notion of a Global Environmental Organization.

Gore the Car-Hater

This puling, lying, sanctimonious, hypocritcal sycophant-creep wants to outlaw the internal combustion engine. Cars are bad. Do you really need to cross more than one state line per day? I didn't think so.

Digital Horror

Real-time video editing gives the mind-masters a reality-warping power tool.... Did you ever have the horrible idea that the world is made up of little tiny pieces arranged into false patterns by people who hate you? Well, that's not paranoia, that's reality! Maintain integrity, refuse to be bitten.

Irving Analyzes Calls for NPD Ban

Irving gives you the real story, plus links to multiple German-language news sources (not translated).

First the Flags, Now the Accents, Tomorrow the People

A new report says those with Southern accents are discriminated against in business. That is in large part a reflection of TV watchers having internalized the Jewish media's characterization of Southerners as violent, vicious and stupid. Deliverance is a Hollywood hate crime.

Foul Jew Seeks to Define Real English Nationalism

The "real" Englishmen are the canting Jews like Jack Straw who wish to "redefine" England so that their Mosaic ilk feels most comfortable. Jews everywhere act alike: they destroy your country by lying about what it was, what it is, and what it will be.
VNN catches them in the act--Between the Lines

Going to Haiti in a Handbasket II

The real problem in Haiti is something columnist Joel Miller can't name-- but we do.

Leftist Radical Horowitz Deconstructed

Now he's gloating over the coming Bush victory. But an anti-White party rebuilt along Semitically Correct lines leads nowhere but a Semite's wet dream of a deracinated America. The man started off a leftist, a Jew, and a liar -- and he still is.

When Hate-Speech is OK

VNN reveals what Semitically Correct pundit David Limbaugh is afraid to tell you.

No Way Out But Through the Jews

A review of Paul Gottfried's The Conservative Movement. His (implicit) message: Jews scarcely different from their liberal cousins have taken it over -- and they aren't going away anytime soon.

David Horowitz Exposed!

Censored from Free Republic, but you can read it here.

When Blacks Attack: Another Hush Crime in the Making

In the rare case a White attacks a Black, it's called a hate crime by the lying Jewish media. In the everyday case it's Black on White, it's a "hush crime," and you never hear about it. Here's the umpteenth example (in all likelihood) of a hate murder that will never make it out of Minnesota: A bunch of niggers shouting about "White trash," and a few minutes later a White man is murdered. You can read about it here at VNN, or wait for Dan Rather to cover it.

How the Blacks Destroyed Detroit

A straight-shooting chick from Detroit demands Blacks pay reparations to Whites for destroying a once-proud city. Note that she's a CPA, not a journalist, so she doesn't have to be quite so Semitically Correct. Is there any Black-majority city that's civilized? Of course not. The flaws, dear Brutus, lie not in the environments, but in the ebony Ebonicians.

Stasi Subsidized Neo-Nazis in West Germany

Jewish spymaster Wolf wanted to deflect focus from East Germany.

How Jews Think: Lieberman Reactions

Long, none-too-interesting analysis of Lieberman and the reaction to his selection. Read down to Greenberg comments to find confirmation that to most Jews, Jewishness is the same as -- literally is -- leftist politics. This is part of the reason their opponents are always classified as evil haters. And that's part of why it's so dangerous to have them in our country. They are by nature destructive of our White cohesion and civilization.

Click Here!

Where Jews Live

Bad news, Portland -- Jewish presence grew here the quickest. Florida also popular. Most Jews still in Northeast, of course.

Israel's Errand Boy Al

Gore takes sycophancy to a whole new level in these disgusting words and actions collected by leftist radical Alexander Cockburn.

!Viva el Nafta!: Mexican Honcho Fox's Ranch Works Kids for $42/week

Let's get this straight. Mexico is a screwed-up country that can't be straightened out. Letting Mexicans into our country is pure insanity. The solution to our border problems is to shoot anyone trying to cross.

Global Warming Unravels

One of the original scientists behind this bogus claim is now backtracking. This is another one of those public orthodoxies, like Shakespeare's authorship, that just isn't so. Global warning has never been shown to exist.

Body Cells Cloned

Aussie breakthrough with potential benefits for regrowing certain nerve, spinal tissues.

Flight 800, the Mystery Lingers

I'm from the government. I'm here to shoot down your plane and lie about it. Like Waco, like Vince Foster, like Oklahoma City, what the government says in any controversial case is likely to turn out to be a lie. More significantly, the Jewish media is complicit in covering-up-by-yawn.

Fox Diversity Hire: Simpsons Diversified?

The latest upshot of the diversity accords signed by the major networks. Not that you're going to see anything but the trash-mouthed, innuendo-laden spew from promiscuous beautiful people you always do, but more of those issuing it will be coloreds. Rumor has it the Simpsons, as Fox's noteworthy programming success, are going to adopt a Black kid (or at least non-yellow-orange kid) next season.

Semitical Correctness Goes Global

A bowlful of pitiful examples of what happens when Jews control the media and interpret the laws. Leo recounts worldwide incidents of Semitical Correctness.

VNN's A. Linder Responds to Bill Barnwell's African Adventure

The same process which has made American elementary and secondary education a laughing stock in Europe is well underway at American colleges and universities.

Researchers Honing in on Intelligence Genes

Huge political ramifications for egalitarians. Science stands poised to give the lie to those who claim with correct (funding) environment we can make coloreds intelligent.

Jews Wildly Overrepresented at Harvard

And your kids, White man, are discriminated against. How do you feel about that? Maybe it's time for pro-White discrimination.... We built the country, now let's dump the Jews and take it back.

Rebutting the Big Lie: EU Doesn't Need 75 Million Coloreds

Many ways Europeans can cope with aging. Have more kids, work longer, reduce benefits. Last thing in the world they should do is import Africans.

Jewish Neocon Liars Proved Wrong Once Again

The prating Jew neocons and their suck-up Wall Street Journal geldings love to lie that Hispanics are naturally conservative. The truth, as Brimelow describes it, is that we are seeing in L.A. the radicalization of Mexican labor. In a way, it's back to the future, with impoverished illegals remaking our big cities.

Hamas Calls for New Intifada

Keep plugging away, boys.

Rancher Shoots Mexican

We could end the Brown invasion overnight by adopting a $25-a-head policy.

Fox wants EU relation between US and Mexico...

Advocates, essentially, an open-border policy with the U.S., but why should America continue to act as a landfill for Mexico? We'll run out of room long before she runs out of garbage. Mexicans pollute, degrade and debase any White city they touch. Mexicans crossing the Rio are Gresham's Law made flesh.

Double Standard: Bob Jones vs. Orthodox Jews Like Lieberman

Jew Michael Medved hits Jews' double standard when it comes to the policies of Bob Jones University versus those of Orthodox Jews. There is probably a Jewish gene for hypocrisy.

Farrakhan on Dual-Loyalty

Some comments from a clown, yet a clown with more guts than any American conservative.

The Shakespeare Dogma (Rather Like the Holocaust Dogma)

He was here, he was queer, and he was -- the Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere. Joe Sobran says so, and I believe him. Proof of the incredible staying power of orthodoxies-as-invested-errors. An advisory against unreflective conservatism, and reconfirmation that It ain't what you don't know, it's what you know that ain't so. How many other public orthodoxies fall into this category?

Why Can't We Do This for Whites?

Ex-Domino's magnate builds dorm for Catholic girls. Calling pro-White billionaires: Build a lasting legacy by creating a White Nationalist University. History will smile upon you.

Do Bongs, Ma'am...

People drive better, at least more cautiously, on pot, says British study.

Feds Pay Leftist Creeps to Spy on You as "Preventive" Measure

About SLATT and Pitcavage: An unsavory connection between the feds and Leftist moneymakers to smother your freedom in the name of protecting the country.

Interview with John Lott

Interesting interview with the "More Guns Less Crime" researcher the tyrants hate.

How Real Jews Think

It's funny or cute, thinks this Jewish conservative writer: All his relatives are voting for Gore because of Lieberman. We're that close to having a Jewish president, and that has to be "good for Jews." And that's all that matters to them. If White interests are all that matters to you, you're a evil racist hater. There is no difference between White nationalists and average Jews except for control of the media.

Protesters Head to Los Angeles

Let's hope it's a hot convention.

Hitchens on Clinton

A British half-Jew sums up Big Sleazy.

Late Reports from Zimbabwe

Banks refuse to lend to embattled farmers. Mugabe sees a "noble effort" by his henchmen, and says British efforts to resolve things have failed.

Old Concepts: Secession in American History

If the federal government can determine its own purview, we're dead, said Calhoun. And so it is.

Germans Urged to Breed: "Kinder Statt Inder"

A German pol finally mentions the obvious alternative to letting in "necessary" Third-Worlders.

Buchanan: No Lovely Country

Once you go Black, you never come your senses. First Guinier, now Ezola Foster. Racialists looking to Buchanan are kidding themselves, although he makes many telling points in this speech. What he pretends not to understand is that while the morals whose decline he decries can be regenerated, the same isn't true of White racial decomposition. It is the deep and urgent problem.

West Nile Virus Destroys Lobster Industry off New York

Now it's killing lobsters. How did it get to this country? Probably via illegal immigration. Do you think the media will tell you that? Do you think there isn't a public health-media collusion in suppressing the truth? Have you heard of AIDS?

Al Gore, the Sycophant Media and One Honest Citizen

In times of decline, no one does what he's supposed to. Journalists become sycophants, pols become weasels, and it's left up to normal Whites to ask the tough questions.

Homeschool College Getting Underway

Conservative Christians make the next step in building institutions outside the corrupt state. Similarly, a Catholic conservative law school is being formed. Even better would be a White Nationalist University exclusively for the White elite. Jews discriminate against normal Whites at Harvard, we need to return the favor.

A Tidbit About Salvador Allende

A squib from Steven Barry of Resister fame, pointing out the Jewish matronymic of the left-beloved Chilean communist.

New Zealand University Accedes to Jewish Demands

Do Jews control New Zealand? Well, at least this university...

Immigration Must-Read: MacDonald's Essay on Jewish Influence

If you wonder why illegals are everywhere in your community, here, in a nutshell, is why: Jews wanted it so. More coloreds make them less conspicuous and break down White cohesion -- always a Jewish political goal. It's been said a million times because it's true: they are parasites who over time destroy their host.

American Renaissance Seeks Assistant Editor

Are you a semantically and Semitically Correct racialist? Perhaps you have what it takes. AR is a good read, and supplies us with valuable facts, but the movement it's trying to jump-start will always be marginalized because it fails to accept that There is No Way Out But Through the Jews.

Alice Walker: Liberal Criticism of America's Most Overrated Writer

She's an old Ms. ideologue pushed into the spotlight for her political usefulness. That literally millions of students are forced to read her work signals rot.

Porn King Slaps His Old Mag for Dropping AIDS Questioning

Guccione Jr., who sold Spin for $43 million, is disgusted with the turn it's taken. Some relevant, interesting and well-phrased criticism of journalism and establishments in general. This interview attests to the truth of our times that P.C. has driven honesty out of so many sectors -- academia, government and journalism -- that the tasks of those sectors have to be carried out by fringe players. Thus you see genuine literature and research and journalism from lawyers and doctors and -- pornographers.

The Writer Who Nailed FDR

His name was John T. Flynn, and the old crook wanted him barred from any "presentable" paper. His crime? Revealing the truth about the way the President operated, and how he and his advising Jews debased Constitutional government.

The Little Brown One with the Black Record

They call him George P. Bush, W.'s nephew and our potential first Mexican president. The cops call him G. P. B&E.

Free Expression is Un-American (and Always Has Been)

We've always preferred the "subjectively agreeable over the objectively true." So say De Tocqueville, Mencken, Solzhenitsyn and others.

"White Trash": The Jewish Media's Favorite Slur

Here a subcontinental cow-worshipper (guess) uses it in a description of The Simpsons tv show -- in a British paper, the Observer. Apparently the term has made its way around the world. Anti-White slurs are common practice wherever Jewish media predominate, which is pretty much the globe. Even as their papers' stylebooks caution against neutral adjectives like "burly" that might be considered "racist" applied to Blacks.

Jewish Influence Denies Irving Australian Entry

He who pays the piper calls the tune. Aussie no-Gutnick apparently bought Irving's ban, now trying same for Konrad Kalejs' deportation. Refused, wails.

Mass Murderer of Germans Lives Out Life In Israel in Peace

Solomon Morel is one of many Jewish butchers the media Jews don't want you to know about. Learn about him and other poisonous mushrooms in Eye for an Eye, the work of Jewish maverick John Sack detailing Jewish atrocitymongering after WWII. Must reading.

Churchill's War, Vol. II, Available Free Online

The indefatigable, unstoppable, august historian David Irving has made the above available for free download in pdf format. Give this man attention and donations. He is fighting for you and yours.

Blacks Support Black Corruption

Are you aware that Blacks, per-capita, commit more "white-collar" crime than Whites? Here's an example of that crime, plus the support for a corrupt beaurocrat by a stupid and corrupt community.

Jefferson-Was-Right File: Black Murders White Cop

"[The] two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government." Long back-story here, again involving Black community support of Black crook. White cop fails to frisk properly, gets shot, killed for his mistake by handcuffed perp.

New York Takes Machete to White Rights (2nd Amendment)

Slash, slash, slash goes the media-pol axis, chopping away at the White man's ability to defend himself. Killing his freedom, edict by edict and editorial by editorial.

On Jews in Germany...Parasite is Such a Negative Word...

Maybe this is why they're protesting. The Jewess here interviewed now lives in Berlin. She came from Russia for the money and the European lifestyle, and because there are too many Jews in Israel. Even Jews don't like other Jews! Fancy that. It emerges that Germany is giving at least $20 million a year to Jews in Germany, but it is hushed up by the newspapers and government because the other minorities might get jealous. Imagine how that feels to you if you are a German ethnic unemployed, and they clap you in jail and the newspapers scream hate the moment you open your mouth in protest. They scream for special favors, they suck thick-lippedly at the public tit -- and when you point out their parasitism they collapse in tears. Germany's future should not be sacrificed to make these nation-killers secure.

Jewish Scholar Admits Holocaust Exaggerated and Used to Get Money

Raul Hilberg, considered the top "Holocaust" scholar by the establishment, says Finkelstein's book and charges are "basically true." How about that. Does that make him an evil "Holocaust" denier? He says, as is merely obvious, the holocaust(c) is exaggerated and used to procure money... Even -- especially? -- Jews can see their own are whining, hypocritical parasites. Their only question is: Is it good for the Jews? That's what you must always keep in mind dealing with them, White man...

Holocausting for Fun and Profit

The exaggerations and extortions of the Holocaust (patent pending) have become so obnoxious even Jews are getting disgusted by them. More on the Finkelstein debate here...

Movement to destroy White Heritage Shifts to Texas

Even as the Jews prevent the enforcement of border controls, they encourage their colored allies at the NAACP to continue their hate campaign against White southerners. You must realize, White man, that absent Jewish control of the media, there would be hardly any Mexicans in America. As recently as 1960 there were more Americans of Swiss descent than Mexican. Ponder that. Without Jewish control of the media, the NAACP not only wouldn't be successful in its debased attacks on White heritage, it wouldn't exist. That's right -- exist. The NAACP was founded by Jews, with the explicit intent to break the cohesive White civilization of the Founders. Jews are pure poison, White man. Figure it out.

What the U.N. has in store for you

Desperately seeking $1.5 trillion by taxing worldwide financial transactions, which it would use for global army to enforce global gun control to ensure -- global slavery.

Progressives Deracinate, Dumbify White Kids

Thomas Sowell on progressive education's impact. You are "like Hitler" if you oppose the Columbia Teachers College (read Jew)-promulgated agenda to stifle children's intellectual development while preparing them to be good collectivists. More proof that hoping to escape the "racist" tag is bootless. In Jews' eyes anyone opposed to their agenda -- even if merely advocating traditional teaching techniques -- is Hitlerian. There is no way out but through the Jews.

Bush Will Win, Says Horowitz. That Means Whites Will Lose.

Horowitz says Bush will win, calls Bush strategist Karl Rove a genius, right before telling us how he adopted Horowitz' strategy. The master- of-geniuses is back!

Inside Media: Why You Can't Get the News Straight

Mainstream media not only slant their coverage to fit the queer agenda, in many cases they fund it. WND's Farah explains what's going on.

White Heritage: Ice Age Star Map Found in Lascaux Caves...

Our ancient ancestors may have been more advanced than we thought.

Conservatives Start to Doubt...

Paul Craig Roberts between the lines...

The Changing of the Wire-Pullers: the Jews Surrounding George W. Bush

Here's a report from a Jewish publication that you won't see in mainstream papers anytime soon. Only 7% of American Jews are registered Republicans, yet they predominate in the upper ranks of our next president's advisers.

Stealing Stories at the Washington Post

The Jewish rag steals stories from conservative online papers, actually slurring their sources. When caught, they half-apologize. Plus, rehash of risible ombudsman comments re Dirkhising vs. Shepard treatment. The Internet is the one medium you can talk back to. Quit buying your paper and browse the web for news. Drive these creeps out of business.

Workaday Duplicity at USA Today

You too can create "minor furors" with the stroke of a pen... Don't believe anything you read. That's Understanding the Media lesson 101. Everybody has an agenda. Everybody has an ax to grind. Most major papers are owned and edited by Jews, and almost every paper is edited out of fear of them. That's the great unspoken.

What We Gave Up When We Gave In on "Civil Rights"

The "civil rights" movement was actually the Jewish movement to destroy traditional American freedom of association, which you were Constitutionally guaranteed by the Founders. You remember that old piece of paper. Well, it has nothing to do with the world around you, so get it out of your mind. In the ruling here, a judge says you can't rent to who you want because then you would be free. In a Jewish, "civil rights"-dominated society, you have to rent to homosexuals, blacks and unmarrieds whether you want to or not because Jews think you should. And there are speech codes and hate crime laws to dissuade you from writing or acting against the imposition of their left-wing extremist morality. Sinead the skinhead was wrong: The Jews are the real enemy. They know their interests conflict with ours. Do you?

Clinton Raped Broaddrick Twice, But I Didn't Impeach Him

What a country. He's not just our first Black president, he's our first double-rapist president, according to Rep. Chris Shays -- who nevertheless voted not to impeach him. I wonder if he ate a double-cheesburger in between...

Latest from Zimbabwe

Was apartheid bad? No, merely necessary. It was aimed at preventing this. Note that Whites always, somehow own a huge percentage of the "good" land, as though White techniques and industry weren't responsible for most of the improvements that make it good. The media destroyed Zimbabwe, the media destroyed South Africa, have the media destroyed your country yet?

There's Something About Maori: Racial Problems In New Zealand

How the left disrupted a small, successful nation. It all ties together folks: wherever there are leftists/Jews, soon there are racial problems as they inevitably set out to divide or exacerbate natural divisions. Destroying civilized White society is what the Jew is all about. This article doesn't speak about Jews, specifically, but the policies being pursued are the ones we're all familiar with in the rest of the world.

Pierce on the Big Picture

William Pierce examines the the demographic and racial context in which the pro-White movement operates. Travel around on the site, and read some of his other addresses. Or flip back to the Republican convention and watch the Brady Bunch bullshitters bounce beachballs.

Powell whips Whites and the Sadomasochist Soft-Bellies Love It...

The Republicans in their recent convention renounced any claim as the party of the thinking White man, cheering as fuliginous "war hero" Colin Powell whipped them for not supporting discrimination against their class. While he rhetorically sodomized them, these recipients of Semitically Correct multiracial truths passively absorbed the blame for the slums, even smiled as they waved their balloons and volleyed their beachballs. Tomorrow it's back to district manager at AT&T, figure a way to promote more women and Blacks so they can get that next raise.

Black Columnist Asks Why It's Ok to Use "White Trash"...

Shouldn't ask that question, Larry. The Jews running the media will have your head. The answer is that "White trash" is used to divide Whites. Non-trash Whites are those who bow to liberal dogma; the price of social mobility in this country is hewing the Jewish line and lie about race. You think you live in a free country, White man -- but you don't. You're simply too stupid to realize it. The Jew is laughing at you, defaming your race, while making nigger holiest insult, not even spell-out-able by the very same papers that sanction "White trash" as a workaday slur. And "Jewish trash"? One laughs. Not even thinkable. All criticism of Jews is evilest anti-Semitism, motivated by -- all together now -- "hate." But verily I say unto you, White man, the Jew is the real hater.

Mexicans Play White America for Slaving Suckers as Jews Shackle Border Control...

Pedro ain't got no auto insurance, but I bet you've got "uninsured." Keep playing by the rules, White man. Ignore the fact that they are ever more skewed against you. Forget that you are the majority and could do something about it if you tried. That's dangerous thinking. How pitiful that you-- who conquered the world-- can't even control California anymore.

Jewish Hypocrites at Washington Post Attack Mexican Catholics

Fox takes Communion and the Jews throw a hissy fit. Did you know that Catholic priests and nuns weren't allowed to vote until 1992? Remember the many Post editorials condemning that inequality? Of course not. The Jews are all for inequality, as long as they get the upper hand. They recognize that pushing inequality under the banner of "equal rights" or "civil rights" is a successful strategy. They impose their extremist leftist morality daily, while persuading even intelligent Whites that it is right-wing Christian extremists we need to watch out for. The joke's on you, White man. It's your freedom they've stolen, your slavery that's bought their baubles; your sons they've deracinated and mis-schooled. And they're laughing at you up their sleeves, knowing you're too dumb to catch on. See, this article is written by Kevin Sullivan. What could be more Irish Catholic than that? But he's merely fleshing out the editorial diagram sketched by his Jewish editor. The slant is set by the Jew, and if Sullivan doesn't agree to it or hide his own preferences, he don't get published. Do you realize that? Do you feel responsible, ever, for understanding how you are lied to?

Germany Is a Free Country -- Unless You Want to Sell Books...

Noble German historians swear never again to allow evil ads in their... convention brochure. Nipping the fourth Reich in the bud, no doubt. Never again will Germans stand in silence -- not when they can enforce it.

"Free" Germany Considers Banning NPD.

You see, some people were bombed, and people the Jewish-leftist media and political dictators in this defeated country don't like MIGHT have been the guilty party. The natural solution is to ban a political party. That's how the democracy works in Germany and most of Europe -- and increasingly in America, too. Anything that might discomfit Alan Dershowitz, to pick a representative name, is illegalized. What rational reason could anyone have to oppose such a noble bringer-of-light?

Germany to Use Tough Border Cops to Stifle Dissenters

Many, many Germans want to keep their country. They resent paying tribute to Jewish parasites whether in Israel or in Berlin via Russia. The Jewish-intimidated political-media elite go after these people by media hate campaigns, special discriminatory laws, outlawing certain opinions, and getting cops to attack them. Crimes of dubious origin are blamed on rightists and used as pretexts for further Jewish-democratic impositions. White man, do you understand that democracy is no guarantee of liberty? That real political control is vested in the mass media? You should.

Meet the new Boss, Same as the Old Boss...

Bans, detainments, calls for censorship in "free and democratic" Germany...

How Jews Destroy American Freedom, Example #341

Judge sees a "beautiful" community. Figures out what makes it so: zoning laws. Declares them illegal, anti-Fair Housing. Another community destroyed by a Jew passing judgment on normal White behavior. What if we stopped allowing him?

Immigration Explosion Makes Whites Minority in California -- Already?

America goes the way of the Balkans...

French "Freedom," Like German "Freedom," Doesn't Include Criticism of Jews

We struggle with an enemy we aren't allowed to name. So do the French. White men everywhere are under attack by the same types pushing the same arguments.

The International Jew: Taxes Are for White Slaves, Not for Bronfmans

Canada saves Bronfman $800 million in transfer of $2.2 billion to the states... Bronfman is head of the World Jewish Congress, was key figure in squeezing the money out of the Swiss.

Remember the Katyn Massacre: Jew-Dominated NKVD's Attempt to Behead Poland

They blamed it on the Germans, and when the truth emerged they said it didn't matter. Two treatments; the standard conservative anti-Left screed, and Pierce's analysis, which correctly focuses on the Jewish aspect of this Soviet atrocity. Print it out and have your kids read this. They damn sure won't learn it in school.

Read G. Bush-Mexican's Radical Comments...

Mexican madre tells him he must fight for the raza -- that would be the Brown one. White ninnies cheer, and Great White Bush seconds, "Venceremos!"

Semitically Correct Conservatives Cheer Immigration Destroying America

Peter Brimelow on horrified reactions to his Alien Nation, which relied on economic -- not racial -- arguments for immigration timeout. Noteworthy are anti-White reactions of leading Jews to his mentioning his son's blond hair and blue eyes. The fact is that hate is a bigger component of Jewish opposition to normal White America than the same's opposition to Jewish plans.

More Brimelow on Immigration

See how cautious he feels he has to be in advancing his arguments. Whereas the Jews smear him as racist, xenophobe, nationalist -- whatever pops into their head at the time.

Children Seized by Zimbabwe Farm Squatters

Latest White agony... Racial equality is the Biggest Lie going.

U.N. Agenda Includes Global Tax

Find out what the coloreds plan to do to you, White man, with your slave dollars.

Germany Recruits Stars for Anti-Right, Anti-White, Anti-German Agitprop

Becker, film stars sign on...

German Web Crackdowns Continue as Speech Suppression Heats Up

Democratic Gleichschaltung. Everyone must think the same, advertise only acceptable books, tender only approved historical opinions, register only appropriate domains, eschew illegal hand positionings, hide contraband memorabilia. Otherwise freedom will be lost.

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