Archive for the 'Mike Meehan' Category

29 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Mike Meehan, white nationalism at 12:45 am | Permanent Link

by Mike Meehan What is racism? Racism, properly understood, is the acknowledgement of the reality of objective, biological differences between the races. These differences that are so dramatic that racial mingling inevitably causes hatred and violence. Thus racial separation is the best way to preserve all races.

28 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Mike Meehan, white nationalism at 6:47 pm | Permanent Link

by Mike Meehan Many White Nationalists make a point of describing themselves as White “separatistsâ€? as opposed to White “supremacists.â€? A separatist believes that all races have the right to survive, flourish, and pursue their own destinies, and this requires that each race exercise political control over an exclusive living space, a racial ethnostate. The […]