The Portly Chortler says…
Posted by alex in bourgeois, conformity, conservatives, cowardice, Jewish Tyranny, respectability - the paste jewel at 9:18 pm | 
C’mon… The jews got it locked up.
What are you gonna do? Fight city hall?
I didn’t sell out, son, I bought in.
22 March, 2006 at 11:51 am
Okay here, I gotta admit, I have no criticism whatsoever of Linder/VNN on this post-picture, showing Linder in topmost form as artist-propagandist, making use of the crushing visual. Linder has good sense for visual; his strict logic still has some difficulties, but for the picture of ol’ Rush, his artistic sense jumped, stomped, and crushed. But after all, Linder is supposed to be editor who does above-average job most of the time. A.
22 March, 2006 at 2:13 pm
It has been a long time since we were governed by men looking out for our best interests. “The heroes of our race are already dead,” as the song goes. But we’ll have them back again.
It seems the wealth we have created in turn creates cowardice. So comfortable, your house and car … don’t risk it all…. Only when people can’t afford the house and car anymore will they turn to alternatives to Rush Limbaugh.
By the way, didn’t understand your post at all, apollonian. Talking about “strict logic” instead of pointing to concrete issues, sounds like the academician playing his games.
22 March, 2006 at 2:47 pm
Linder admits himself he doesn’t so much try to be “intellectual,” scholarly, or “revisionist,” but he should note simply as long as he looks as scientist and generalizes (induction) upon his observations he makes that distinctive human use of intellect. Objective reality is implicit in science.
Linder then overgeneralizes regarding Christianity for example, dear “Carpenter,” most grossly inaccurately and unfairly. I’ve made my position(s) clear as humanly possible as u may confirm at under “commentary” heading, thanks–also u can ck other blogs hereabouts. Honest elections and death to the Fed. A.
22 March, 2006 at 5:29 pm
I like the Limbaugh picture and caption, Alex Linder should make one on Sean Hannity next. Alex is great at depicting what is really going on in the minds of these NeoCon radio puppets.
22 March, 2006 at 6:20 pm
Heck yeah–takes one to know one, eh?–just kidding. Actually, we’ve all been liars which requires imagining a subjectivistic world. (For example, if I said elephants walk on their trunks, it could only be true in subjectivist sense, right?) Jews just can’t click out of it (subjectivism)–which is why they’ll be so “at-sea” when the Spenglerian resurgence of the West, from present “decline,” occurs. All the gentiles Jews duped before will now be dead, the parasite having killed the host. Honest elections and death to the Fed. A.
25 March, 2006 at 1:41 am
Hey buddy what is your problem? I remember seeing you and Linder duking it out on here out a couple of years. If you want your per beliefs to be acknowledged then go to a Xian cunt website and leave reality to those of us who can handle it. You’re almost a stalker of Linder you know? Piss the fuck off and go to some Jebus horseshit website and talk about whoz the trooo jooooz and pray to Jebuz whilst we find *real world* solutions. Nobody gives a shit about your fatal attraction with Christ-insanity. Pissoff asshole!
‘Linder then overgeneralizes regarding Christianity for example, dear “Carpenter,â€? most grossly inaccurately and unfairly. I’ve made my position(s) clear as humanly possible as u may confirm at under “commentaryâ€? heading, thanks–also u can ck other blogs hereabouts. Honest elections and death to the Fed.”
25 March, 2006 at 4:05 pm
“Sulla,” thanks buddy–so u’re Linder’s bodyguard? Be sure to look back on previous blog as I left msg for u just few min.s ago. Hey look comrade: blogs were made for info (weren’t they?). Linder isn’t bad on info–it’s just his abstractions I criticize, this for info of the reader. At least Linder knows I criticize honestly. What’s my “problem”?–surely same as anyone else’s eh? But by all means tell me more if u think proper and necessary. Apollonian