17 July, 2006

America’s Greatest National Resource: Morons!

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa at 10:47 pm | Permanent Link

Here’s an underlining at Shitlips Joe’s, underlining Fox’s appeal to the booboisie: the Iranians and Syrians think we’re soft! We gotta show, fellow Patriotards. We’re not weak! We’re not soft! We’ll kill anybody who looks at us funny, just like we were genuine bonafide Kikistanis ourselves!

Says ex-CIA honcho Woolsey:

“I think both Syria and Iran think that we’re cowards. They saw us leave Lebanon after the ’83 Marine Corps bombing. They saw us leave Mogadishu in ’93.”

If THEY think that, then what do the Israelis think about our saying NOTHING about their murdering 34 Americans on the USS Liberty and then hushing up the report! In fact, war zero John McCain, professional jewish ass eater, is one of the most anti-American politicians on earth, a coward and coverer-up who wants your boy to die to advance the agenda of the kikes he’s too cowardly to confront.

The truth is, my obese, oblivious friend…


What’s worse is…


  • 8 Responses to “America’s Greatest National Resource: Morons!”

    1. Kalafan Says:

      Which explains why you guys think screaming “WHITE POWER” at the end of each post will accomplish anything. Yeah, I know, gotta wait for objective conditions and all that crap. Just make sure to remind me when the next Israeli kindergarten is blown up and I’ll be sure to celebrate, as those kids would’ve all grown up to be murderers anyway.

    2. jr Says:

      The neocons know their followers were raised on the Scofield Study Bible and won’t hesitate to send their doorman’s son off to die in a war. If you do a google search for Scofield Study Bible zionism there’s lots of fun articles

    3. John Smith Says:

      Quite right Herr Linder. It pains us to think that worst among our enemies is the monkey worshipping, ball cap wearing, Scheisse for brains, fat as fuck, dipshit illiterate and turncoat, t-shirt wearing, sneaker wearing, flip flop shuffling tv addicted WhITE RACE.
      If/when we go down it’s because we’ve earned it as sure as shinola we’ll deserve it.

    4. jackumup Says:

      There is nothing that can explain what is happening other than a supernatural force (satan) the lies, the double speak, the mass suppression, the super advance technology of the 21st century
      the greediest , least productive being on the planet incharge.

      this is not white indiffrences this is hostile takover of the planet

    5. lawrence dennis Says:

      New York Jews rally in support of Israel

      LINK: http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1150886029570&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FPrinter


      Other speakers suggested that Israel should be given the time it needs to destroy Hizbullah or at least push it away from the Israeli border. There was no mention of diplomacy or international intervention as an option.
      [Elie] Wiesel said Hizbullah and Hamas were “believers in the cult of death and therefore they must be vanquished.” He also expressed his appreciation for President George W. Bush, saying, “Thank God for him,” to which a woman in the audience responded by screaming, “We love Bush!”

      Local New York politicians drew parallels between the city that was attacked on September 11, 2001, and the citizens of Haifa. [Hillary] Clinton, yelling into the microphone and, like the other politicians, fighting the sweltering heat, called Hizbullah the “totalitarians of the 21st century.” She said she wanted “us in New York to imagine if terrorists were launching terror attacks across the Mexican or Canadian border, would we stand by or would we defend America against these attacks by extremists?”

    6. asd Says:

      American cowardice is a function of the secular-humanist population, and the jew induced version of ‘morality’ that Americans are more or less forced to hold. Hey Peaceniks, come on people now, smile on your brother, get together and love one another right now. Don’t kill your enemy and destroyer of your national heritage, and nation itself, he’s a brother too. Peace is only useful insofar as you are not under attack, within or without. Jews open our borders and tie our hands back. If you think of America as a woman, the jew has tied her down and is gang raping her along with the coloreds he invited.

    7. van helsing Says:

      And all suoine dubya could do is ask Sharon to stop doing what a wolf comes to naturally. Cut off their funding…

    8. Francesca Says:

      Uh does “Kalafan” actually think he’s saying something on these blogs?