23 August, 2006

Goyfire Saved My Sanity!

Posted by alex in Goyfire at 7:19 pm | Permanent Link

[The following was received via snail mail, along with a donation, for which we thank the donor. This kind of letter is greatly encouraging to all of those who bring you Goyfire, VNNForum and VNN proper.]

2006 August 13

Dear Alex:

Today marks the beginning of the big AIDS conference in Toronto – www.aids2006.org .

I have looked at the program, and have found that I needed a microscope to find any medical presentations.

It is nearly all about making niggers feel good about themselves and their AIDS, while we pay for it all.

On a personal note, you are not exaggerating at all when you say that this is a life and death struggle. For many years, with the help of many jew doctors, I felt that I was mentally ill.

When I heard Goyfire for the first time, it was like a breath of fresh air. I realized that I was the victim of jew-controlled society. I have never felt better since, and will never feel badly about myself ever again.

I think that Toronto should instead have a Goyfire conference – one dose is all you need to cure all jew-related diseases!

Always waiting for the next Goyfire episode,


P.S. Please keep up the good work. There are probably thousands like me…

[Thanks for the letter and the donation, Luke. We should be taping a new Goyfire this Sunday.]

  • 3 Responses to “Goyfire Saved My Sanity!”

    1. Alfred Holden Says:

      I do not know what GoyFire Is nor for that matter do I know of GoyFire Conferences and GoyFire Episodes. Perhaps we have a GoyFire Epidemic!

      AIDS is a tragedy of this planet. To use hyperbole in order to effect an outcome is disengenous. Whatever reason/s AIDS exists is at this point immaterial. We need to arrest its transmission. Insofar as this candidate as speaker suffers from mental illness, then I cease deliberations, for I know not what this gentleman suffers for.

      Health is in keeping the spirit in conformity to life sustaining energy.

      Health is about balance and harmonics.

      ‘Tis better to focus on positive presentations that lend themselves to creativity than to dwell on the negative features of one’s demonic possessions.

    2. alex Says:

      Goyfire is at goyfire.com, and in the right-hand box under “links”: VNN Media Index.

    3. Mark Says:

      AIDS isn’t a disease, it’s the cure.