6 August, 2006

Newz & Mail

Posted by alex in Letters at 6:59 pm | Permanent Link


Yesha Rabbinical Council: During time of war, enemy has no innocents



“Are you a Jew?”

“I don’t take pride in hurting Mr. Gibson,” said Mee, a 17-year deputy who is Jewish.

Yes! He is a Jew! Mel was right! But who gives him credit? Who says he told the truth?

No one. Not in the Jewish controlled press. No one will, say, “Yes, by God, he is a Jew!”

Instead, Gibson is accused of high crimes and misdemeanors. Now note the lies of the Jew:
“… I don’t want to ruin his career. I don’t want to defame him in any way or hurt him.”

Well, Jew, you’ve certainly started some shit, haven’t you? And you leaked the redacted portions of your interview to another Jew, didn’t you? Not that you want to hurt Mel. Nahh, of course you don’t!



Mel Gibson Speech = “Crime?”

The Jews are strange people. They invented racism over 2,000 years ago by pointedly claiming that God likes them more than any other humans. Now, the Jews want actor Mel Gibson investigated for a “racist speech crime.” The last time we checked, however, the First Amendment hadn’t yet been wrecked by sly Jewish lawyers and lawmakers [give them a few years to make that a reality via the reframing of “racial speech” as being “intimidation” instead, which isn’t protected as free speech – and if you doubt Jewish lawyers/lawmakers can do that, then you haven’t studied the origins of America’s civil-rights laws, which turned our constitution inside-out during the 1950s and 1960s. Jews oversaw the creation and installation of those laws, e.g. Congressman Emanuel Celler, who guided several civil-rights laws through Congress]:



Key “lime” Republican Sen. Chuck Bagel “breaks” with Jorge Boosh on the Mid East. Don’t kid your self, Bagel is like the rest of them, a front man-lacky (shabbos goy) for the Zionist kikes. Bagel knows which side his bread is buttered on. Bagel has given the sheeple what they want to hear, by playing both sides of the middle. You will notice that he tells ‘both’ sides to “cool” it, so no one can ever say the US Senate is one sided, in favor of Kikastan. Bagel is a bought & paid for shabbos goy. Kind of clever on the part of Bagel & his handlers, huh?….Mike




Is the U.S. Government “Catching On” to the True Nature of Israel?

“According to a published report, both the FBI and Department of Defense objected to the sale of the Sourcefire technology to an Israeli company.”



More Americans Believe That Iraq Had Weapons of Mass Destruction

Despite being widely reported in the media that the US and other countries have not found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, surprisingly; more US adults (50%) think that Iraq had such weapons when the US invaded Iraq. This is an increase from 36 percent in February 2005. Overall, attitudes toward the war in Iraq are negative, and less than half of the US population believes that the threat of terrorism has been reduced. US adults are not confident that Iraq’s government will eventually become stable, and many think the war in Iraq is continuing to hurt respect for the US around the world. These are some of the results of The Harris Poll….



Q. What’s these council of kikes really saying? A. During a time of genocidal Jewish aggression, the Jews anywhere &/or everywhere in the world, have a “god given right” not only murder non-Jews (of any race or national origin) of adult age, but to murder non-Jewish babies, children, women & senior citizens. This is the law of the talMUD & the nature of the Jew…..Mike



The Keynesian economics practiced by governments and central bankers depends on deception. As more money and credit is introduced into the economy – as “stimulus” – it is mistaken for real wealth. Consumers think they have more money to spend; businessmen think they have more customers; investors think they see more profits. Deceived, they happily expand the economy. As time goes on, however, prices catch up to the funny money and the consumer wakes up to the fact that he or she is no better off than before. The businessman finds that though he has more customers, he must also pay his workers more. And his supplies cost more, too. The investor sees that he did not really make any money; profits disappeared as costs rose and the gain on his stock barely equaled the general loss of purchasing power of the dollar.

So, gradually, the old trick stops working. Money and credit may pour in, but no one is fooled. Instead, prices rise, while the economy goes limp.

This was what Paul Volcker faced when he stepped into the Fed back in the late ’70s. He had to whip inflation – or more precisely, inflation expectations – before any further monetary stimulus would work. And this he did, by pushing lending rates up over 15% and bringing about the worst
recession since the 1930s. People were so upset with him they burned him in effigy on the capital steps.

Now, what will Ben Bernanke do? The poor man finds a different world from the one his immediate predecessor ruled over. Alan Greenspan took the post after Volcker had already raised rates. Greenspan could ride them down for
the next 15 years. But now rates are low, and who wants to ride them up? If present trends continue, Bernanke will need to raise rates to fight inflation. But he will also need to cut rates to fight the incipient slump.

The man is trapped. He’s spent his career studying how to avoid a Japanese-style slump – an off-again, on-again deflationary recession extending over a long period of time. And now, he has one staring him in the face. He desperately wants to cut rates to head it off. But then, what about inflation?

And if he tries to pull a Volcker – jacking up rates to squeeze out inflationary expectation – the lumpen are likely to burn him for real!

We think again of Alan Greenspan. The man must have to back into elevators and shave in the dark. How can he bear to look himself in the eyes? His easy money policies have wreaked havoc on the landscape of the United States. Gone are the sturdy independent homesteads. In their place are
shaky plastic lean-tos and flimsy vinyl shacks held up by debt. And debt of the worst sort: ARMs – adjustable-rate debt.

Adjust the rates upward just a couple percentage points and the things will collapse in a heap.


It is reported that Deputy Mee who busted Mel Gibson *is* a Jewowitz.

What are the odds?

And I wonder how in the hell the subject of Jews got broached in a traffic stop? It’s not like Mel saw the deputy’s nametag and that brought it up: I myself have never heard of Mee as a Jewish name. (Shit, it sounds “gook” to me.)

My hymie sense is tingling.


All this talk about Jews, with Jewish aggression against Israel’s neighbors & Mel Gibson’s problems with the Jews, i thought it would be very nice send all you folks a link of Arnold Spencer Leese’s famous book, JEWISH RITUAL MURDER (circa 1938). Read this book online & you be the judge. This book makes a great gift for Halloween & Purim ….Mike



So you think the Jews only destroy the lives of people, huh boys & girls? Well think again, the sheenies also f k up & destroy the environmental structure of lands they wish to anillate……Mike



The Big Hollywood Lie: Denying that Jews Control the Film Business

This essay is reprinted from the April 1, 1994, issue of New American View, a newsletter edited by Victor Marchetti. (It is no longer published.) Marchetti served for 14 years with the CIA, where he rose to be executive assistant to the deputy director. His book, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence,
co-authored with John Marks, was the first critical account of the agency written by an insider. Marchetti’s presentation at the Ninth IHR Conference, “Propaganda and Disinformation: How the CIA Manufactures History,” was published in the Fall
1989 Journal of Historical Review.



August 1, 2006


Read Jeff Rense’s archives about that infamous day,
which contain nearly every piece written that
raised to question the government’s cover

Moments ago, Rush broached the subject of
an INSIDE JOB, taking the side against those
who question the government’s story.

I believe that you do not agree with Rush;
that is, you’ve read the nearly irrefutable
analyses questioning the government’s
cover-up and KNOW THE TRUTH OF IT.

Agencies here and abroad committed mass
murder for a political/economic/military

Rense archives are on the left side of his
page: http://www.resne.com/

Our first responsibility is to learn and uphold
the truth.

You needn’t reply.



August 1, 2006

Hi, Frosty:

You needn’t reply.

Re: your latest essay, http://www.rense.com/general72/nobord.htm

Yes, UNETHICAL CAPITALISM drives the open-borders policies, along with socialism/communism (( by the way, Blogger keeps censoring my essays by simply dropping them from their system, so I’ve had to re-publish many of them, such as that one about what’s wrong with corporate america:
http://corporateamericawhatwentwrong.blogspot.com/ .

Socialism/communism has FORCED capitalists to accept their GLOBALIST push for a racially mongrelized, one-world government.

Also, regarding the BOTTOM LINE, JEWS-JEWS-JEWS are the ARCHITECTS of all of it, as they control all seat of power in the West. Judaism is COMMUNISM, Left and Right!

If you study Marxist theory, you’ll learn that that is the truth about the impetus from which that evii ideology grows.

Socialism/communism seeks EQUALITY, which demands that all heritably unequal races interbreed, in order to effect A-LOWEST- COMMON-DENOMINATOR race.

Read my paragraph about Philip Shorts book, to learn what Marxian Jews wish to effect, worldwide:

2345) Communism is the goal of socialism, which is but a temporary pause in leftists’ forced march of humanity towards hell on earth, about which hell this scribbler has been giving warnings to anyone sympathetic to that cause – to that horrific insanity! – of socialism/communism, which ism’s
bottom-line underpinnings are expertly retold by Long Visalo, a returnee to Pol Pot’s communistic Cambodia in 1973, and who gave this horrifying account of an indoctrination seminar for intellectuals at camp K-15, conducted by Khieu Samphan [“Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare,” by Philip Short, pp.
316-317]: “How do we make a communist revolution? The first thing you have to do is to destroy private property. But private property exists on both the material and the mental plane…To destroy material private property, the appropriate method was the evacuation of towns…But spiritual private property is more dangerous, it comprises everything that you think is ‘yours’, everything that you think exists in relation to yourself-your parents, your family, your wife. Everything of which you say, ‘It’s mine.’ is spiritual private property. Thinking in terms of ‘me’ and ‘my’ is forbidden.The knowledge you have in your head, your ideas, are mental
private property, too. To become truly revolutionary, you must…wash your mind clean…So the first thing you must do to make yourself fit to participate in the communist revolution.is to wash your mind…If we can destroy all material and mental private property…people will be equal.
The moment you allow private property, one person will have a little more, another a little less, and they are no longer equal. But if you have nothing – zero for him and zero for you – that is true equality.If you permit even the smallest part of private property [and private thinking!], you are no longer as one, and it isn’t communism”…[p. 325]: “The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought…In the end we will make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that will be needed will be expressed by exactly one word [no hint of what that one word is here], with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. Every year fewer and fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller…In fact there will be not thought as we understand it now. Orthodoxy [communist orthodoxy] means NOT THINKING
[my emphasis]…Orthodoxy is unconsciousness”; an INSANITY, dear reader, that’s lost on all leftists harboring any hope of goodness and truth being found in socialism/communism, and so extreme in its Utopian pursuit of equality that even to THINK of how beautiful a sunrise is or to smile at the missteps of a toddler at play or to feel even a hint of pleasure from a warming morning sun invites MENTAL INEQUALITY, which necessarily leads to material inequality, according to the leftist Utopians. How dare you to steal a mental pleasure that some comrade, somewhere, cannot equally share with you? There can be no private thoughts! And today’s socialism-/communism-/feminism-driven Left within Western democracies is incrementally leading us there, as today’s fairness-driven leftists are tomorrow’s equality-driven Pol Pots – those Marxian ARCHITECTS and their liberal-Christian and secular-humanist dupes! – who’ll eventually come to TORTURE and/or KILL any opponents of their perfect Marxian equality, and which fact about them ought to horrify any reason-driven person anticipating future results of the Marxists’ DIVERSITY MOVEMENT and requisite FORCED INTEGRATION, which their open-borders immigration policies now demand worldwide.




Mel Gibson admitted making anti-Semitic remarks during his drunken driving arrest and asked members of the Jewish community Tuesday to help him recover from his alcohol addiction.

In a statement issued through his publicist, the actor-director asked to meet with Jewish leaders “with whom I can have a one-on-one discussion to discern the appropriate path for healing.”

“There is no excuse, nor should there be any tolerance, for anyone who thinks or expresses any kind of anti-Semitic remark,” Gibson, 50, said in the statement, which directs an apology to “everyone in the Jewish community.”

“Please know from my heart that I am not an anti-Semite. I am not a bigot. Hatred of any kind goes against my faith,” Gibson said.

Gibson was arrested in Malibu early Friday.


Dark New Day

Chris Laird
Jul 31, 2006

This article is a partial excerpt of the PS newsletter.



“Terror” and Who Defines It

The words “terrorist” and/or “terrorism” are heard daily in the West. In fact, those words are already severely overused.

But what exactly is a terrorist? In other words, who decides who is, and isn’t, a terrorist? [that’s a trick question, of course. America and Israel decide who is a terrorist, and everyone else goes along with that decision, unless they want to be blacklisted for being “friendly to terrorists”].

If the answer to that above question is: “a terrorist is someone who uses violence and fear to further his plans,” then that also describes Israel, a state founded upon terrorism committed by Jews [1]. In fact, Jews, not Arabs, carried out the first acts of terrorism in the modern Middle East, such as the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre of Arab civilians in 1948 [2]. Indeed, since the founding of Israel, the Jews have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent children, women and elderly people in the MidEast. [In fact, Arabs and Muslims never know when Israel will bomb, invade or arrest them, so there’s the “fear” part of the definition of a terrorist. Israel could even be called a “terrorist state,” e.g. the recent murders of Lebanese children and UN personnel committed by the Jews during their unwarranted attack on Lebanon].

We say: decades of murder committed by Israel needs to be defined as being “terrorism.”

[1] Jews, such as the Stern Gang, committed much terrorism in Palestine in their attempts to create a Jewish state during the 1940s. That terrorism is rarely mentioned today, since it would interfere with the “innocent” image of the Jews

[2] Deir Yassin massacre/King David Hotel bombing:

Appeals Court Overturns Klansmen’s Pipe Bomb Conviction
Anti-Terror Statute Cannot Stop Citizens From Teaching How To Build Explosives

8/1/2006 9:13:09 AM
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LSN Staff

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — A federal appeals court yesterday acquitted a Klansmen of charges that he taught other Klan members how to build pipe bombs, saying that mere possession of a bomb and mere teaching how to construct one does not commit a federal crime of violence.

Other convictions, such as possession of explosives, possession of unregistered firearms and witness tampering still stand.

David Wayne Hull had been sentenced to 12 years in prison for conducting classes for members of his seven man Klan group where he taught them how to assemble pipe bombs.

Federal authorities charged Hull under a law that makes teaching someone to build a bomb with the intent it be used in a crime of violence illegal.

The appeals court ruled that such charges must be tied to a specific crime of violence. The government had argued that, since there is no other use for a pipe bomb, any creation of one implies a crime of violence. The court rejected that argument.

Local Jewish newspapers refused to publish the court’s opinion, but published extensive quotes from the one man dissent against the Appeal’s court ruling. The dissent carries no force of law, but it mirrors the opinion of the Jewish interests which own the mass media.


Italy opens wide to immigrant workers
Published: Saturday, 22 July, 2006, 11:54 AM Doha Time

ROME: Italy is to grant legal residency to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants working in the country and will open its job market to thousands more from new European Union states, the Italian government said yesterday.

The government’s executive Council of Ministers adopted a decree to scrap annual quotas on the number of citizens of the newest EU members allowed to enter Italy – currently set at 170,000 under a law passed by the last government.

Interior Minister Giuliano Amato said he intended to change the disputed 2002 law, introduced by the government of the former centre-right prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.



A human rights group says the “abusive policies” of the Zimbabwean government are fuelling the HIV/Aids epidemic.

Human Rights Watch says despite a recent drop in infection rates, 20% of the population had HIV with thousands dying each week.



Niggers insult Whites, bosses do nothing.



Charter schools in Utah increasingly are serving wealthy, white students and leaving poorer and minority children behind in traditional public schools, a Salt Lake Tribune analysis shows.




Jewish Columnist: World Opinion is Now Meaningless

See? As soon as world opinion turns against the Jews, such world opinion is no longer valid. A simple diagnosis! It’s easier than sneezing! Dr. Freud would be soooo proud of him.



Malaysian leader calls for
dollar weapon against Washington

Dr M Tells World to Use Dollar Weapon to Pressure Washington Bernama Saturday, 29 July 2006

LANGKAWI, Malaysia — Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Saturday urged countries in the world to stop using the U.S. dollar in their international trade in order to pressure Washington to end its support for Israel’s savage attack on Lebanon.

He said the oppression and cruelty of Israel against the Lebanese and Palestinians would not end so long as the United States continued to support and give aid to the Jewish regime.

“Switching out of the U.S. dollar to using other currencies such as the euro and yen or gold will somewhat weaken the U.S. and put pressure on it,” he told reporters after visiting several development projects here.

He was asked to comment on the fierce land, sea and air bombardment of Lebanon in the past few weeks which had destroyed much of southern Lebanon and killed more than 600 Lebanese.

Dr. Mahathir said Israel would not have dared to attack Lebanon without the financial and arms support given to it by America.

He said Israel was definitely wrong in attacking Lebanon but the bigger wrong was committed by the U.S. in supporting the Israeli action.

“If the world is sincere in helping the Lebanese and Palestinians, they should reject the use of the dollar in international trade.

“When the demand for the dollar falls, America will be weakened and it will lack the ability to act as a bully in the global stage,” he said.

He said the suggestion to stop using the dollar in international trade would be difficult to implement because many countries relied on it and they were also afraid of offending the U.S.

Even the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) did not have the courage to take on the U.S. because its members were divided in their stand, with some supporting the U.S. while others were opposed.

“We cannot hope for OIC to do anything. Only when the Western world acts, then the OIC might follow suit,” he said.



‘Dual Covenant’ Christians

Christian Zionists and the strangest alliance in history
by Jon Basil Utley

The major internal conflict for the strangest alliance in history is about what will happen to Jews who don’t convert to evangelical Christianity. The Armageddonites, those 30 million Americans who happily see Mideast chaos as hastening their one-way trip to paradise, are being increasingly questioned about the fate of Jews whom they urge to help fulfill the prophecies.

Once their death wish agenda is realized, the end-of-the-worlders believe that Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims (of course), other Christians (apparently including Catholics and Orthodox), and all the rest of humanity will be killed. But the born-again will be “raptured” to Heaven. (See “The Brutal Christ of the Armageddonites.”)

Now some enterprising Texans have “resolved” the big question. The Jews God kills will go to a parallel heaven, “their” kind of heaven, to enjoy eternity alongside the good Christians. The Jewish heaven will presumably be what “they” would like, perhaps different from the evangelical heaven, where there will be “no booze, no bars, and no need to mow the grass on one’s lawn,” according to a popular Gaither Singers song. (The fact that the Jewish faith has no afterlife at all similar to the Christian one is irrelevant, nor do the faithful Texans probably even know it.) It is called the “dual covenant theory” – the belief that Jews and Christians have separate deals with God. However, Muslims, Hindus, and others have no deal.

A Wall Street Journal piece described the dual covenant theory in an article about a Christian Zionist meeting in Washington two weeks ago. In particular it reported on Rev. John Hagee, who founded Christians United for Israel and organized the event. Now, Jerry Falwell and other evangelicals who once opposed the thesis have joined the Hagee group board of directors. They urge no peace concessions by Israel and, now, war with Iran.

The 3,500 delegates held a major rally in Washington attended by, among others, Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas), Senators Sam Brownback (R-Kans.) and Rick Santorum (R-Penn.), Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., and other leading Zionists. As the Journal reports, “They see, and even sometimes seem to embrace, the notion of a global conflict between Islam and the Judeo-Christian West, just as do many zealous Muslims.” (Protesters outside the meeting were led by Carol Moore, who long ago first brought media attention to the Waco and Weaver travesties.)

Interestingly, polls indicate that most Americans are nowhere near as pro-Israel as their elected representatives. Recent polls show strong majorities of Americans do not want the U.S. to intervene on Israel’s behalf in its current military campaign.

There are many other strange facets to the Zionist-Evangelical alliance:

God needs Jews to gather in Israel for the fulfillment of His plans. To further this, the Christian Zionists collect money (from churchgoers and on TV programs) to pay for primarily Russian Jews to emigrate to Israel, because God can’t end the world until most Jews have returned to the holy land. However, American Jews apparently can stay in America without hindering His agenda.
The great advantage of being “raptured” is that there is no Judgment Day. Everybody who is “born again” automatically goes to Heaven, their sins all forgiven, and no good works are necessary. But it must happen soon. If John Hagee, Jerry Falwell, or Pat Robertson should die before Armageddon happens, then God will handle their souls the ordinary way.

God loves the Jews, according to fundamentalist theology, but not if they work for peace. Pat Robertson explained that murdered Israeli leader Yitzhak Rabin was killed because he got in the way of God’s plans for continued war. Robertson also blamed Ariel Sharon’s recent stroke on his withdrawal from Gaza. Similarly, according to the Wall Street Journal, Hagee said that “calls for Israel to show restraint violate ‘God’s foreign policy statement’ toward Jews.” In May, 2003 Hagee and other evangelical leaders sent a letter to President Bush applauding the invasion of Iraq but complaining about the Israel-Palestine peace plan. They said it would be “morally reprehensible” for the U.S. to be “evenhanded.”

Hardly any leader of the Christian Right publicly opposes the torture of prisoners of war (with the notable exception of Chuck Colson of Prison Fellowship). Perhaps predictably, many fundamentalists are passionate supporters of John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, noted for symbolizing all that the rest of the world dislikes about America. Just war, rule of law, the Geneva Convention, charity to one’s enemies – such concepts are all anathema to these Christians who long for the end of the world.

Millions of Arab Christians are certainly not loved by the God of the Armageddonites. In fact, Arab Christians don’t seem to exist. Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, for instance, refused to show a segment about Christian Arabs. Jerry Falwell’s tours of Israel purposely avoided them, according to Grace Halsell, who traveled with Falwell’s group and wrote a book about it. Robert Novak has written about the plight of Christians under Israeli rule and how almost no representative in Congress dares to speak up for them, except for Henry Hyde, who is retiring. The self-proclaimed “Christian” columnists and commentators on Fox News and the Washington Times op-ed page remain silent.

The White House has explained the nuances of God’s plans to Armageddonites before. Last year, it sponsored a meeting with leading fundamentalist preachers to explain that Gaza was not part of the historical Judea and Samaria. Therefore, its spokesman argued, Israel’s withdrawal of settlements would not interfere with God’s plan to end the world.

It is a bit weird that we begin the 21st century with American foreign policy being made by religious fundamentalists who mirror some of their Muslim brethren in their hatred. And now they want to attack Iran, whatever the consequences for the world’s oil supplies through the Straits of Hormuz. Never mind all the wisdom and experience, books and lectures of America’s foreign policy establishment: State Department and CIA experts overseas, analysts at think tanks, the most brilliant thinkers in the nation might as well be whistling in the dark. George Bush has been asked if he believes that we are in the “end times.” He refused to answer. He has said that God tells him what policies to pursue, presumably those now inflaming the Muslim world. Catholics and most other Christians, incidentally, do not believe the Armageddonites’ scenario. Others believe God’s prophecies already occurred in Biblical times.

And the preachers? Just in case the world does not end soon, Rev.Hagee has set aside several million dollars in trusts, money earned from his prophecies and preaching. The San Antonio Express News reported on the IRS filings of his Global Evangelism Television network. After their report, Hagee re-registered the fundraising network as a church, which does not need to show its IRS filings.


Kate Smith once sung “God Bless America” but the rabbis of occupied Palestine “sing” & sign “god” bless the shells that kill Lebanese civilians. The Jews have some religion, huh. I wonder what the idiot Judeo-“Christians” think about these rabinical blessings? The Judeo-“Christians” might say the Jews are people of the book (Bible). I agree, but the wrong book. The right book is the talMUD……Mike



:: Maître Éric Delcroix : « Michel Lajoye a un moral de fer ! » ::

Embastillé depuis décembre 1987, Michel Lajoye a été condamné à l’âge de vingt ans à la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité pour avoir déposé une bombinette dans un café maghrébin, attentat qui ne fit ni tué, ni blessé et qui a « causé des dégâts tellement insignifiants qu’ils ne purent
être pris en compte par un assureur ». La demande de remise en liberté conditionnelle, au terme de sa peine incompressible de 18 ans de prison, qu’il a déposée en début d’année a été rejetée le 18 mai par le Tribunal d’application des peines de Troyes. Rejetée sous la pression de la
partie civile, en l’occurrence de la Licra. Son avocat, Maître Eric Delcroix, répond aux questions de Novopress. Un entretien exclusif Novopress.

Cet entretien est disponible à l’adresse suivante :


Israel’s Latest Massacre in Qana: Racist Jewish Fundamentalism a Factor Omar Barghouti, Electronic Lebanon, 30 July 2006

Israeli soldiers load missiles onto a military vehicle, as Israeli orthodox Jews dance to show their support for the troops, along the Israeli-Lebanese border, 26 July 2006. (MaanImages/Inbal Rose)



Here’s a June 15 video of jewish boys stoning pro-Palestinian “human rights workers” in Hebron. What’s really chilling is the self-assurance of these children. They fully believe this is their right. For those who haven’t met the jew outside of his packaged TV image, this should be educational.

also a longer article at:

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK2xKURltqE&eurl= (this will also
display a list of other Israeli-versus-Palestinian videos)


Los Angeles, Alta California

August 2, 2006

Was Mel Gibson Set Up?

Most everyone should remember the huge controversy that Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion of the Christ” generated before and after it was released on “Ash Wednesday” February 25, 2004. The film, condemned by Jewish Hollywood, had to be financed entirely by Mel Gibson’s personal finds. “The Passion of the Christ” turned out to be one of the most successful films of all time. Because of the film’s immense success, even after diligent efforts to sabotage it, certain powerful Jews of Hollywood and certain Zionists became extremely angry and vowed that Mel Gibson would one day
pay the price.

The Jewish vendetta against Mr. Gibson started during the early phases of the filming of “The Passion of the Christ” in Italy. Zionists did not approve that the film was on the cruel and heinous crucifixion of Jesus by the Jewish Pharisees. Mel Gibson said on a Fox News Channel talk show interview that a reporter from a reputable Jewish publication was sent to attempt to “dig up dirt” on him in order to discredit him and his film “The Passion Of the Christ”. Mr. Gibson said in the interview, “Whenever you take up a subject like this, it does bring out a lot of enemies”. Mel Gibson added that his private life, his banking records, the charities he supports, friends, business associates and family members have all undergone scrutiny. He said that his 85 year old father had been approached and harassed. When asked if there was a connection between these incidents and his film “The Passion of the Christ,” Mel Gibson said: “I think there is.”

It now appears that the Zionists have taken revenge against Mel Gibson as they vowed to do so. The incident in Malibu where Mel Gibson was arrested and charged with “Driving under the Influence” is, in our opinion, a “payback”. Let us look at the evidence and some conjectures as to why we believe this to be the case.

First of all, it turns out that the arresting officer James Mee is in fact a Jew. How did Mel Gibson know this fact, as it was written in Deputy Mees’s draft report? Secondly, how did Jewish reporter Harvey Levine, who broke the story, get information about the arrest within a few hours after Mel Gibson’s booking. Thirdly, how did Harvey Levine obtain a highly confidential preliminary police report, one not yet approved by supervisors, in the few hours after the arrest?

Here is a possible scenario. There are now photographs on the Internet of Mel Gibson hugging at least three Jewish women at the Moon Shadows Restaurant in Malibu on the night of the arrest. Is it possible that these women purposely plied Mel Gibson with alcohol (or other drug substance) as part of a plot to do Mel Gibson in? The photographs seem to be taken for a purpose. They show Mr. Gibson with a bottle in his hand hugging the Jewish women. Who was the photographer and why were this photos released along with Harvey Levine’s report to the Jewish media?

It is very possible that a well organized plan by Zionists was executed during the very early hours of this past Monday. Mel Gibson has been away in Mexico filming his next classic film on the Mayan Civilization named “Apocalypto” so they waited until he came back to his home in Malibu. . They knew that he would be at the Moon Shadows Restaurant for a dinner party the evening of this past Friday. The Zionists may have planted the female Jewish seducers to prepare Mel Gibson for the set up. As Mel Gibson left the restaurant, they called ahead that he was now on his way home. Deputy Mee was lying in wait.

Perhaps Mel Gibson, after being stopped by Deputy Mee, came to the realization that he had been set up, recognized Deputy Mee as a Jew, and started making the so called antisemitic remarks. Deputy Mee is a 17 year Los Angeles County Sheriff, so what was he doing at 2 o’clock in the morning on Pacific Coast Highway? These type of assignments are usually relegated to rookies.

We strongly believe that Mel Gibson was set up by Zionists as a payback for his production of “The Passion of the Christ”. The Jewish reporter Harvey Levine, who broke the story and demonized the producer/director Mel Gibson by calling him “garbage”, has refused to say who called him and gave him the sheriff’s guarded and confidential police report. He has said that he will go to jail before he reveals his source.

The head of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Lee Baca, a Mexican-American and a Catholic, has the moral responsibility to investigate and produce a credible and true report concerning what appears to be serious malfeasance by one or more of his personnel in the Malibu sheriff’s station.


Related La Voz de Aztlan articles:

MEL GIBSON: “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world”

Mel Gibson’s Film on Jesus Christ: “buono per l’anima, non buono per il portafoglio”

Ecce Homo: Crucify him! Crucify him!

Mel Gibson, Anne Emmerich, Jesus and the Jews

“APOCALYPTO”: Gibson’s next film and the Mayan year 2012

Gibson may film “Apocalypto” at Edzna Mayan site

Jews want Mel Gibson prosecuted for hate crime

It is as it was and continues to be


Lawyers [1]

[Man on TV with a heavy New York accent]: “Hello, I’m Sol Silverberg of the law firm Silverberg, Goldenberg, Diamondberg and Platinumberg, with offices in New York and Tel Aviv. Did you sprain your ankle on your neighbor’s lawn? Did you eat dinner at a friend’s house and then become kinda ill later on? Well, the personal-injury law firm of Silverberg, Goldenberg, Diamondberg and Platinumberg can help you. Suing your friends and neighbors is very common these days, so you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. In fact, kikes like us have so transformed American culture that people only care about money these days! Isn’t that great?! So pick up the phone and call us today at 1-555-WE’RE-RODENTS. Remember: loving your neighbor is really sappy. But suing your neighbor will make you really happy! Heh, heh, I made that slogan up myself!”

[1] “‘The field of personal injury really expanded in the forties and fifties,’ said Greenberg. ‘A dozen or so lawyers developed this area of law, and most of them were Jewish.'” — from the book “Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality” by Jewish author Gerald Krefetz, (New Haven/New York; Ticknor and Fields, 1982), p. 193, hardcover edition


Jews go kosher bananas, after a religious Jewish male adult is arrested for having sex with a five year old girl. The Jews weren’t pissed-off because of the raping of the five year old, they were pissed-off because of the arrest of the Jewish rapist…READ!

Verses from the talMUD:
Sanhedrin, 55b: “A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.”
Kethuboth, 11b: “When a grown man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.”



Gibson is laughing stock among us pro-whites & also with the Jews. Like Brando was, Gibson is a pussy. Gibson has no backbone. He will NEVER buck the Jews. To Mel: Just make a few large donations to some Jewish causes, & the healing process should begin. Hey Mel, how about starting & funding an Irv Rubin (late head of the Keystone kikes) memorial? Better yet, how about adopting a few Negro kids to add to your seven White kids, like the other stars. The Jews might “like you a little better” if you had a salt & pepper family. Yeah, Mel Gibson is a disappointment….Mike



Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy
National News | News | Politics
Scripps Howard News Service

More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll.

The national survey of 1,010 adults also found that anger against the federal government is at record levels, with 54 percent saying they “personally are more angry” at the government than they used to be.

Widespread resentment and alienation toward the national government appears to be fueling a growing acceptance of conspiracy theories about the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Suspicions that the 9/11 attacks were “an inside job” _ the common phrase used by conspiracy theorists on the Internet _ quickly have become nearly as popular as decades-old conspiracy theories that the federal government was responsible for President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and that it has covered up proof of space aliens.




I just laughed so hard, my sides stared to hurt. At 74, i don’t think Cheeta can get it up anymore… Here on Cheeta….. http://www.cheetathechimp.org/bio.html


Oh jee, a little graffitti. Boy that ought to “make a point”. What the hell ever happened to good fashon fire bombing?….Mike



Lebanon has Christian Eastern Orthodox Lebanese, like the Greek Eastern Orthodox & who’s murdering these Lebanese Christians? It’s not the Eskimos…..Mike



My hat goes off to the Irish government…..



I didn’t know if you were aware of this new group out there so I’m forwarding their website.


I read everything on there and we could agree with about 95% of what the say and stand for. Just shows another break in the dyke of tyranny. How far off can the deluge be?

Regards, Jim


The Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the best way to deal with the problems in the Middle East, is to take out that shitty little country in the Middle East. I will go one step further, i suggest the total destruction of the international Jew & their Gentile lackies world wide. Only then, will there be some what world peace.



(Passing requires 5 correct answers)

1) How long did the Hundred Years’ War last?

2) Which country makes Panama hats?

3) From which animal do we get cat gut?

4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?

5) What is a camel’s hair brush made of?

6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?

7) What was King George VI’s first name?

8) What color is a purple finch?

9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from?

10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane?

Remember, you need 4 correct answers to pass.

Check your answers below.


1) How long did the Hundred Years War last? 116 years

2) Which country makes Panama hats? Ecuador

3) From which animal do we get cat gut? Sheep and Horses

4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? November

5) What is a camel’s hair brush made of? Squirrel fur

6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? Dogs

7) What was King George VI’s first name? Albert

8) What colour is a purple finch? Crimson

9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from? New Zealand

10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane? Orange [of course]

U.S. Marshal gave buddies badges




Russian Gals, and Their Future

We recently had an interesting conversation with a fellow – an American – who pondered the idea of finding a girlfriend or wife from Russia or some other Eastern European country. Why did he want such a foreign girl? Because, as he stated, those girls are the few White females remaining in the world who haven’t been completely feminized to the point at which a woman loses all sense of who and what she is.

[But how sad that, in a few decades, Russian/Eastern European women will become thoroughly feminized as well, since few people can escape the leftist movies, TV shows and music churned out by the Jewish-dominated entertainment industry based in America [1]. Indeed, American entertainment now reaches into every corner of the globe, no matter how remote].

[1] the entertainment industry: http://www.natvan.com/who-rules-america/

Professor Shamir WEZ:

I want to wish you and the other Wise Elders of Zion a happy Tisha B’ Av. Let’s hope that your new Judenfuhrer’s war doesn’t get in the way of laying the cornerstone of the Third Temple. He needs to take that bottle of Mogen David away from the driver of the tank in the photo. He also needs to have him straighten that gun barrel out after he gets it back on the tracks.

We must get the Temple built so that Israel can be Gathered from all nations. The Messiah will be pissed if he comes and it is not ready. Maddona will also be disappointed. Nine million Jews are chomping at the bit to go home.

When you rebuild the Temple, it must contain a life size solid gold statue of the great Zionist Adolph Eichmann, of Blessed Memory. Eichmann, Peace Be Upon Him, visited Palestine in 1937 to arrange for the founding of Israel. The British threw him out of the country.

Eichmann was still able to live to see the founding of the state of Israel as a result of his hard work. He had personally arranged for two of the three judges at his trial to make Aliyah. They were astounded when he revealed that he was a Zionist. The judges showed typical Jewish gratitude by hanging him. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. The greatest Zionists have been and continue to be White. Let Irael be Gathered! THIS year in Jerusalem!

Donald E. Pauly
Zionist Rastafarian
9th in Av, 5766

August 3, 2006

What about Jews who think the same or worse as Mel Gibson?

by Michael Santomauro
[email protected]

I have met a sizable number of Jews who think that Jews create most of the problems in the world. Except for a few most are boastful about it! This is the major reason I got so enthralled with the subject matter I address: The Jewish

I remember about 25 years ago explaining to a Jewish-American woman I was having a dinner date with, that an author I was reading was saying that Galileo, Newton and Darwin are the hinges for the modern advancement of our
civilization. I thought to myself, Galileo more so than Descarte? Then I tried to express to her that I thought it was sloppy thinking not to see the nuances of dozens of other great thinkers in the sciences in between the era’s of these great men, that contributed to their work either in a direct or indirect way. Before I could finish she says “and they were all Jewish.” I asked “who?” She says “the three men you mentioned”

My mind was so far removed from knowing who was Jewish and who was not. There was a delayed reaction on my part to her interjection, that had nothing to do with my conversation with her. I then said that I didn’t know if Isaac Newton was Jewish, but that Galileo was excommunicated from the Catholic church for his thought crimes and I was pretty sure if Darwin was Jewish I would have heard about it from my many ethnocentric Jewish friends. For the sake of the conversation I granted her wanting need for Newton to be Jewish, since I did not know or care. But, she kept insisting that Darwin was Jewish too! My head was spinning with why are Jews so obsessed on who is Jewish and should I confront her about that. Or keep my mouth shut and play dumb, since my goal after dessert was to get intimate with her. Sex or debate? I decided on the debate!

“What difference does it make?” I asked. Well, it got more interesting then any possible sex I could have had with her. She blurted out “Jews are the greatest people on this earth and the worst!” I focused on why she thought the worst. She went on to explain that her father told her that Jews are the ones that create the problems in the world through revolutionary warfare. She thought Napoleon was Jewish. Later she suggested that Hitler was a secret Jew, because who else would cause such havoc. And she was sure Leonardo da Vinci was Jewish, “because he was a genius.” The woman was a college graduate!

At a later time frame I relay this to my two Jewish friends who happened to be in the movie industry. Andy Boxer whose father won the Oscar for sound engineering for the movie Apocalypse Now. What I decided to relay was the essence of her thinking, not the fact that she thought every great thinker was Jewish. Much to my chagrin Andy agreed, that Jews cause the problems in the world, but expressed it with pride “it’s because we are smarter.” My friend Ethan at the time a film student, was able to see her point of view and later I would discover that he had a hate and love relationship with his Judaism always saying to me “Jews are always messing things-up and so many have no class.” The problem with Ethan is that he thought Jackie Gleason, Lucille Ball and what he thought was the classiest guy in show business Bob Hope were all Jewish. I corrected him with the first two comics, I didn’t have it in me to correct him about Bob Hope after he just told me he thought most Jews had no class. At a later date when I told him Bob Hope was as a WASP, he had an emotional fit.

More recently, I ran into a Rabbi on the street who was visiting his apartment building he owned. We got talking about New York politics and was a big time Rudolph Guliani fan. He told me he would always vote for Italians if any were
on the ballot or for any white Gentile conservative for political office over Jews. He just did not trust Jews to run the government. “Too liberal” he would say. His views for Blacks was worse, pointing his finger to his head. Yet he would be boastful and say that Jews financed all the wars in world history in the last 300 years including the U. S. Civil War. He went on to explain that if it was not for Jews since the First World War, the US would not be the super power in the world today if not for Jewish capital. The repetitiveness of
his discourse was like a mantra saying that Jews are behind the scenes because “we have the capital and when Jews are in charge they are a disaster, better to have the Italian’s or the WASPs running America. This country needs a Mussolini!” The whole time he thought I was Jewish!

I remember having a four hour conversation with an Israeli woman who was a lesbian, and who had the look of a thinner version of Bella Abzug wearing one of those big floppy hats. She thought two problems plagued mankind. Technology
and the Jews.

She felt Hitler was right, that the Jews cause most of the problems. And said it with so much joyful glee. And felt Hitler had to have been part Jewish saying “who else could hate Jews so much but another Jew.” She felt technology should be destroyed for the benefit of mankind. “Destoyed? Then what about the Jews?” I asked. She would say in essence that the Jews run the world and they can’t be destroyed, they are the chosen people. God will always protect them.

Many Jews really believe this zany stuff and most are boastful in a perverse way.

Including another Rabbi I met who thinks God punished the Jews through Hitler saying that Hitler could not have done what he did without the intervention of God’s hand. My question to this slow talking Rabbi was why would God want to punish the Jews through Hitler. He said “because they did not obey the Torah.” His prediction, God will punish the people of the book again with another Holocaust since most Jews are secular.

The difference about Jews that I know and meet that think like Mel Gibson is that they are not drunk when they express this stuff!

So my statement to the general public at large: Don’t tell me you have not met Jews who don’t think like Mel Gibson or worse.


Michael Santomauro
Editorial Director
253 West 72nd street #1711
New York, NY 10023



here is a TNB video from Dallas.
Link: http://www.nbc5i.com/news/9596854/detail.html
The link is still good. This clip can be downloaded and saved.
I have also attached the video file separately as an e-mail attachment.


Three Chicago Police officers ran away when a fellow officer was struggling for his life with an armed man in a Dominick’s store on the South Side, officials said Wednesday.

Two of the fleeing officers were about 10 months into their 18-month probationary period before they could have become full-fledged officers with union benefits.

Those female officers — called PPOs in cop parlance — have been fired by police Supt. Phil Cline.

“After reviewing the evidence, it was clear to me that the two PPOs didn’t do what they were trained to do, and they put the officer in peril,” Cline said.



We must stop Whites from having large, healthy, nuclear families!


Iran says oil may hit $100/barrel on geopolitics
Reuters Friday, 4 August 2006 / 4:10 pm IST

NEW DELHI — Iran’s Deputy Oil Minister Mohammad Hadi Nejad-Hosseinian said on Friday global crude oil prices could touch $100 a barrel on geopolitical tension and soaring winter demand.

“There is still a possibility of crude reaching $100 a barrel due to geopolitical problems worldwide and peaking of winter demand,” the minister, in the Indian capital for two days of talks on a proposed $7 billion gas pipeline, said.

He did not see the possibility of Iran withdrawing crude supplies from global markets in the event of U.S. military action against Tehran over its controversial nuclear program.

Concerns over Iran persisted as its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, insisted on the country’s right to produce nuclear fuel, despite a United Nations resolution demanding that Tehran suspend its nuclear activities by Aug. 31 or face the threat of sanctions.

In the Middle East, the situation remains tense as hostilities between Israel and Hizbollah raged on despite efforts by the international community to agree on a ceasefire. Traders fear the conflict could spread to Middle East oil producers.

Israeli warplanes pounded buildings in Beirut, which it said housed Hizbollah offices as both sides threatened to escalate the war. Hizbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah threatened to hit Tel Aviv if Israel struck at central Beirut.

An Iranian official warned oil prices could hit $200 if international sanctions were imposed on his country in its nuclear dispute with the West, though analysts shrugged off the remark as saber-rattling.

Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest crude exporter, believes oil should not be used as a weapon even if the conflict between Israel and Hizbollah escalates, its foreign minister said this week.

Adding to worries over supplies, an Iraqi pipeline carrying crude from the country’s northern oilfields to Turkey’s Ceyhan port was bombed on Monday, pushing back the planned restart of exports along the route.



We have just returned from a very successful buying trip to Germany and are listing newly acquired material as fast as we can.

Himmler at Quedlinburg SS Nordland Verlag photo publication:



Fidel Castro, the communist thug who has terrorized Cuba for decades, is in the news again. So we thought to send this.

Additionally, we would like to add that the Western media is largely responsible for Castro remaining in power for so long. The silence of TV and print media about the horrors of Cuban life allowed Castro to not only rule Cuba with little worry, but also to visit America several times over the years. We still wonder why Castro was never arrested during his trips to the U.S. [the legal charges could have included, for example, crimes against humanity, American-property theft and conspiring with the Soviet Union against America]. Furthermore, we also wonder why America sent thousands of U.S. soldiers half-way across the globe to Vietnam to fight communism but didn’t send thousands of soldiers a mere 90 miles away to Cuba to fight communism right in our own backyard – but we imagine the official U.S. government excuse as to why we didn’t is a dandy one.


Here is a piece I found in Maureen Dowd’s article. It
appears that Mel Gibson was targeted by the JEWS. My
questions are… (1) where was his body guards? (2)
were his body guards bought off by jews?

…. Now that the volatile Mr. Gibson has pleaded for
guidance from leaders of the American Jewish
community, I decided to consult the only one I know. I
asked Leon Wieseltier, the author of Kaddish and the
literary editor of The New Republic, how he would help
Mel heal.

‘He has been a very bad goy,’ Leon said.

‘It is really rich to behold Gibson asking Jews to
behave like Christians. Has he forgotten how bellicose
and wrathful and unforgiving we are? Why would a
people who start all the wars make a peace? Perhaps
he’s feeling a little like Jesus, hoping that the Jews
don’t do their worst and preparing himself for more
evidence of their disappointing behavior.

‘I have always wondered why people who believe that we
control the world do not have more respect for us.
Take that cop who arrested Gibson. Do you think it was
a coincidence that he was a Jew? We have been
following Gibson’s every move since he released that
movie. The other night, when our uniformed brother
spotted him bobbing and weaving in his star car, we
saw an opportunity and we took it. Don’t blame us.
It’s what Yahweh would do.

‘When Officer Mee busted him, we all busted him.

‘Moreover, it is the elders’ considered view that
whereas alcoholism may require a process of recovery,
anti-Semitism is a more intractable and less chic
failing. This was not a moment of insanity, even if
Gibson is insane. His hatred of Jews was plain in his
movie and in his twisted defense of it, which was made
when he was sober under the influence of his primitive
world view. Perhaps he thinks that all he needs to do
is spend a few months in AA – Anti-Semites Anonymous –
and find some celebrity sponsor and run for absolution
to Larry Zeiger, I mean Larry King, where he can say
with perfect sincerity that the Holocaust was a
terrible thing and gut yontif.


They’re fairly good, but to an Irish ear there’s to much ‘aw’ing and pauses. That’s Washington talk. There was none of that with William Pearce. If you have something to say, say it. Never mind the dopey talk.

Regards, Aidan

Pierce delivered scripts; Goyfires are discussions.



Mel Gibson’s “Religious” Comments

We saw an interesting mention of Mel Gibson’s alleged comments about Jews: those comments were said to be of a “religious” nature.

Really? Let’s take a look:

Mr. Gibson apparently didn’t say anything about Judaism, which is, of course, a religion. Jews, however, are a hybrid, non-White race via historic inbreeding [90% of all Jews in the world belong to that race, which is known as the Ashkenazic or Ashkenazim branch of Jewry. Those Jews are also known as Eastern Jews or Russian Jews]. Kindly note that there is a vast difference between a religion and a race [1].

Why say that Gibson only made “religious” comments? Perhaps to make the White public think that Jews are only a religion, which, let’s face it, is a common belief today. Indeed, mentions of the Jews as being a race have nearly vanished in the West. For example, U.S. government forms and official questionnaires listed Jews as a race in the early 20th century. But today, no official forms list Jews in any category but religion. Why not? Because Jews worked overtime to ensure that type of listing.

Such a “religion only” classification benefits the Jews by hiding the fact that they are a racial group with certain inborn behaviors and habits. If White citizens knew that, they could better grasp the threat that the Jews pose to White culture. After all, how can a mere “religion” dominate the Western world so easily? How could millions of Jews meet in a dark basement to plot a conspiracy? They couldn’t, of course. Being listed as a “religion only” greatly helps the Jews, and they know it very well. In fact, you might say that, for all practical purposes, the Jews have “become” White citizens. The Jews are now posing as White folks.

[1] “White” means “European.” So the Jews are not genetically White, even though they appear White. Most anthropologists don’t list Jews as a race or ethnic group, largely due to political reasons but also since Jews are a genetic hybrid



What’s Wrong With This Picture, David?:


August 5, 2006


What’s wrong with this picture of 18 Zionist
Jews surrounding our President; the latest
installments being Bolten and his deputy
(now at 20)?

Why isn’t anyone asking how a tribe
of no more than 2% of the population
is holding 90% of advisory positions in
this White House; and similar inordi-
nancies of Jews found in the Defense
and State Departments and Pentagon?

Why are Jews directing everything?

Read my essay, “The Progressive Jew in ‘Weimar’ America,”
for a report on when and where those inordinancies have
occurred before: http://foundersamerica90.blogspot.com/

You needn’t reply, unless you have an
answer about why Jews are directing




Rense has posted that Ted Pike article
sent to you yesterday:



New letter published on Majority Rights about “goy, goyish, goyim” as inappropriate, divisive, supremacy-driven, and anti-diversity.


Bo Sears

FOX News airs Most Important Interview on Earth

FOX’s Neil Cavuto conducts what is perhaps the most important interview on earth today because it unequivocally trashes in no uncertain terms the diabolical HOAX that has tricked people of good will around the world into supporting the un-Godly abomination that calls itself a “Jewish state.”

Cavuto asks whether Israel should exist and Rabbi Yisroel Weiss from Jews United Against Zionism tells him, and the world, how badly the state of Israel has f*cked things up for EVERYONE – both Jews and non-Jews.

Rabbi Weiss: This is the view that was shared throughout the past hundred years, when the whole movement of Zionism was created, the concept – the ideology – of transforming Judaism from spirituality, a religion, into materialism a nationalistic goal to have a piece of land, all the rabbinical authorities said this is antithetical with what Judaism is all about – expressly forbidden by the Torah because we are in exile by God.

Cavuto: So, you shouldn’t have a state? You shouldn’t have a country? You shouldn’t have a government?

We shouldn’t have a state. We should be living amongst all the nations as the Jews were doing for two thousand years as loyal citizens, people who are serving God, emulating God with compassion . . .

Contrary to what people believe, that it’s a religious conflict, we have been living for hundreds of years among Muslims and Arab communities without any UN human rights groups to watch…

Cavuto: Let me ask you this, Rabbi, was life better for the Jews prior to the creation of the Jewish state of Israel?

Weiss: 100%. In Palestine, we have the testimony of the Jewish community living there and other lands that they were living in harmony and they pleaded with the United Nations, in the documents we have, the chief Rabbi of Jerusalem said we do not want a Jewish state. The Muslim, Christian and Jewish inhabitants were ignored with the creation of the State . . .

Cavuto: Neverthless, you might not have had a country per se, but you were not a stranger to being abused or slaughtered over the millennia, particularly as recently as fifty sixty years ago?

Weiss: There is an issue of being killed because of anti-semitism, and then there’s another issue where you antagonize and you create your anti-semitism through Zionism . . . in other words, it’s not a free for all – you knock out your neighbors windows and yell anti-semitism.

Cavuto: I know you are an orthodox Jew, what do traditional Jews think of that position?

Weiss: [The mainstream Jewish view] is that, true, we shouldn’t be having a state, but once it’s created the Zionist propaganda that the Arabs want to throw every Jew into the ocean and there’s a ingrained hate against the Jews, which they’ve convinced many Jews to believe, this is why they’re fearful of returning the land . . .

Cavuto: Well you can’t blame them, right, I mean you have the president of Iran who says the Holocaust never existed and if he had his druthers he’d destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Weiss: That’s also patently false. He has a Jewish community in Iran and they haven’t murdered them when they had the opportunity to . . .

Cavuto: So, you don’t take him at his word that he would try to kill Jews?

Weiss: He would [want] the dismantling of the political state of Israel. In fact, we went, a whole group of Rabbis this last year to visit Iran, and we were taken up by the leaders, we met with the vice president, he [Ahmedinejad] was in Venezuela at the time, we met with religious leaders, all of them stated unequivocally that don’t have a conflict with [Jews]

Cavuto: So as long as Israel exists, Rabbi, you think – just itching for trouble

Weiss: Jews are suffering, Palestinians and Lea are suffering . . . we pray for the speedy and peaceful dismantlment of the Jewish state.

Cavuto: It’s interesting Rabbi, you don’t hear that view often.

No, we don’t. This clip needs to get around the world as fast as humanly possible.

It’s in your hands.

Missiles neutralizing Israeli tanks
By BENJAMIN HARVEY, Associated Press Writer2 hours, 6 minutes ago

Hezbollah’s sophisticated anti-tank missiles are perhaps the guerrilla group’s deadliest weapon in Lebanon fighting, with their ability to pierce Israel’s most advanced tanks.

Experts say this is further evidence that Israel is facing a well-equipped army in this war, not a ragtag militia.

Hezbollah has fired Russian-made Metis-M anti-tank missiles and owns European-made Milan missiles, the army confirmed on Friday.

In the last two days alone, these missiles have killed seven soldiers and damaged three Israeli-made Merkava tanks — mountains of steel that are vaunted as symbols of Israel’s military might, the army said. Israeli media say most of the 44 soldiers killed in four weeks of fighting were hit by anti-tank missiles.

“They (Hezbollah guerrillas) have some of the most advanced anti-tank missiles in the world,” said Yossi Kuperwasser, a senior military intelligence officer who retired earlier this summer.

“This is not a militia, it’s an infantry brigade with all the support units,” Kuperwasser said.

Israel contends that Hezbollah gets almost all of its weaponry from Syria and by extension Iran, including its anti-tank missiles.

That’s why cutting off the supply chain is essential — and why fighting Hezbollah after it has spent six years building up its arsenal is proving so painful to Israel, officials say.

Israel’s Merkava tanks boast massive amounts of armor and lumber and resemble fortresses on tracks. They are built for crew survival, according to Globalsecurity.org, a Washington-based military think tank.

Hezbollah celebrates when it destroys one.

“A Zionist armored force tried to advance toward the village of Chihine. The holy warriors confronted it and destroyed two Merkava tanks,” the group proclaimed on television Thursday.

The Israeli army confirmed two attacks on Merkava tanks that day — one that killed three soldiers and the other killing one. The three soldiers who were killed on Friday were also killed by anti-tank missiles, the army said.

It would not say whether the missiles disabled the tanks.

“To the best of my understanding, they (Hezbollah) are as well-equipped as any standing unit in the Syrian or Iranian armies,” said Eran Lerman, a retired army colonel and now director of the Israel/Middle East office of the American Jewish Committee. “This is not a rat-pack guerrilla, this is an organized militia.”

Besides the anti-tank missiles, Hezbollah is also known to have a powerful rocket-propelled grenade known as the RPG29. These weapons are also smuggled through Syria, an Israeli security official said, and were previously used by Palestinian militants in Gaza to damage tanks.

On Friday, Jane’s Defense Weekly, a defense industry magazine, reported that Hezbollah asked Iran for “a constant supply of weapons” to support its operations against Israel.

The report cited Western diplomatic sources as saying that Iranian authorities promised Hezbollah a steady supply of weapons “for the next stage of the confrontation.”

Top Israeli intelligence officials say they have seen Iranian Revolutionary Guard soldiers on the ground with Hezbollah troops. They say that permission to fire Hezbollah’s longer-range missiles, such as those could reach Tel Aviv, would likely require Iranian go-ahead.



Russian Gals, and Their Future

We recently had an interesting conversation with a fellow – an American – who pondered the idea of finding a girlfriend or wife from Russia or some other Eastern European country. Why did he want such a foreign girl? Because, as he stated, those girls are the few White females remaining in the world who haven’t been completely feminized to the point at which a woman loses all sense of who and what she is.

[But how sad that, in a few decades, Russian/Eastern European women will become thoroughly feminized as well, since few people can escape the leftist movies, TV shows and music churned out by the Jewish-dominated entertainment industry based in America [1]. Indeed, American entertainment now reaches into every corner of the globe, no matter how remote].

[1] the entertainment industry: http://www.natvan.com/who-rules-america/


Thought you might enjoy this.

Here is the link. http://www.crescentandcross.com/index.php?page=home

I share your disdain of christianity, however to defeat the enemy one must use their tactics against them.

I wish to advise you that I wholeheartedly support your conclusions and opinions. Let me know how I may help the cause. I am a Hungarian born American who also supports Istvan Csurka. OUr friend David is rotting in an Austrian jail.

  • 4 Responses to “Newz & Mail”

    1. Lutjens Says:

      “Additionally, we would like to add that the Western media is largely responsible for Castro remaining in power for so long. The silence of TV and print media about the horrors of Cuban life allowed Castro to not only rule Cuba with little worry, but also to visit America several times over the years. We still wonder why Castro was never arrested during his trips to the U.S. [the legal charges could have included, for example, crimes against humanity, American-property theft and conspiring with the Soviet Union against America]. Furthermore, we also wonder why America sent thousands of U.S. soldiers half-way across the globe to Vietnam to fight communism but didn’t send thousands of soldiers a mere 90 miles away to Cuba to fight communism right in our own backyard – but we imagine the official U.S. government excuse as to why we didn’t is a dandy one.”

      That’s pretty easy. Vietnamese weren’t Jews – commies or not, didn’t matter. Just another bunch of dumb goy. Castro is a Jew Communist. So are the hebes that control everything here in the States.

    2. Der Arbeiter Says:

      Could we get a source on Castro’s putative Jewish origins?

    3. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Must see video from Britain’s Sky TV news: http://tinyurl.com/frhdl
      George Galloway, the British MP that slapped Norm Coleman around when he testified before the US Senate, weighs in on the war in Lebanon.

    4. "Rocky" Rockwell Says:

      Dave MacPherson’s “The Rapture Plot” uniquely documents the long hidden 19th century “seeds” of Armageddon Theology which lately has moved from the abstract to advocating political and military action to bring about the End. The “seeds” were in a British journal known as “The Morning Watch” which, in its September 1830 issue, had the first public teaching of the “pretribulation rapture” (the most popular feature of “dispensationalism”). In that issue one writer stated that the raptured Christians would then collectively become “the victorious ministerer of the great tribulation” upon those left behind! MacPherson adds that an 1832 issue taught that the “vials” of wrath in the book of Revelation “shall be poured out by the risen [raptured] saints,” and that a few months later another issue went even further and declared that the collective group of raptured ones will “wield the thunders of its power against the dragon and his angels, and cast them down from heaven”! But where in the Bible did those British find support for such “Rapture Rage,” and where are the followers of Jesus commanded to bear swords against non-believers – or even support sword-bearers? (Anyone wanting to obtain MacPherson’s “The Rapture Plot” – the most detailed and documented history of the “pretrib rapture” merchandised by Hagee, LaHaye, Falwell etc. – and wanting the fastest delivery can call 800.643.4645. The author of the same 300-page “Plot” book, BTW, states that all of his royalties have always gone to a nonprofit group and not to himself.)