27 September, 2006

Important Thoughts, Financial and Economic Advice

Posted by alex in Financial Column, George Lenz, White solutions at 1:51 pm | Permanent Link

By George Lenz

The important question, currently much discussed in WN circles, is the question of the Aryan family. What kind of a family is desirable in an Aryan society; how should it be organized and promoted to ensure a fast qualitative and quantitative growth of White racial stock: those are the main challenges we face in this area. Therefore it is necessary to develop a common family WN law, under which we could live and establish families in our communities.

Looking into natural ways, as well as studying customs and traditions of the European volks, lead me to a conclusion, that it is man who should initiate, direct, control and establish sex and family life, and woman should follow the man’s initiative. This is the natural pattern; when it breaks down problems in the society increase and life deteriorates fast. There are four positive types of man’s sexual behavior that should be encouraged by the Aryan society in a ways that increase their positive effects:

1. Recreational sex. An Aryan society is interested in happy and fulfilled, not frustrated and dissatisfied members, and recreational sex is a potent tool towards this goal. We shouldn’t promote abstinence until marriage for our youth, but instead provide instruction materials on this subject for them at middle school age, as well as institute guaranteed housing loan and income support programs for young families, so that a young boy and girl, who met at 12-13 could marry at 14 and start childbearing early, while continuing their education. Quantitatively, such policy would result in two more children born in an average family. It is also necessary to prohibit the use of female contraception under the penalty of a steep fine, and actively discourage men’s contraception, promoting natural family planning ways instead.

2. Procreational sex/sex for childbearing purposes. It is not always possible for a man to marry or stay in a long-term relationship with a woman who wants to bear his child, yet such avenue of childbearing proved an important vehicle for White men of excellent genetic qualities to procreate in larger numbers. At the same time, modern child welfare and alimony laws removed initiatives for such women to find a husband: they remain single mothers with one or two kids on average, devoid of a healthy family experience. Hence it is necessary to repeal any alimony laws on book, and grant income support only to families, should family income be below the absolute poverty rate, as well as legally preclude any claim on the behalf of such children to their father’s inheritance. Socially, it is necessary to grant these children respect: any White child coming to the White world is welcome.

3. Concubines. It is not a secret that for an accomplished Aryan man one woman in a lifetime is not sufficient to satisfy his healthy sexual desires or his desire for children. That’s why it is legally necessary to re-establish the old Aryan tradition of concubines/lovers. A concubine is a woman, living in a long-term civil union with a man at his home, bearing his children and materially supported by him. Concubines and their children are expected to serve their master’s wife and children in doing house chores, and are entitled to half of their master’s wife and children share of inheritance. The law of infidelity does not apply to concubines: they are free to leave their master at any time and return to their father’s house. One Aryan man shall be legally entitled to no more than three concubines at any time, and every concubine is expected to bear at least four children for her master.

4. Wife. Husband and wife in European tradition is an inseparable whole: therefore, divorce shall be allowed only in two cases 1) infidelity of the woman 2) childlessness. Family life in each of its aspects, including religion, education, medical services and discipline, shall be directed and controlled by the father, with no intervention from the state, with the exception of death or serious and irrevocable physical injury of the child. Every wife is expected to bear at least eight children for her husband.

There are also four main dangers a healthy Aryan family faces, which are largely ignored by the present democratic regime. Those are:

1. Perversions. A perversion is intercourse other than with an unrelated member of opposite sex of legal age (12+ years) of the same Race, be the object of perversion animate or inanimate. The punishment for perversion with an animate being shall be automatic death sentence to each being engaged in perversion, the distribution of inanimate objects of the perversion shall be banned under the penalty of a steep fine.

2. Murder of a conceived child. The murder of a conceived child brings automatic death penalty to both willing woman and murderer/murderers, with exceptions for: 1) the threat to a mother’s life; 2) conception due to perversion or rape; 3) serious and irrevocable physical injury or illness of a conceived child.

3. Prostitution – engaging in sex acts for money. Prostitution shall be a misdemeanor punished by a steep fine.

4. Pornography – engaging in sex acts for money in front of a recording device. Creating and distributing pornography shall be a misdemeanor punished by a steep fine, and such pornography be subject to confiscation, except in case of perversion, where creating and distributing pornography with perversion shall be punished as perversion. Creating and distributing sex instruction videos – engaging in sex acts in front of a recording device without monetary compensation – shall be allowed to Whites of legal age, unless monetary compensation is taken for distributed sex instruction videos. Also, there should be established a free internet-based database of such videos, available to any White of legal age.

Such changes, while significant, are necessary in order to revive the Aryan family and put it on healthier foundations.

* * *

Today’s post will start a series devoted to particular stock investment strategies. Today, I will describe the Dow Dogs strategy: investing in the 10 stocks with the highest dividends in the Dow 30. This strategy involves investing equal shares of money into 10 stocks with the highest dividends in the Dow 30 in the past year, holding them for one year, and then readjusting the portfolio in accordance with the new financial results of the stocks composing Dow 30. The benefit of this strategy is its simplicity: it is easy to pick stocks in accordance with it, there are even free web sites such as http://www.dogsofthedow.com/ dedicated to it. The drawback of the strategy is that research indicates that while raw returns exceed those of the whole Dow 30 or DJIA over long term intervals, return adjusted for risk and taxes does not. Also the strategy is over-promoted; and stocks composing Dow Dogs strategy are overpriced. Personally I would advice against using this strategy.

A good object for 6-12 months investing is Intel Corp. (INTC): my recommendation is buy (current value 19.9 vs. intrinsic 22.3). The company is well positioned to take advantage of strong demand for its products on European and Asian markets. For its competitor, AMD, my recommendation is sell: current value 26.0 vs intrinsic value 8.2. It’s also a good object for 1-2 weeks short selling, I expect it to go to 24.5-25.0.

  • 15 Responses to “Important Thoughts, Financial and Economic Advice”

    1. Whitefist Says:

      This kind of fantasy speculation presented as though it should actually be considered and implimented when we can’t even muster enough real White men to hold their own exclusive racial territory, a necessary prerequisite before the above breeding recommendations can even be considered, is exactly why WNism remains at the political fringes.

      Successful breeding/reproduction will naturally follow, irrespective of the above recommendations once Whites stake a claim to their territory and zealously defend it from all alien genetic encroachment. When the European nations conquered the world, and built a European global empire reproduction was anything but a problem. As our global presence waned and invasive subspecies invaded the mother nations the declining birthrate surfaced as a problem.

      Granted gender relations need to be rethought, and absurd sexual repression linked to Xtian lunacy abolished, this kind of speculation is pointless at this time if we fail to hold any White lands. This is putting the cart before the horse to the extreme.

    2. New America Says:

      Read The Master: http://nwtrilogy.blogspot.com/

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    3. ftwainth Says:

      2 Whitefist

      Thank you for your insightful comment. I would respectfully disagree for the following reasons. Our current task is the creation of a White community. Before creating such a community it is necessary to develop our program in relation to most aspects of the economic, political and social life as its foundation. Should the society around us be fundamentally healthy, than it would suffice to concentrate on taking power; but the society around us is sick and poisoned, and decay more and more. Hence an impact on developing program first, as in this case fundamentals of Aryan family life, that are part of a large position statement on what is expected and what is offered to White and White Nationalist women and girls. Personally I believe, a correct policy towards women, not appeasing their feminist illusions is a key of attracting more of them in the movement; and it is necessary to do so to rectify imbalance of sexes, so imho we have to lay out how a healthy Aryan family should look like and what is expected of White Nationalist women and girls.

    4. Angle Says:

      Wow ‘Lenz’ you’re pretty fucked up. Lust for 12 year olds lately? Whereever you set up your sexocracy. Set it up far away from me.

    5. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Is George Lenz serious? This guy sounds like a Neo-Marxist straight out of the Horkheimer and Adorno “Frankfurt School” of sex and perversion. Let me tell you something Lenz: If some 14 year old “stud”, under your tutelage, attempted to deflower my 12 year old daughter and use her for recreational sex (what is commonly referred to as a fuck doll), that 14 year old punk would find himself “stud-less” in very short order. He would be carting his gonads around in a wheel barrel for the rest of his god-damn life. And as for you, I would be much obliged to introduce you to two of my friends: Smith and Wesson! (LOL!)

      And then there is the issue of concubines. George apparently has the term “Occidental” confused with “Oriental”. Rich, powerful men in the West have enjoyed mistresses on the side, but concubines? Where in the hell is he coming up with this tripe? Recreational sex is what we have today and look at the catastrophic effects it has wrought on our families and our nation. Recreational sex is what the Jews have been pushing and the savages of Africa engage in, George. (And apparently most Whites thanks to Hugh Heffner and the Playboy revolution of the 1960’s.)

      You should get together with that degenerate Jewess on the Supreme Court — Ruth Bader Ginsburg — and shoot the breeze with her regarding lowering the age of consent to 12, you pervert! Or better yet, how about making your way up to the kosher inspired People’s Republic of Kanada — 14 years is legal up there. Truly unbelievable!

    6. ftwainth Says:

      2 Angle

      I think you have misunderstood my point. I have no “lust” for 12 years old; the trend is 12% of girls in EU-25 and 14% of girls in U. S. and Canada become sexually active in the age of 12-13 years, and if conceive most murder their conceived children. I want these children to be born, and these girls be able to establish a family with the father of the child, aged often in 16-21 range. Currently the fathers are often persecuted under various “statutory rape” laws, and these girls are forced by parents to murder their conceived children. Personally I found this unsound and hypocritical policy, some White girls become sexually active younger than the others, this is an objective biological fact, that have to be legally accomodated.
      Now this does not affect the prohibition on sex with older men, which is in place for entirely different reason: to prevent exploitation of young girls and reserve younger men opportunities to form a family. Sex between a girl below the age of 16 and a man aged 21+ would still carry a long attached prison sentence as a punishment, for good reasons.

    7. Kaalkop Says:

      at ftwainth:

      A good thing you figure in age DIFFERENCE in your attitudes towards sex, that is, whether something is paedophilia.

    8. ftwainth Says:

      2 Scipio Americanus

      “Is George Lenz serious?”

      Yes I am serious, and you should be serious too about that, Mr. Scipio Americanus. The current fertility rates for our women are 75% of the replacement level in most European countries, and the younger generation want to have even fewer kids. This means that White numbers are going to go down fast, if nothing gets done, and traditional means, whenever applied do not work.

      “This guy sounds like a Neo-Marxist straight out of the Horkheimer and Adorno “Frankfurt School” of sex and perversion”.

      I am not a communist, Mr. Scipio, my family actually faught communist for generations. But I am not a hypocrite either: while I am a Catholic, Christian-Victorian morale with its unnecessary repression of sexual feelings do not appeal to me.

      “Let me tell you something Lenz: If some 14 year old “stud”, under your tutelage, attempted to deflower my 12 year old daughter and use her for recreational sex (what is commonly referred to as a fuck doll), that 14 year old punk would find himself “stud-less” in very short order. He would be carting his gonads around in a wheel barrel for the rest of his god-damn life. And as for you, I would be much obliged to introduce you to two of my friends: Smith and Wesson! (LOL!)”

      Well, if you taught your daughter to think before making out and having kids, my respect to you, Mr. Scipio. However in faily big number of White households (12%-14%) the parents do not teach their daughter to behavior prudently: they have sex early and have children. There is serious biological and historical evidence that some White children become sexually active younger than the others. I want these girls to bear their kids and eventually have a husband, instead of rocking their immune and reproductive system by murder of the conceived child, and becoming childless, not speaking of psychological traumas associated with it. This was the policy of the Fuhrer: some German girls have sex, marry and bear kids fairly early, and the German state lessen the Christian-Victorian stigma associated with this fundamentally healthy practice by providing housing loans and jobs for young couples as well as anonimous adoption practices for those girls unwilling to bear this heavy burden. BTW, these relatively poor and ill educated girls are an interested group to recruit from for your cause; they are less feminist and more feminine, and thus lmore likely to be moved by our offer to the White women and girls.

      “Rich, powerful men in the West have enjoyed mistresses on the side, but concubines? Where in the hell is he coming up with this tripe?”

      It seems you haven’t read Roman, Germanic and Franc history tractats: there are lots on concubines and wives, and Aryan order of things. Those “mistresses” appeared in10th-11th century, because the Catholic Church wasn’t especially happy about concubines; while the relationship stayed the same, except the cocubne was removed from the master’s house. I urge to consult excellent though not fully appreciated writings of David Lane on the subject: he is correct in stating, that through the reneissance of concubinat White birthrate can be significantly raised, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

      “Recreational sex is what we have today and look at the catastrophic effects it has wrought on our families and our nation. Recreational sex is what the Jews have been pushing and the savages of Africa engage in, George. (And apparently most Whites thanks to Hugh Heffner and the Playboy revolution of the 1960’s.)”

      The dwindling White birthrate is not due to recreational sex, but due to legalization of murder of conceived children and anti-conception mentality. Personally, I am happy that we finally got rid of Christian-Victorian kind of sexual morality, which unnecessary restricted pleasures of life and number of White children, and subject some of them to scorn only because of the conditions under which they were born. What jews are pushing is decoupling of sex and conception thorugh legalized murder of unborn children and anti-conception mentality, as well as denigration of women through mass prostitution and pornography. Thus the jews put their poison, in otherwise right idea, and make Whites drink it voluntary. Hence the answer lies not in returning to old and discredited policies, but through taking bold measures to rectify mistakes of the past, while at the same time removing jewish poison from otherwise valid ideas.

      “You should get together with that degenerate Jewess on the Supreme Court — Ruth Bader Ginsburg — and shoot the breeze with her regarding lowering the age of consent to 12, you pervert! Or better yet, how about making your way up to the kosher inspired People’s Republic of Kanada — 14 years is legal up there. Truly unbelievable!”

      Speaking of the age of concent, I think we should differentiate it by activities a gil is engaging. At 12 some girls are competent to have sex and marry within their age group, at 16 to have sex and marry with any unrelated member of the opposite sex, at 21 to appear in sex instruction videos or strip shows if they wish so and it is legal in the community they live in. This absolutely does not mean you daughter should engage in these activities, and if you raise her right, she won’t as we all know. But if things biologically are what they are, and fundamentally healthy in their nature; I would rather accomodate them, then close my eyes on them and engage in reality denial. As I say, no one would mak me believe, that if a girl wasn’t taught by her parents how to behave herself by the age of 12 or 16, more years could change anything.

    9. ftwainth Says:

      2 Kaalkop

      Yes, that’s another jewish invention: they call any sex with a minor paedophilia; when paedophilia is sex with a minor who cannor physiologically have sex, e.g. with a White girl aged 12 and less. Sex with a minor who can have sex e.g. a White girl aged 12-16 is either rape of a minor, e.g. obtaining consent by fraud from a girl who cannot give informed consent, if a man in question is above 21 years of age, and belong among with other rapes to a different category of crimes, or healthy exploration of the girl’s sexuality, if a man in question is aged 21 years and below, and should not be repressed. Thus by mislabeling three different things the jews do not allow us to use sound policies in relation to each of this three categories: attach automatic death sentence to paedophilia; automatic 15 years sentence to rape of a minor, unless the perpetrator is ready to marry a victim, and victim and her family agree to the marriage; and support for young fathers and mothers to allow them to bear their kids and evetually establish healthy marriages. No wonder that the birth and marriage rates among younger White mothers, who are healthier and more vigorous and bear more kids on average, is gong down every year, and the jewish media celebrate the fact.

    10. jimbo Says:

      i tend to broadly agree with the abv ‘article’….what’s the G-O here?

      is ‘George Lenz’ the same as ‘ftwainth’?

      i’m confused!

      what seems to be causing concern and confusion seems to me to me to be, basically, the idea of ‘polygamy’
      (or: the idea of white men having multiple children from multiple white female partners….what-ever you want to call it: ‘concubines’, ‘mistresses’, ‘second or third wives’
      [a la the Mormons], what-ever!)

      clearly, ‘paedophilia’ is not being advocated or promoted here: glad that was ‘cleared up’ @ LEAST!

      how much of the apparent aversion to ‘polygamy’ is based on residual judaeo-xian brain-washing?…..and YES!…..i don’t hesitate to even include professing WNs in that category, too!
      (the sub-conscious jewish programming goes much deeper than most suspect!)

      the White Race is in a desperate struggle against extinction!

      this, now, right NOW!….the HERE & NOW! is our most desperate hour!

      we had better invent some very radical strategies indeed to combat the declining White birth-rate: OTW: our race is finished!, our civilisation is done for and the planet it-self is doomed!

      ‘polygamy’ (between consenting white adults) seems to me to be the least drastic of the options.

      other more radical ones could easily be conceived and implemented.

      like: for instance: forcing women(on pain of DEATH!) to breed in ‘stud farms’ and mating them with any healthy, white male;

      forcing women(on pain of DEATH!) to take ‘fertility drugs’ in order to ensure multiple births!

      forcing women(on pain of DEATH!) to have such births on alternate years over multiple years until the female’s fertility cycle is exhausted! (from years: say: 17-37)

      in a desperate race against extinction and obliteration, Nature allows NO ‘also-rans’! and, certainly, no out-moded and out-dated jewish moral concepts!

      as David Lane, author of the 14Words, remarks: “in the future, ‘morality’ will consist of reproduction and little else!”

      our guiding mantra must be: ‘populate OR PERISH!’

    11. ftwainth Says:

      2 jimbo

      “is ‘George Lenz’ the same as ‘ftwainth’?
      i’m confused!”

      Yes, comrade, that’s me.

    12. Scipio Americanus Says:

      George Lenz: Simply because we are suffering from a decline in birth rates does not mean we should encourage children to be having sex. Sex is for adults, not children. Even though a young teenage girl is capable of reproducing does not mean that she should be doing it. She is not mature enough, mentally speaking, to handle it. Take a look at the spread of diseases, out of wed-lock births, and abortions. These would not be taking place if little girls were not being used as “fuck dolls” by little boys who have no self-control and discipline. All of this is happening because our society lacks real MEN to control things like we had done in the past. Our society has been feminized!

      “This means that White numbers are going to go down fast, if nothing gets done, and traditional means, whenever applied do not work….Christian-Victorian morale with its unnecessary repression of sexual feelings do not appeal to me. .”

      The Victorian repression of sexual feelings does not appeal to me either. But you ignore the basic point here: Traditional Christian standards are not the problem. We had growing numbers of White people and strong families under this “repression of sexual feelings” atmosphere that you so deplore. That morality, despite its flaws, was still stable and fertile and produced growing numbers of White people. It’s the current system that promotes “recreational sex” that has led to a collapse of families and a decline in the birth rates.

      “There is serious biological and historical evidence that some White children become sexually active younger than the others. I want these girls to bear their kids and eventually have a husband, instead of rocking their immune and reproductive system by murder of the conceived child, and becoming childless, not speaking of psychological traumas associated with it. This was the policy of the Fuhrer: some German girls have sex, marry and bear kids fairly early, and the German state lessen the Christian-Victorian stigma associated with this fundamentally healthy practice by providing housing loans and jobs for young couples as well as anonimous adoption practices for those girls unwilling to bear this heavy burden.”

      I will agree with you that it is better that these girls bear their children rather than abort them but you forget that the “stigma” that you so deplore forced the fathers of these bastard children to marry these girls. It was known as a “shot-gun wedding”. Why in the hell should I or other responsible people be forced to subsidize irresponsible behavior? You sound like a crazed liberal! You would have fit in well on the Warren Supreme Court! In addition, this is not the Third Reich. We live in a country with teeming masses of Third Worlders and it is impossible to put into practice what you are suggesting. Quite frankly, I’m happier than a pig in slop that Blacks and Hispanics are aborting their unwanted. That’s a good thing!

      “It seems you haven’t read Roman, Germanic and Franc history tractats: there are lots on concubines and wives, and Aryan order of things.”

      The Romans, in their Republican days, never had concubines. The Romans were an agricultural, farming people, who had very large, stable families with the husband at the helm. They were also a moral people. It wasn’t until the collapse of the Republic that they really became sexually loose and birth rates, slowly at first, began to decline. As for the Germanic and Franco tribes thousands of years ago, they were nothing more than a bunch of savages — dirty, long haired, unkept savages. They were not civilized people, as Roman historians well noted. Don’t attempt to transplant the morals of savages with those required to build and maintain a thriving civilization.

      “Personally, I am happy that we finally got rid of Christian-Victorian kind of sexual morality, which unnecessary restricted pleasures of life and number of White children, and subject some of them to scorn only because of the conditions under which they were born.”

      I find it rather odd that you always connect “Christian” and “Victorian”, as if these are synonymous with one another. They most certainly are not. The Victorian Period was the last phase of the Christian West, before modernism took over. As I said earlier, despite the flaws in Victorian thinking, at least they produced a stable, growing society with strong families and plenty of children. White populations were on the rise, not in decline, during Victorian times — something you fail to mention. Get your facts straight, Geroge.

      “At 12 some girls are competent to have sex and marry within their age group, at 16 to have sex and marry with any unrelated member of the opposite sex, at 21 to appear in sex instruction videos or strip shows if they wish so and it is legal in the community they live in.”

      HOGWASH! No girl in these modern times is competent to be having sex with her peers at the age of 12. George, you have gone off the deep end. Let’s face it, you are obsessed with sex. What you have stated is nothing more than a rationalization for your sick fantasies. As I stated at another post, we are human beings, not barn yard animals that mindlessly copulate. The fact that you use term “recreational sex” speaks volumes. You use it as if the word sex is synonymous with sporting or playing checkers! You can’t have strong, tightly nit families, which are the building block of any civilized society, coupled with concepts such as “recreational sex”.

      Jimbo: “the White Race is in a desperate struggle against extinction”

      We are not going extinct! The problem we face is not numbers. Aryans have always been a small minority amongst the world’s teaming populations. What makes us special is QUALITY, not QUANTITY. And that quality of life and stability needed for a strong, healthy civilization, was produced and maintained by having one man pair off with one women to produce offspring that would be nurtured and cared for in a manner that developed these children into mature, moral, responsible young men and woman. The threat we face is the growing numbers of Third World people who live amongst us in our homelands. Keep in mind, Third World populations exploded due to the insane Liberal policies of our governments that began exporting our technologies and medical expertise to the non-white world. Without this, the non-white populations would be very small. I’ll repeat: Our hallmark as a people has always been QUALITY, not QUANTITY.

    13. jimbo Says:

      re: ‘Scipio Americanus’:
      ‘Jimbo: “the White Race is in a desperate struggle against extinction”
      We are not going extinct! The problem we face is not numbers. Aryans have always been a small minority amongst the world’s teaming populations. What makes us special is QUALITY, not QUANTITY’

      a simple comparison of: i/the white and non-white birth/replacement rates;
      ii/the % of whites in the world to-day compared to, say, 50yrs ago
      (the latter may have been due to ‘insane Liberal policies’ but those same policies are, in fact, genocide against the White Race!)

      the average white child is several IQ points ahead of the average mud….with some Asians being the pssbl exception(s)……..

      with the White Race: QUANTITY IS QUALITY!

    14. Scipio Americanus Says:

      Jimbo, obviously, the fact that our birth rates have fallen below the replacement rate is a huge concern. But that does not mean we are going extinct, at least anytime soon. We have, currently, the highest numbers of White people living than have ever existed in the past. Again, the problem is not our numbers per se, but rather the hordes of non-whites that are swarming into our homelands thanks to the policies of our own governments. Europe is packed with plenty of White people. Simply take a look at a population density map and you will see this. How many more White people do you want living there? If White populations were to increase dramatically, then Europe would have to expand via territorial conquest to support the numbers, or send its excess population to the United States (which was done in the past).

      Again, non-white populations have soared world wide and in our own homelands because of our own stupidity and the destructive policies of our own governments. If you want to reduce Third World populations overseas, all we have to do is “pull the plug” on them and stop providing our medical and technological expertise. Regarding the genocidal policies of the madmen who now control the West, I would agree. There seems to be a concerted effort on the part of the ruling establishment (led by Kosher Inc.) to snuff us out, via feminism, miscegenation, abortion, taxation, non-white immigration, etc… Obviously, if these insidious policies are not eliminated, along with the hordes of Third World vermin currently living in our homelands, we will be in BIG trouble and may very well face extinction in the distant future. On that point, I entirely agree with you.

    15. TheGlimmering Says:

      Point of order: read your literature boys, a house with concubines or philanderers has never been stable, particularly for white men. There are plenty of Sagas, Eaddas, poems, and so forth to bear out that observation.

      Extreme measures may get you a boost in your numbers initially, but they back fire as you destabilize your community, lose the stranglehold you used to exact said measures, and your women, remembering your disrespect, find greener pastures. Don’t believe me? I have a few Lenape ancestors, women of the First Nations had nothing worth staying home for, despite PC claims of egalitarian societies. They preferred European men and the Lenapw live on only as a single allele in their descendants DNA.

      The harder you attempt to hold onto us, the harder we’ll balk, and the more certainly we’ll refuse to have your children.

      And, as an aside, the still more extreme measures than compulsory polygamy without recourse result in women dying which will dig you a deeper demographic pit.