7 September, 2006

THOMSON: Exposing an Ecclesiastical Extortion Racket

Posted by alex in Christianity, Eric Thomson at 2:10 pm | Permanent Link

By Eric Thomson

There are no big secrets, for they are ‘hidden’ in plain sight, like the Federal Reserve Racket, or an elephant in a telephone booth. Such items cannot be dismissed as ‘conspiracies’, for they are policies which are conducted in the open. The victims of these rackets are generally called Goyim, who’d rather not see such scams because of their greatness, which scares the wee, timorous beasties. All rackets require the co-operation of their victims for the benefit of a criminal minority. Thus it is with the old Satan/Yahweh scam.

As we know, Satan is the source of all evil, although he was created by Yahweh, who was “all-knowing”, & thus knew what Satan would do before he did it. In criminal law, Yahweh would be found guilty of creating “all evil”, just as it does for one who pays another to commit murder on his behalf. Yes, Yahweh would be held responsible for what he did, unless his lawyer could prove that he was insane, which is adequately supported by words & deeds attributed to Yahweh in The Old Testament. Satan & Yahweh are just as much partners as the fabled Adam & Eve. Jesus ben Yahweh is odd man or god out, since he served as a jewish scapegoat during his fabled life on Earth, & he promises ‘redemption’ only in the alleged afterlife. Thus it is in this jewish mythology that Satan & Yahweh are demonic deities of the here & now. Officially, Jesus is absent from earthly affairs, pending his fabled ‘return’, so he is ‘out to lunch’ for purposes of the here & now. That leaves us with Satan/Yahweh on Earth.

It is almost impossible to get Goyim to attend to anything beyond their immediate physical needs of consuming & excreting, but Hurricane Katrina (rhymes with Latrina) did get the attention of some. The preachers-for-profit were notably focused on the material needs of the survivors, rather than their spiritual needs for understanding the disaster in terms of jewish mythology. Isn’t this odd on the part of the creatures who otherwise love to tell us not to worry about our wallets, but how we shall fare in the fabled ‘afterlife’, depending on the amount of zogbucks we give them?

To my knowledge, only one preacher in the disaster area mentioned “God’s will” in terms of the hurricane & its victims. Perhaps the dead were all ‘raptured’. Obituaries allege that so & so was now “in heaven, with Jesus (ben Yahweh)”, so death is allegedly “good”, regardless of cause. The alleged presence of Satan is hypocritically deleted in these proceedings, for preachers used to prate that Satan was always around, to lead us to hell, & that the chances of hell were much greater than the chances of heaven, as Yahweh wills it. In other words, Yahweh, who is “all good”, prefers that the majority of his creatures join up with Satan, who is “all bad” & “The source of all evil.” Biblical bamboozlers are themselevs befuddled about Hurricane Katrina: was she “good” or “evil”, or maybe a combination of both, as in the combination of Satan & Yahweh? In other words, the hurricane occurred as divine or diabolic will, & maybe both. Since Yahweh, the alleged creator of everything, has his own mythical scheme or scam for all events which occur in past, present & future, the selfish prayers of those who claim to believe in this mythology are, in effect, SINS of blasphemy, by willfully seeking to undo Satan/Yahweh’s will. “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

The kosher conundrum in this religious extortion racket is also obvious: If “good” is the opposite of “evil”, then how can evil result from good? The Zoroastrians did not seek to abuse language, as did the jews, since their theology claims that “good” (Ormazd) & “evil” (Ahriman) came into existence on their own, neither being created by the other. In this religion, Ormazd created Man to help him, so humans were not the products of “original sin”, as real or imagined “sins”, as well as their “holocausts” or ritual sacrifices of real or imagined people. The real sacrifices are the Gentile (Goy) “animals” & the fake sacrifices are The Children of The Father of Lies, as benefits them.

The message of Judeo-Christianity is perverse, as well as the behavior which stems therefrom. Any belief which sacrifices the innocent on behalf of the guilty is indeed perverse, if not perverted, including the forgiveness of evil-doers. The secular manifestations of this kosher cult are seen in our present policy of coddling ‘certain’ criminals, who are deemed most in need of tender, loving care, instead of immediate execution, allegedly because of their alleged impairments, as in young, dumb &/or insane. Thus it is that I advise all bible-bangers to pray FOR Satan to their god, Yahweh, since Satan would ‘need’ tender, loving care most of all. Why pray for little evil-doers, when one can pray for the alleged source of all evil? If all evil in this world is caused by Satan, then there is only one for whom all prayers should be dedicated. Were Yahweh willing to grant suffering humanity this prayer, then he & his creature, Satan, could kiss & make up, & hang up their ecclesiastical extortion racket!


  • 17 Responses to “THOMSON: Exposing an Ecclesiastical Extortion Racket”

    1. Olde Dutch Says:

      Federal Reserve racket, you got a better idea? Do you think we should have one German style central bank? Or total banking anarchy with no state or federal regulation.

      You should know the only requirement for salvation/life after death is belief in Jesus Christ. Nothing else. Sure, the jews don’t believe in an afterlife, and the catholics, jehovas witnesses and others think they can & must work their way into heaven. You must have been sick the day they taught the Reformation.

    2. Olde Dutch Says:

      The Zoroastrians got their problems too:

    3. will Says:

      As usual, another good read from Eric Thomson!

    4. Ike Says:

      Old Dutch does not know about fractional reserve banking and fiat money? We are doomed !

    5. Mr. Antisemite Says:

      Interesting concept about praying for Satan since he is the source of all evil. I thought about it, but then I realized what my x-tian acquaintances would say. They would say something like, “Oh no! You can’t pray for Satan since he rejected christ and is in hell”. I think they would say it would fall under the rule of “Final Judgment” Apparently, the time before Final Judgment is all the shots you get to pray for somebody. They’re pretty anal about their rules.

      I tell them that I like the Egyptian version of Final Judgment better. After death you appeared before Matt, the goddess of truth, justice and order where she would put your heart on a scale to weigh it against a ostrich feather. If you heart was in sin it would be heavy with the troubles of this earth. If you were a good person your heart would be as light as a feather and so you would be entitled to have an afterlife. If your heart was heavier than a feather then Maat would toss it to a hyena or jackal to be devoured and that would be the end of your spiritual existence.

      There’s something perverse about judeo-xtianity wanting you to suffer for all eternity for the mistakes you make in a blink of an eye.

      Personally, I’d like to see all the x-tians and the Pope sign a contract stating that after Israel is reduced to a cinder and there is no Messiah forthcoming they would all agree to put this stupid destructive religion to rest for ever.

    6. SMG3000 Says:

      I really really hope someone in Washington gets Eric working for one of the new White orgs (hopefully the one Bill just started). My god, give him a chance! You have to go after Eric because he’s too mistrustful of WN orgs that have burned him in the past, for him to ASK to join. Just not his style.

      Anyway, I remember way back when I considered myself a Christian, or at least I spent a long time trying to get something useful out of it. Some of these technicalities about Satan and what magical powers Jesus really has seem more complicated than the rules for Dungeons and Dragons.

    7. Scipio Americanus Says:

      The Federal Reserve System is the largest and most successful criminal enterprise ever conceived and perpetrated. Contrary to the popular belief held by the stupid Goyim, the Fed is a private banking cartel with supposed oversight via Congress. It is the central source of power for ZOG and must be destroyed if we are ever to regain our freedom and independence. Andrew Jackson was correct when he referred to it’s early incarnation as “the Monster” and was able to defeat it. It was resurrected in 1913 and has laid waste to our economic and political freedoms ever since.

      Political and economic freedom go hand in hand. They are, in essence, two sides of the same coin. Please note, our so called currency states clearly: Federal Reserve Note. It is not a U.S. Treasury Note! There have been stories circulating regarding John F. Kennedy’s alleged attempts to return to U.S. Treasury Notes which ultimately led to his assassination. If his efforts were in fact true, then it would make clear who was behind his assassination and why. The question unanswered is whether these rumors are true or false. Regardless, the fact remains that ZOG’s ultimate power rests with the Federal Reserve System. Destroy it and you destroy ZOG.

    8. jimbo Says:

      is Eric Thompson a ‘creator’?

      i detect a Klassenite flavour to his post.

      re: Katrina: Latrina: the (white )fundie preachers would be taken a lot more seriously if they named the kike and nailed the nigga…….but: could they actually DO that?

      wouldn’t that mean renouncing their beliefs as oxymoronic?

      most non-whites (pssbl exception: certain groups of Asians) are basically SCUM! with, of course, the yoo topping the list!

      that, un-fortunately for the jd-xian fundies, is an easily verifiable objective fact!…..and no amnt of ‘preaching, teaching and prophesying’ is gunna change that one, simple, incontravertible Law of Nature!

      Amerikwa is prblby the most xian-ised nation on the face of the Earth.
      So much so, that it is almost inconceivable that a non-xian could court major public office.

      An (professing) atheist President of United States is abt as likely as a one-legged man running a four-minute mile!

      Literally $$$gazillions$$$ are poured into various churches and televangilist ministries in the ‘Kwa annually. The South/mid-west of the ‘Kwa is known as ‘the Bible Belt’…..there are many large and flourishing jd-xian churches…..with numerous black and white members…..it is almost inconceivable that the average ‘Kwan, whether black or white, could grow up without being exposed to a very large dollop indeed
      of jd-xianity!…….particularly so in that ‘Bible Belt’ area.
      (a much larger dollop than the average Brit’, German or Swede would be exposed to, for instance!)

      And, yet, we still see a disproportionate Black/White crime rate of 10-to-1 and the savage, murderous, animalistic, Afreakan behaviour of the niggs during Latrina……..the only logical conclusion that could be reached is that whites are as different to non-whites as it is possible to be! and that they are not equal now, never were equal and never will be equal in any way, shape or form: whether: spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically or psychologically!

      Clearly, the $$$gazillions$$$ pumped into these ‘ministries’ is money that could be much better spent else-where: like repatriating the niggs to Afreaka, the yids to Yidsrael and creating a white home-land…..wouldn’t all this lead to a much happier, productive and prosperous life for all?
      With plenty of time & opportunities to contemplate the more esoteric and philosophical aspects of existence?

      Isn’t that what these jd-xian fundies supposedly want?

      And if they don’t: what the HELL do they want?

    9. -JC Says:

      Consider that the JUDAIZING of Christianity– the playing on superstition; the desire for an afterlife (The “snake” in the Garden of Eden lied saying, You’re not gonna die;” the combining the teaching of Jesus Christ with paganism for popularity & profit as done by the Catholic church; and the considerably more ancient Zoroastran concept of a literal Satan with red PJs and a pitchfork– just might be the problem rather than the teachings of Jesus Christ

      Apparently Jesus referred to Peter as Satan and I take that to mean not the literal embodyment of another– being possessed if you will– but rather simply in Aramaic idiom that he was being a devil. I think the confusion is in the translation capitalising the “S” in satan. “But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.” (Matthew 16:23)

      Much in the bible is symbolic, idiomatic, and in parable, which is literally invisible to those not intended to understand it– meaning those unable to understand it– which is not to say those simply unwilling to try to understand it.

      Idioms make language difficult for non-native speakers to understand, e.g., I’m in a pickle. An example of Aramaic idiom is “If your hand offends you, cut it off.” That means, if you’re stealing, quit it.

      It is quite possible to be intelligent and ignorant. Many are entertained– amused– by intelligence even when it is destructive to the moral and philosophical underpinnings of one’s own society, e.g., Jewish television comedy such as Seinfeld and Lear’s All in the Family and The Jeffersons.

      Its important to separate wheat from chaff, the pit from fruit. It is also imporant to be able to see the good in something that a determined minority is trying with remarkable energy to discredit and the majority is buying hook, line, and sinker.

    10. Antagonistes Says:

      The old legalistic concept of the Atonement is at a dead- end. The idea that God stores up wrath, like a gigantic capacitor storing up a charge, and that he has to discharge it, so one-third of Him volunteers to go down to earth as a son and accept that charge in order to dissipate it–leaving the heavenly one-third discharged FatherGod saying,”I feel so much better! My wrath is discharged! I forgive people now!”–that idea will not fly anymore.

      Besides, this legalistic idea of the Atonement fits hand-in-glove with the Nigras’ demands for reparations. If the innocent can be punished for sins of the guilty, then why not punish innocent Whites for the “sins” of their ancestors, namely slavery of Nigras.

      From Harry Emerson Fosdick:

      “. . . can you imagine a modern courtroom in a civilized country where an innocent man would be deliberately punished for another man’s crimes? In ancient times, that was common practice. Saul had slain Gibeonites, whom the Israelites had promised to spare, and David felt compelled to make things right with them. How did he do it? He handed over to the Gibeonites seven of Saul’s sons and grandsons, and they were hanged ‘on the mountain before the Lord.’ That was substitutionary atonement, and alas! it came a long way down in history in many a penal system. But now it is precivilized barbarity; no secular court would tolerate the idea for a moment; only in certain belated theologies is it retained as an explanation of our Lord’s death.” (Dear Mr. Brown–Letters to a Person Perplexed About Religion by Harry Emerson Fosdick, Harper, 1961, p. 136)

      Hand over the money of the sons and grandsons of ancient Southerners to the Nigras before the Lord!

      Fosdick, even though a liberal, at least tells it straight.

    11. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “. . .Literally $$$gazillions$$$. . .”

      I assume you mean metaphorically.

    12. SMG3000 Says:

      Eric Thomson isn’t a Creator but then I’m not sure just how familiar he is with the White Man’s Bible and all.

    13. Theseus Says:

      . . . a little misconception here in the comments on Zoroastrianism.

      /zoro rox!

    14. jimbo Says:

      re: Shabbos Shabbaz

      Klassen says in ‘Nature`s Eternal Religion’:

      “The Vatican, that citadel of ‘spiritual’ leadership, which also preaches, ‘lay not up treasures on earth’, does not practice what it preaches. On the contrary, what it practices is indeed the height of hypocrisy and the antithesis of spirituality. It goes all out for laying up treasures on earth. It has amassed unto itself a portfolio of 5.6 billion dollars in stocks alone, not to mention all of its real estate, art treasures and other valuables. It enjoys an annual income of 1.5 billion dollars, much of it undoubtedly collected from the ‘widow`s last mite’ as well as its vast holdings.

      The United States religious establishment as a whole is valued at 102 billion dollars. In 1969, of the 17.6 billion dollars United States individuals contributed to charity (mostly benefiting the niggers), 45 percent, or 7.9 billion dollars was earmarked for religious purposes. Pretty materialistic for a religion that ‘shuns’ earthly treasures and preaches ‘my kingdom is not of this world’ ”

      those figures are, of course, nearly 40yrs old…..
      so: it would not be un-reasonable to @ least QUADRUPLE THEM………just for the ‘Kwa alone….that would now amount to hundreds of billions of $$$ …..add to that figure the obsence amnt of money bequeathed annually to the hob-goblin Talmudic gangsta state of Yidsrael, directly or in-directly courtesy of various deluded jd-xians, and you’d have a figure well over $$$a trillion$$$ if not pushing $$$two trillion$$$…..IMHO: that easily qualifies as $$$gazillions!$$$

    15. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “…..IMHO: that easily qualifies as $$$gazillions!$$$”

      I literally agree with you. . .

    16. Celtic Warrior Says:

      We mustn’t go for Christian bashing, we can leave that to the jews!

      Most “moderate” Christians are potential White Nationalists.

      Some of the more erudite philosophical problems posed by Christianity will fall away when even the established churches begin to fully appreciate the nature and scale of the jew problem.

    17. Steve Says:

      I’ve always thought the biblical description of heaven was desirable only to people who prefer quantity over quality, wasteful extravagance over functional simplicity…i.e. the mass of idiots who lack sustainable ideals and are therefore dependent on leaders to valuate for them.

      Who really wants walls and streets of gold (Rev. 21:18,21) or gates made of huge pearls (Rev 21:21)? It’s just bullshit to baffle the brainless. It’s like the parasitic real-estate buy-and-sell infomercials that promise great wealth tips if you just help make them wealthy by individual donations of $29.99.

      Those who are inclined to want money for nothing, or an eternity of wealthy extravagance just for saying the magic words on earth, are not far off mentally from those who use force to get your money for nothing.

      Furthermore, Christianity instills blind obedience to a power that is never to be questioned only because it has absolute power. The killing of every man, woman, child and animal (as was customary in many raids of pagan cities in the early OT) is then seen as a good act, simply b/c the powers that be says it is. God’s might makes him right.