17 October, 2006

Candidate Name Causing Problems for Ozarks Man

Posted by alex in Glenn Miller at 3:42 pm | Permanent Link

On Vnnforum.

  • 33 Responses to “Candidate Name Causing Problems for Ozarks Man”

    1. Mark Says:

      Would it kill the man to pick up a dictionary?

      He should be more concerned about his lack of basic education.

    2. Brian Gareth Martivale Says:

      Spelling seems to be problematic for him as well. :)

    3. Jim Says:

      The moron is proud that he doesn’t know how to spell. Kwans – you gotta hate ’em.

    4. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      I’m guessing he’s not the local spelling bee champion either. Well, I lived in that area not too long ago and I have my theories about the original settlers, people who would move on top of a rock when farming was the occupation of most Americans, while the Germans and the French in Missouri were moving where the topsoil was 80′ deep in some places, but there are enough flame wars going on here already so I’ll just keep it to myself.

    5. Sickle Cell Anemia Says:

      Who does the spelling in his campaign,a NIGGER?

    6. Geoff Beck Says:

      Hey Sickle Cell Smartass…

      Glenn Miller (Rounder) didn\’t create that sign. It was created by another man also with the name Glenn Miller, a man that didn\’t want to be known as Rounder.

      So tell me dumbass, do you read and think before opening your mouth?

    7. planter Says:

      There are 3 kinds of men in the world. Doers, Thinkers, and Daydreamers. Glenn Miller is a Doer. What kind are you?

    8. Lokuum Says:

      Maybe his spelled it wrong on purpose to further distance himself from any association with Rounder.

      “Shucks fellahs, there ya have it, I don’t even knows how to spell it. Colt 45? Top shelf, on your right. Your other right.”

    9. SA Mann Says:

      That guy looks like “Glenn Miller Lite”. He has a cowboy hat and a ‘stash, just like the our Glenn Miller. That moron should be proud to share the name of a great patriot.

    10. Arch Says:

      I’m not sure what the problem is with this name thing, I have always liked Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey too! There’s just something about that “big band sound” that I can’t resist. It’s a shame that Miller died on a flight across the English Channel in 1944 – or did he? Now if you really want to see a problem with names, consider the following story of a Palestinian man running for chief dog catcher in the upcoming elections in the Gaza Strip. Can anyone believe he has a ghost of a chance at winning the election with a name like Moshe Katsav?

      Palestinians express outrage over man’s name.

      GAZA STRIP (AP) — Palestinians marched through a hail of totally non-lethal rubber bullets in protests over a man currently running for the post of chief dog catcher in the Gaza Strip.

      Israeli troops fired into the crowds of protesters with the totally non-lethal rubber bullets resulting in a number of Palestinians falling down and pretending they were killed.

      The uproar was over a candidate’s name, “Moshe Katsav”, a name eerily similar to that of Israel’s current president. Protestors carried signs exhibiting hateful scrawls like, “We love our dogs too much to let Moshe near their rear”.

      One protestor angrily commented that he would not let his dog or his wife be raped by any Israeli – president or not – at least if he had anything to say about the matter. The entire matter was made somewhat moot just a few seconds later when a totally non-lethal bulldozer accidentally ran over the man resulting in minor, superficial injuries and death.

      When Katsav was questioned about his indiscretions, he responded by denying any wrongdoing, his attorney has said that he is the victim of blackmail. Katsav said, “I have never, ever, hurt any Israeli woman or any other kind of dog for that matter and have no intention of doing so; after all it’s not like I’m the president of Israel you know.”

      The race for the coveted golden net, symbol of chief dog catcher for the Gaza strip, has long been hotly contested. Intense competition for the post is easily understood considering the winner of the election generally eats quite well – right up until they are ousted in the next election.

      And in a related story

      Dog saves owner from fire, dies trying to rescue cat

      ELKHART LAKE, Wisconsin (AP) — After a disabled woman’s cat started a house fire, her specially trained dog came to
      the rescue, then died trying unsuccessfully to rescue the cat.

      Jamie Hanson said her 13-year-old dog Jesse brought her artificial leg and a phone she used to call 911.

      “She got me outside and then she heard the cat upstairs and she went up there to get the cat, and she wouldn’t come back to
      me,” Hanson, 49, said at a news conference Monday at Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center, where she was being
      treated for her injuries.

      She received third-degree arm burns in the fire Sunday night at her home in Rhine, south of Elkhart Lake. Both pets died.

      Hanson, who lost a leg in a car accident three years ago, said she was on the couch watching television when the cat ran
      over the back of the couch.

      “And he jumped onto a table that had a candle on it and tipped it over and lighted the artificial plants on fire,” she said.

      Hanson said she fell off the couch and was unable to get her artificial leg from the table, “so my dog got my leg for me and
      went and got the phone and brought the phone to me so I could call 911.”

      In a gesture of international goodwill a dark horse candidate for chief dog catcher of the Gaza Strip, Moshe Katsav, sent Ms. Hanson
      his condolences expressing his deep sympathy for the loss of her dog. Mr. Katsav then made a sweeping gesture of offering to take
      care of the arrangements for Ms. Hanson’s dog Jesse stating, “Such a shame it’z! We will do everything possible to honor Jesse’s bravery,
      we only ask that the meat – er – dog’s remains are sent to Gaza in some sort of oven warmer.”

      Arch Stanton

    11. slitherstain Says:

      No reflection on VNN’s Glenn Miller, of course, but the sign posted by the other Glenn Miller does go to show how illiterate the average white man out there has become.

    12. Jackumup Says:

      Is he wearing his Sunday go en to church best? Whats wrong with colt 45?
      You fucks should not make fun of truck drivers, how many tattoos do you think his wife has?

      Q) How does a girl from the Ozarks know when her mothers having her period

      A) Her brothers dick taste funny

    13. brutus Says:

      Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that is indeed VNN’s very own Glenn Miller in that photo.

    14. Meeee Says:

      Is he the band leader that was lost over the english channel? Wow!

    15. Missouri Boot Ride Says:

      Hey! Ya’ll don’t be making fun of ma kinfolk, ain’t nothing wrong with Ozarkians. Hell, the Beverly Hillbillies were from there! Bugtussle I think it was. Our people!

    16. James Hawthorne Says:

      The gentleman with the hat is our Glenn “Rounder” Miller. The sign was put up by another ‘Glenn Miller’ who can’t spell correctly, it seems. Our Glenn is a write in candidate for congress. The fink is an establishment candidate, who owns a liqour store.

      If you want to save America and the White Race vote Glenn Miller “your write in candidate” for congress !

      Vote X the Real White Man – Not the Fink !

    17. jackumup Says:


    18. Biff Baxter Says:

      These fuggin’ kwans can’t spell to save their life. I guess they concentrated too much on “theories of knowledge” in school rather than elementary reading, writing and spelling.

      Just one look at that sign and you know Amerikwa is a doomed nation. I wouldn’t piss on that country if it was on fire.

    19. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      Biff, that´s tough talking on a site which is run by Americans. I guess there are quite a few idiots down under. Am I correct?

    20. New America Says:

      in reply to Sehnsucht nach dem Reich:

      Biff Baxter made a comment that you found objectionable.

      I’d like to discuss his comment, and why it just might be more appropos than we can see, on first glance.

      Biff Baxter Says:
      21 October, 2006 at 9:38 am

      These fuggin’ kwans can’t spell to save their life. I guess they concentrated too much on “theories of knowledge” in school rather than elementary reading, writing and spelling.

      in reply:
      The “theories of knowledge” are the rationalizations taught in college to the education majors; they have led to intellectual impotence on the mass scale of the public fool system.

      These are the bottom of the barrel, academically, as their standardized test scores reveal.

      Ironically, the intellectual ineptitude becomes compounded as one generation settles for the institutional acceptance of lower standards for THEIR generation, which leads to yet lower standards for the NEXT generation. This process compounds incessantly, which is part of the JEW’S plan for dumbing down their goy fodder.

      Biff Baxter wrote:
      Just one look at that sign and you know Amerikwa is a doomed nation.

      in reply:
      Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind that America is a doomed nation, and the only way out is for US to accept the responsibility to literally rebuild our nation along RACIAL lines, from the ground up – starting with getting out of debt, and homeschooling our children with the Robinson Curriculum?

      These are the same principles that work for the JEW, and will work with even greater effectivness for the CREATIVE RACE, the WHITE RACE.

      From THIS foundation, OUR NATION will lead to OUR COUNTRY.

      Biff Baxter wrote:
      I wouldn’t piss on that country if it was on fire.

      in reply:
      “That country” is well on its way to declaring all of us political enemies solely on the basis of RACE.

      Let me repeat that, for the slow learners among us.

      “That country” is well on its way to declaring all of us political enemies solely on the basis of RACE.

      Let’s be honest.

      If New Aztlan was “on fire,” would you do ANYTHING to save it from itself?


      If New Orleans – the Nineteenth Ward, in particular – was “underwater,” would you do ANYTHING to save it from itself?

      Of course not.

      The fact that the people of both “nations” would be using their nominal “rescuers” for TARGET PRACTICE, strongly suggests YOUR efforts would be better spent on making a Whiter, Brighter World for YOUR “posterity.”

      “Which Way, Western Man?”

      ONE WAY, described in the most beautiful word in the English language.

      HOME, possibly to the Northwest described by Harold Covington in his Northwest Trilogy, but certainly to a…

      New America!

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    21. jimbo Says:

      ‘Sehnsucht nach dem Reich’ sez:
      “I guess there are quite a few idiots down under. Am I correct”?

      more or less…although Oz is mercifully free of ‘patriotardism’;
      especially the jd-xian pro-zionist variety! (@ least: on such a large scale as in the JewSA!)

      the biggest prblm in Oz is ‘public apathy’, a pre-dominance of loud-mouthed feminist slags and the pre-dominance of the ‘main-stream’ media and the public’s willingness to believe every bit of crap they trot out as ‘gospel’….ohh…and, of course, the tiny kike minority (which, in Oz, is really tiny!) get media exposure OUT of ALL PROPORTION to their n°s!

    22. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      Re. Jimbo

      Thanks for your enlightening comment. It seems that the situation in Australia is a bit better than in many other white countries, but still very grim, to say the least.

      Public apathy is a problem everywhere. And I think the reason for this is not general stupidity or indifference. I believe many people sense unconsciously that they are surrounded by an evil power, which they probably cannot beat. So they decide to play stupid or indifferent, and they are hypocrites even before their own consciousness! That’s the only explanation I can muster that the vast majority of otherwise intelligent Whites seems unable to see the obvious. That they are on the road to utter annihilation, that they are fed with stupid lies from cradle to grave, that the beauty of life swoons every day a bit.

      Glad that you don’t have brain-dead Christian Zionists. (As Eric Thompson likes to joke, Australia got Britain’s convicts, North America the religious nuts). That you have only a few jews is good, naturally, but doesn’t alter the fact, that Australia is part of ZOG, because modern technology (media, nuclear blackmail etc.) makes it possible for the jews to control a country with very small numbers. I have also heard that freemasonry is rather big in Australia, and freemasons are artificial jews, as you surely know.

    23. jimbo Says:

      Sehnsucht nach dem Reich sez:
      “I have also heard that freemasonry is rather big in Australia, and freemasons are artificial jews, as you surely know”

      yeh…..’free-masonry’ has always been BIG! in Oz…..almost every town of any size has a masonic ‘lodge’ and, of course, all large cities have them too!

      while the jewSA has lots of free-masons(prblby the most in the world!), they are possibly even more influential here as free-masons per se……the jewSA tends to have them ‘dispersed’ into vrs semi-secret societies like the infamous ‘Skull & Bones’ or pseudo-governmental orgs like the CFR!

      most (white) high-to-mid-ranking cops, senior politicians, senior bureaucrats, senior media people, judges, magistrates and senior ‘establishment church’ (Anglican) figures in Oz are free-masons!….also: many white men who own and/or operate their own business/factory are also free-masons; mainly: because you can’t do so without being ‘in the lodge’…
      also: many directors/senior management of big companies are masons!…although: that might not be so prevalent as in the past: because most big companies now in Oz are multi-national
      coporations: and: most of them are controlled by kikez!

      the increasing non-white ppltn of Oz, of course, aren’t masons….free-masonry is a kike disease specifically vectored @ under-mining white society……

      most of the social up-heavals caused by the 1960s/1970s counter-cultural revolution: the drug culture and promiscuity, feminism, homosexuality, child pornography, abortion, multi-culturalism, globalisation, ‘native title’, gun-control &c have free-masonry @ the root cause in Oz….and, of course, the kikez @ THE ROOT of THAT ROOT!

      Free-masons in Oz were also big in the One World Order (read: Jew World Order) crowd……Australia was one of the first countries to join the League of Nations and was also an enthuasistic endorser of vrs UN gobbledygook……one of the main players was a masonic chabbez-goi schmuck called H C ‘Nugget’ Coombs (former head of the Oz Reserve Bank….the equivalent of the Federal Reserve….surprise! surprise!)

      see here for transcript of in-depth interview with this jew shill!

    24. Biff Baxter Says:

      I forgot to mention.

      This country is utterly doomed as well. I also could not spare a dixie cup of urine to quelch an inferno here, should such a conflagration take place.

      Amerikwa is doomed, Australia is doomed, the UK has already been passed through the large intestine and is now being dissolved by enrichment enzymes.

      Can modern civilizations be maintained with nobody left who can read, write, follow simple instructions? Who will the yoos get to enforce their dictates if they can’t keep the street lights and trains running?

      I think not. I think one look at that sign reveals that the entire Western world has truly been beshitted royally. Nothing left to salvage, nothing left to swear allegiance to, nothing left, period.

      China and Russia should regard it as a mercy killing when the time comes. Nothing here but a lot of shabbas goy and their cross-eyed kosher masters. No great loss.

      Losing all of these functional illits and their greasy kids would be the greatest boon the white gene pool has ever known. I think there is something else going on there in addition to sheeny shenanigans. Perhaps a bit too much inbreeding somewhere along the line.

      Remember, the yoshis may have mixed up the poison, but these yahoos chose to drink it. A flaw in their genetic code doubtless that they should be susceptible to such rubbish and embrace the cocktail of postmodernist crapola that is effectively mental sterilization. Prediction – these lads will not be going back to the moon anytime soon. They are going to need a good chromosomal scrubdown before that becomes possible again.

    25. New America Says:

      Biff Baxter made some points that are worthy of further discussion.

      Biff Baxter Says:

      I forgot to mention.

      This country is utterly doomed as well. I also could not spare a dixie cup of urine to quelch an inferno here, should such a conflagration take place.

      Amerikwa is doomed, Australia is doomed, the UK has already been passed through the large intestine and is now being dissolved by enrichment enzymes.e

      in reply:
      I have sadly come to pretty much the same conclusion; what American has BECOME, culturally, is pretty much the antithesis of what made America great.

      Our days of greatness, as a country, are over; my concern is building a foundation personally, within my immediate family and circle of (precious few) friends, for us to be ready to do our part, however small, to form a Renaissance some decades down the road.

      I stand all amazed at how much the most basic discussion of RACIAL Awareness on the part of WHITE people – the people who made, and sustained, this country – is treated with an almost physical hostility, EXCEPT among a few people who have lost their jobs, and almost all hope for the future.

      Biff Baxter wrote:
      Can modern civilizations be maintained with nobody left who can read, write, follow simple instructions? Who will the yoos get to enforce their dictates if they can’t keep the street lights and trains running?

      I think not. I think one look at that sign reveals that the entire Western world has truly been beshitted royally. Nothing left to salvage, nothing left to swear allegiance to, nothing left, period.

      in reply:
      How can you support those who are utterly opposed to your RACIAL destruction?

      Biff Baxter wrote:
      China and Russia should regard it as a mercy killing when the time comes. Nothing here but a lot of shabbas goy and their cross-eyed kosher masters. No great loss.

      Losing all of these functional illits and their greasy kids would be the greatest boon the white gene pool has ever known. I think there is something else going on there in addition to sheeny shenanigans. Perhaps a bit too much inbreeding somewhere along the line.

      in reply:
      I have tried to understand how a society of – to be charitable – functional illiterates, who have values that are EXACTLY opposite the values that are the necessary foundation of national greatness.

      Biff Baxter wrote:
      Remember, the yoshis may have mixed up the poison, but these yahoos chose to drink it. A flaw in their genetic code doubtless that they should be susceptible to such rubbish and embrace the cocktail of postmodernist crapola that is effectively mental sterilization. Prediction – these lads will not be going back to the moon anytime soon. They are going to need a good chromosomal scrubdown before that becomes possible again.

      in reply:
      We have replaced income with debt, and equity with debt, which has a greater interest rate than the real income increases of the American people; in fact, net net, American net real income has been sliding backwards for sometime.

      Debt isn’t taking one step back.

      JEWISH created-and-controlled debt will become the new JEWISH created-and-controlled EQUITY, as they liquidate our country for ten cents on the dollar, leaving us to STILL pay the ninety cents remaining, for the lifetime of ourselves, and our posterity.

      Biff makes the strongest point of all, the point Pete Shank makes repeatedly:

      We LET this happen to us.

      We can do something about that; today, right now, would be an excellent time to begin.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    26. Timothy Compton Wright Says:

      Well, the least this piece of shit traitor, liar, money grubbing, has been, wanted to be, beggar who calls himself the “real” Glenn Miller could at least have the courage to go by his first name, Francis, instead of Glenn. Now, I know that Francis is a kind of a faggoty sounding name, but at least it’s real. Can anybody imagine sending him some “freaking money” as he demands (on VNNF) if he went by his first name as most of us do?

      He is all about activism on VNNF, but what really is the activism he proposes? Popping a cap in the temple of a few well know jews? Taking out the SPLC and ADL headquarters? The good Lord only know that with all of his bad assed Green Beret training and combat experience Francis should be able to get at least one, right? The so called newspapers he hyped and peddled on VNNF are no more as he decided to jump ship and not involve himself with that form of “activism” anymore. Now the only form of activism advocated on VNNF by Francis is the purchase of some business cards that he has for sale. Business cards? This coward thinks that he is the only person in the world with a computer who is capable of printing out business cards. So, we should all send him some “freaking money” so he will give us our blessings on VNNF. Until then we are all kike-alike scum of the earth.

      Speaking of scum of the earth, I have noticed that he never bothers to tell anybody about the Phu Lac incident in 1970 when a chopper from 7th Cav picked up two Green Berets who had survived a “deep patrol” and abandoned seven other companions captured about 2500 meters from our perimeter. When they were picked up, both had full bandoleers and very few if any rounds had been fired by either one of them. One, was no less than our own glorious “Rounder” If you have any doubts about the real “military” history of this coward, you don’t need to send me any “freaking money”. Just go to the home pages of the 7th Cavalry and start poking around and asking a few questions.

      Ain’t it a small world, Francis(SSG Miller)? Remember me? I’m the FOPS who took your and Spec4 what ever his name was statements.

      You are a fucking coward who left nine men to be captured by the Cong.

      I don’t know what their final outcome was, but I don’t think any of them are yelling to send them some “feaking money”.

      What a piece of shit you were and are!

    27. jimbo Says:

      re: ‘Biff Baxter’

      i share yr prognostications re: the gloomy situation facing white ppl in most Western nations…..especially: the ‘Kwa, Canuckistan, Kiwi-Land, the JewK and Oz…with, how-ever, this proviso: our white children CAN be SAVED….especially those under 17yrs…..a White Nationalsit community/government can quickly & effectively de-programme them from any ‘ZOG-washing’ they may have been subjected to AND rapidly increase/bolster their native IQ level so that our high-tech society CAN continue!

      AFA most white adults are concerned, however, i have to agree….they are, by & large a lost cause!….if you hvn’t already demonstrated yr ‘nouse’ by aligning/associating yr-self with a White Nationalist movement/cause then: MORE FOOL YOU!

      we’ll need white women to increase our white ppltn but…apart from that…….

    28. Biff Baxter Says:

      I’m sure A. Linder would brand me a cowardly reductionist but I hold to the position that there will be no conscious decision on our part to survive – a remnant of us will survive as an organic expression of the race as a whole. The fact is, there’s only one truly all-purpose fully adaptive improvisational primate on this planet and it’s whitey. Very soon, TSHTF. I believe a portion of the white population is going to survive and even thrive in the ruins of the West and far outlast the poor niggers, who God truly shorted when it comes to surviving even small challenges. Witness New Orleans after Katrina.

      Niggers and penis-worshipping Khazar gypsies are our masters because we generate sufficient capital and industry for them to make it so with our tacit consent. Our parasites rise or fall according to our constitutional health. Shut down the food distribution system and other white infrastructure, a lot of niggers and gefiltish yiggers are going to die. Look at what happened to the nogs of New Orleans when the cracka’s paradise infrastructure was down for two weeks. The niggers can’t survive a toothache without whitey burping them and putting them to bed. The yoos are only marginally better.

      Whites are going to make a huge comeback, but first they are going to dip to 10% of current numbers. Best thing that ever happened to the breed.

    29. jimbo Says:

      re: ‘Timothy Compton Wright’….re: cmmts re: ‘Rounder’!


      i’m not making ANY cmmnt!…except that ‘Rounder’ @ LEAST HAD SOME SORT of ‘A GO’!….re: white nationalist orgs…..i don’t think that can be denied….i wish i could do even ¼ as much as he did!

      AFA: the rest is concerned: i guess it’s between you & him, m8!

      BTW: did u run into many Aussies in ‘Nam….wht was yr general opinion of them?

      racial regards!

    30. Jackumup Says:

      It is because of the division of white men that we are all doomed just use the above discussions as a example

    31. von Larson Says:

      Now, now, there’s no need for hysterics. Just remember that there’s no problem in your life that a hungry volcano can’t solve.

    32. Glenn Miller Says:

      It’s 3 Feb 07, and I just now read this thread.

      Comments above by Timothy Compton Wright about my being in Phu Lac, Vietnam is a complete fabrication. I was stationed in Cu Chi, Ban Me Thuot, and Long Thahn.

      If Wright can post one single shred of evidence to support his claim, I’ll quit the internet and never return. And he oughta be banned til he does.

      And my first name is FRAZIER not FRANCIS. Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr to be exact.

      Now I request he be PM’d by a moderator and asked to either present one shred of evidence or apologize or be banned for posting a deliberately fabricated smear-lie !!!

    33. Francis Lanham Says:

      What the hell’s wrong with “Francis”? Fuck you, TIMMMMYYY!