28 November, 2006

Rockwell on Propaganda: Things We Should study

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live, Goyfire, radio, White media, White solutions at 4:55 pm | Permanent Link

This link to G. L. Rockwell’s article on effective propaganda may be of interest to VNN readers.


While the “numbers” for GoyFire and FreeTalkLive may not be huge (yet), both broadcasts seem well on the way to being an alternative to the “Sheeny Supermarket” of propaganda that pervades the mind-waves of modern society. Especially interesting is Rockwell’s analysis of “conservative” propaganda, which always tries to be
“right” instead of going for the desired EFFECT. While WN IS RIGHT, it’s that mass EFFECT that we’re after, and “being right” isn’t even necessary. While Ezra Pound was “right” in his wartime speeches from Italy, it’s doubtful that he had much effect because the cultural referents he used were WAY OVER the heads of most people.

Keep up the good work guys! I think you’re puttin’ out stuff which DOES have the potential to reach the “average american”, if only they get a chance to listen in. Given the mud-ification of white america that’s underway, MANY more are willing to listen because the SEE the shit in their daily lives more than ever before.

But maybe there are even better, or should I say, more “segment tuned” approaches. Rockwell said one needed a “product” to appeal to all different “consumer segments”. How would one “tune” the message so it would be “purchased” by an ever-wider group of “customers”? I wouldn’t EVEN suggest changing what you’re already doin’, but maybe there could be analysis of how other “segments” could be reached, and what “flavors” would be most conducive to them “consuming”!!

Comments appreciated!

  • 3 Responses to “Rockwell on Propaganda: Things We Should study”

    1. fdtwainth Says:

      Thank you for the excellent link, Mr. Linder. I finished the framing of our message in conservative terms of reference, that is for those, who feel there is something wrong with the country, but yet fear to name a jew, I call it democratic-republican synthesis. Thus by attacking democracy, and promoting republican (=authoritarian) alternative we may well capture a large r segment of the White audience. I feel that we need a captive universalist movement, in order to translate Our Vision into political power.

    2. Billy Bob Says:

      If the technical support was available to increase the scope of the Vnn Radio Network, I would like to see expansion in many areas.

      We all know that white nationalists come in many different shapes and sizes. Wouldn’t it be geat to target the main White Nationalist demographic groups?

      White Males 25-45 is a serious target. What are their interests, concerns, and common desires?

      Would White Nationalist Women be inspired to hear other White nationalist women on the broadcasts?

      If New Shows with specific topics were to be created, I would like to see shows devoted to these categories:

      (1)NAME THAT JEW!!

      Naming and Boycotting the Jew= The Tribe needs to be constantly exposed at every level of their corruptive influence on our society. The Jew needs to be spotlighted for every crime and justice needs to be demanded for every crime. This needs to be an ongoing effort from exposing the corrupt Jewish fiat money system, to corrupt jewish media and Jewish occuppied government. Every Radio Show that is created will have new, first time listeners who may have never heard the JEWS being named for the Crimes they have committed. They must hear it over and over again. Names must be named, crimes must be exposed, and justice must be demanded every show.


      Hands on Activism=Lot’s of folks want to help. They need to be directed how to do so on a personal level.


      Inventing Solutions= we know what the problems are. Brainstorming and coming up with viable solutions ties directly with activism. Launching new projects and implementing solutions is something we can all get behind.

      Let’s propel Vnn Radio to the forefront of our steadily Growing movement with able and competent expansion ready and willing to meet the needs of all of our people.

      Onward and Upward!

    3. James Hawthorne Says:

      This all sounds great Billy Bob – But when people will not step up to the VNN Radio plate what can we do?

      With the internet to step forward, we could have VNN Radio 24/7 as you suggest.

      Again we can only do, what we do now, with the limited and brave folks ready and willing to pop their heads above the parapet.

      More need to step up !