21 November, 2006

Coons Call Kramer Cracker!

Posted by alex in AmeriKwa at 5:41 am | Permanent Link


Readers may wish to add their perspectives …

You can call any politician you disagree with a Nazi, but if a white man uses the “N-word” the world must come to a stop so we can all throw him out of our society.

“Kramer’s” Racist Tirade — Caught on Tape

-excerpts ( a small sampling- over 2200 responses so far)

The camera started rolling just as Richards began his attack, screaming at one of the men, “Fifty years ago we’d have you upside down with a f***ing fork up your ass.”

Richards continued, “You can talk, you can talk, you’re brave now motherf**ker. Throw his ass out. He’s a nigger! He’s a nigger! He’s a nigger! A nigger, look, there’s a nigger!”

The crowd is visibly and audibly confused and upset. Richards responds by saying, “They’re going to arrest me for calling a black man a nigger.”


42. Richards won’t get as much attention as Mel because Mel went after Jews and the Jewish folks are controlling hollywood. Hollywood influences the media, mel recently produced a movie that Jews found offensive. Where do Jews get off judging christians for movies that illustrate their beliefs? Lots and lots of double standards in the world and the reaction to this unacceptable tirade will stand as perfect illustrationPosted at 9:29AM on Nov 20th 2006 by Theresa Radke

43. I was there and those guys were calling him cracker. That part is not on the video.

If someone calls you a cracker, you have every right to call them whatever you want.

Posted at 9:41AM on Nov 20th 2006 by Josh Green

62. Maybe those two black guys should of shut the hell up instead of trying to provoke someone on stage. Blacks get a pass when they bash whites, no whites in the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, no White History Month, no White Expo, why??? Beccuase THAT would be racist. White’s are the most racially discriminated group in this country and it is pathetic.

Oh yeah, what church is it exactly that the Rev. Jesse Jackson preaches at?

Posted at 9:56AM on Nov 20th 2006 by Mike Jones

77. Totally funny. It’s great to see liberals get hysterical when a white guy does what every black comedian does all over the country, every weekend, in every comedy club they appear in. Ever see a black comedian in a comedy club? Some of the funniest, racist humor you’d ever want to see. Hilarious. But a white guy does it? Whoa! Time to call Jesse Jackson! Double standard, libs. Free speech is just that: FREE! No one group has a lock on certain speech.

Posted at 10:05AM on Nov 20th 2006 by David

127. Oh my, my inflated sense of morality is so injured by this.

You can call any politician you disagree with a Nazi, but if a white man uses the “N-word” the world must come to a stop so we can all throw him out of our society.

Posted at 10:32AM on Nov 20th 2006 by mugzy

405. I find it very interesting that TMZ.com is quick to show Richard’s tirade but is neglecting to show what the audience members said that triggered his outburst. What this makes me think is that they yelled racial slurs at him. The tip off is that Richards yelled to the effect “You can dish it out but not take it.” So we know that the hecklers were black and Richards remarks indicate that they yelled racial slurs at him. So they started it. Richards’ remarks to the effect that “you can dish it out but not take it” show he is not racist and is simply saying that crap to repay bad with worse. So he’s not the one with the problem. Judging by that TMZ is not showing what the hecklers said, despite that they have access to the tape to show that- is because if we saw what the hecklers said to Richards, he wouldn’t seem so bad and in fact, I’m sure the hecklers got EXACTLY what is coming to them. TOO BAD!

Posted at 12:32PM on Nov 20th 2006 by jme4538

511. Wise up white boys. In time you will be full time slaves.
Blacks can say anything and you laugh like a bumb a–.
African-American. Give mea break. I don’t know any blacks that were born in Africa. No American pride for the hand that feeds many.

Posted at 1:18PM on Nov 20th 2006 by John Busbee

521. James # 383, well said. Blacks being brought to this country were fortunate. Otherwise they’d be starving somewhere living in a hut. They should thank God every day that they made it to America. I think alot of whites speaking out on behalf of Richards are sick of the never-ending whining of blacks about inequality. Nothing is ever enough, the debt will never be paid. Whites in their minds believe we will owe blacks something until the end of time because we brought them over as slaves. (Which, BTW, fellow blacks certainly had their part in the slave trade). When blacks shut up about how much we still “owe” them as a race maybe whites will be a little less bitter. Whites are not to blame for your problems in life!!

Posted at 1:25PM on Nov 20th 2006 by Kelly

523. Well, it isn’t Kramer’s fault, really… Yes, he lost it, but all the images of black people acting like n-ggers on television and in film and in the news are bound to get to all of us at some point. Being white is tough these days. Whites are bound by Political correctness while blacks do whatever they want. Those two probably were n-ggers. It is really sad that few people see the end of American civilization so close at hand. Blacks who act perversely and violently are raised up on a pedestal in American culture, yet the white man who esssentially points out that the behavior is bad for society is somehow a racist? Being black and a n-gger are two different things. Don’t act like a n-gger and we won’t call you one.

Posted at 11:45AM on Nov 20th 2006 by Bryan

522. Would this have made Drudge if it was Chappelle or other black comedian calling someone a “nigger” or a white man a “cracker”? NO. Why? 1) It happens almost EVERY SHOW and 2) its acceptable for any other race/color to say racial slurs EXCEPT WHITES. THIS is why blacks have MORE rights than whites. THIS is why we are pissed off at the inequality in the world. Whites have to constantly “watch their mouth” but blacks get to say whatever they like. Then they send out prejudice f*cks like Al Shapton or Jessie Jackass to round up a media circus. What bullsh*t!

Interesting fact: Jessie Jackass used to round up WHITE hookers and GANG BANG THEM WHILE CALLING THEM RACIAL SLURS. Never got caught … why? If a reporter or VICTIM says something bad about a black activist, we are automatically prejudice! They spew out every other word about how bad white people are and whites are too “afraid” to react. Whites need to STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS and not be PUSSYS about it! We need WHITE ACTIVISTS to counter these f*cks!

Turn on MTV – its all “nigga’d” up now. Ever other word is “nigga” … do whites look stupid? Do we not know “nigga” is a way to get the word “nigger” on TV? Half the rap songs have some form of “nigger” in it! GET OVER IT!

I love Chappelle. He admits most blacks are niggers right in his own act! Ever see his skit “How not to get your ass kicked by the Police”? Perfect example of niggers in this world.

361. It seems that just like Sasha Baron Cohen, Michael Richards feels to insult any race he wants without recourse. Appearently, being a Jew makes you exempt.

Posted at 11:41AM on Nov 20th 2006 by David Robinson

321. I thought the hecklers calling Michael Richards a “cracker” was a million times worse than whatever names Michael was calling the hecklers.

Speaking as a white person growing up in New York, I never used racial slurs at any person of color. However, I had tons of run-ins with racist blacks at work or on the street. I moved out of New York because of this.

A few years ago, I was living in an apartment complex in Phoenix which eventually decided to participate in the Section 8 housing program. As a consequence, a black sociopathic bully moved in the apartment below mine and harassed and bullied me over his ceiling squeaking everytime I walked, as if there was something I could do about it. He also had me written up twice by the office. One time, we both got into a ten-minute shouting match and we came close to exchanging blows.

As a society, we always allow black people to get away with uncivilized behavior. Anytime a white person puts them in their place, it’s racist.

Tell me what you think of my thoughts. E-mail me at [email protected]

Posted at 12:02PM on Nov 20th 2006 by white guy in Phoenix

378. I was born in South Africa, and I waited 7 years to legally come to America. I have since become a naturalized American citizen. I truly resent all the dark skinned Americans living here who called themselves African Americans. They are wearing proudly a badge of honor that does not belong to them. Further, being known as an American should be a most honored privilege to these self-proclaimed Africans. Millions of people around the world would cut off their right arm to be born an American. Idiots………all of them.

How fortunate they should feel that their ancestors did suffer and were sold by their African Chieftans and brought, by slavery, onto American Soil. It was the best stroke of luck they could have to be born here. When I was made a citizen, I cried aloud, and I gave a long and sincere hug to the presiding judge. I swore to her that I would always be good American Citizen. I have since obtained two degrees, while working two jobs in the last 7 years, and I run a small yet successful small business.

Let those who falsely call themselves African Americans continue to complain about injustice, while they miss their best opportunity to succeed in life. Let them continue to serve me at McDonalds and Burger King. I feel as though I have won the lottery by being here, and I love America! God bless it!!!

Posted at 11:44AM on Nov 20th 2006 by james


  • 47 Responses to “Coons Call Kramer Cracker!”

    1. Mark Says:

      Right… the person who recorded/edited/posted this video just conviently left out the provocation that preceded this in which the blacks called him racist names.

      It shows the ignorance of blacks, calling a Jew “cracker”. Much like how militant Hispanics refer to all whites as Anglos. It’s inaccurate. A cracker is specifically a Southern white. Kramer is Jewish and not from the South either. But hey, I give Kramer some credit for defending himself and retaliating in kind. He called a nigger a nigger.

    2. Carpenter Says:

      Whites get the blame, as usual. There is not a single newspaper so far that is calling Kramer a Jew. Instead it’s all about “racism” against Blacks, so that it fits into the narrative – Whites oppress Blacks.

      They don’t actually call Kramer White, but they don’t have to. They talk about racist Whites, and people assume that Kramer is White. (Even when they know that he is a Jew! You don’t believe it? Believe it. People will forget that, and if they’d need a rationale, they’d say that he is acting like a White when he uses the word “nigger,” so Whites are still to blame. And calling him a Jew, indeed even thinking of him as a Jew, would be bad for Jews instead of Whites, and therefore racist.)

      Heads they win, tails we lose.

    3. I Says:

      43. I was there and those guys were calling him cracker. That part is not on the video.

      If someone calls you a cracker, you have every right to call them whatever you want.

      YUP, that’s why this video “Starts” where it does. If it starts 1 or 2 minutes earlier, we would have the full story. Which leads me to believe that Michael Richards may not be a jew.

    4. Curt Maynard Says:

      Nigger, nigger, nigger! I intend to use Kramer’s inevitable rehabilitation as just another example of how Jews circle the wagons around other Jews, while they go for the throat of Aryans, i.e. Mel Gibson.

      Jews are predictable:

      The Jews aren’t always so clever as they would like themselves to believe. Whenever they are in danger they prove to be the stupidest devils” (Goebbels Diaries (1948)Pg 183).

      The Jews in England now demand laws to protect them from anti-
      Semitism. We know these tactics from our own past when we were struggling for power. I didn’t help much. We were always able to find loopholes in the law. Besides anti-Semitism cannot be eradicated by law once it has taken root with the people. A law against hating Jews is usually the beginning of the end for the Jews (Goebbels Diaries. Lochner (1948) Pg 336).

    5. bryan o'driscoll Says:

      It’s truly amazing to watch white liberals try to explain why niggers and kikes should be allowed to have a double standard for public speech and behaviour. We are supposed to be an intelligent race but no non-whites would fall for the insantity of liberalism. They use it to their advantage but never actually believe it. Our compassion and tolerance are good qualities when applied within the white racial group, but are suicidal when applied outside. The kikes are so skilled at exploiting our weaknesses and dividing us against ourselves. In our own racial homelands we agonise over whether what we say and do will offend a pack of sub-human vermin invaders. Absolutely crazy! Only a long period of physical suffering will straighten out our thinking. Even some liberals can be cured if they are beaten, tortured and humiliated for long enough. A lot of them are just cowardly hypocrites anyway.

    6. endgame Says:

      Itz taboo to sensible critique the Yids & Nigs in the PC Western worlds.

      Humor” is intertwined politically with that of unpolitally.(Poli-Tics) A driving force when all things are at the lowest point. The Jews exploit comedy to the full extend for its own needs and goals.

    7. e Says:

      Michael ANTHONY Richards is not a jew, he’s an Italian.


    8. richy rich Says:

      Michael Kramer Richards is a fucking jew but he has done very good. After we saw Sen. Allen display his good southern manners and admit he called niggers niggers in college and had a hangman noose in his office with the Rebel Flag we can truthfully say southern jews are good and maybe now we see where all jews are getting enough of the shit they created. Actually the shit was created by yankee jews from the north and west not southern ones or those pretending to be from the south.

    9. pseudo-doc Says:

      As a long-time fan of ‘Seinfeld’ – spare me the condemnations, humorless ones – and a New Yorker, it’s amusing to see Richards calling a spade a spade. Before the War, Jews and white immigrants in the City were united by two things: organized crime and loathing the nigger. You have to consider that most Jews are as helpless against Jewish thought-control as our own people, and in fact have absolutely no chance of falling out with it, while a few of us manage to over the years. So I don’t hold Richards’ jewishness against him. He didn’t create Judaism or Jewish thought control techniques. A kike like Rob Reiner is ten times as dangerous. Richards is just a scatterbrained actor.

    10. Brian Gareth Martivale Says:

      True. Don’t you think most jews (i.e. “the little jews”) today beLIEve the Hollow Hoax actually happened and people hate them “just because” for no good reason?

    11. Curt Maynard Says:

      A Jew is a Jew is a Jew

    12. endgame Says:

      The KWA is litter with kikes,niggers,whiggers,ect.

      So, look for more interesting outburst in the Kwa. A nut-house of comedy 101.

      MLKoon and the Kike profess, let my people go. Seem to be that it is they who have a grip on us at every turn.Rediculing that which they’re incapable to admit the obvious.

    13. Bo Sears Says:

      Assuming it to be true that Kramer was called a “cracker” before he launched into his aggressive verbal counter-attack, he could have profited from having read our Theory of Slurs which points out that the proper rebuttal to slurs isn’t to take offense or to talk about been offended or to show you have been offended, it is to explore the mind of the defamer.


      Kramer could have had a very humorous field day with the idea of exploring the mind of the hecklers in their use of “cracker.” The possibilities are limitless with saltiness, crunchiness, air bubbles, etc., and shove those characteristics right back at the name-callers. He could even play off the fact that “cracker” is a food-based slur, and commented how good chicken wings, watermelon, and orange soda taste with crackers, how crackers enhance all foods, etc. The possibilities are endless.

      We’re not comedians, but any comedian worth his salt could have been able to find 100 ways to play off the left-wing racialist slur “cracker.” And humorously insult the hecklers.

      There is never a need to react on the same level as the attack when you remember that the use of slurs like “cracker” in this way opens up the mind of the defamer for comment, humor, and put-down.

    14. Olde Dutch Says:

      A few jews may finally be getting it—and—are now trying to cover their a$$.

      The least little bit of resistance and the jews will collapse. Thatz their history too.

    15. mia Says:

      is this about that stock market
      annoying f*ck on TV my old man watches.. with al the little cutsey
      sound effects (Bull market,. bear market)- well at least he is true to form lol (Jew hissy fit))


    16. mia Says:

      oh never mind, that last post was my mistake, same shyt, different Jew-
      Maybe this one is jealous of the Mel Gibson thing and wanted to be next in line to have a”racist meltdown”-
      so lets see, we have anti semitic white men, anti-negro Jews, what the hell is next? Anti_Euro Mexicans? Oh wait, thats everywhere, subsidized, and condoned. Maybe its just a tactic to get the focus off the beaner problem, you know, go back to the ‘old racism’,
      take the heat off beaners.

    17. Bo Sears Says:

      Non-Hispanic white, non-Latino white, non-Hispanic Caucasian…

      We frequently use a kind of twisted humor along the lines we offer to comedians above. In particular, we’ve got a big campaign going against the slur term “non-Latino white” and all of its variations. In emails, we explain that it is a negative definition never offered to other demographics, that it smothers our vibrant white American diversity, and that the use of the label is based on a claim of supremacy by the defamer.

      But here’s the twist. We then tell the recipient that we are amazed that they would endorse this kind of name because it clearly includes labels formulated like “non-Arabic Semite” and that obviously they approve that hate label if they approve of “non-Latino white.”

      We always telegraph our message in the subject line, so the subject line for this kind of message would be: “Non-Hispanic white? Non-Arabic Semite? Why embrace these hate terms?” That way they can’t just delete it without getting the message and, of course, we send blind copies to as many people at the media as we can. They do not like it at all…we call it a “teaching moment.”


      We don’t like “Caucasian” for general use because it fails to include the cultural emphasis that “European Americans” or “vibrant & diverse white Americans” brings out. And usually an Asian American writer is the author of pieces calling us “Caucasian” for some reason. (And to think they often get upset at “Oriental.”)

      Anyway, while we accuse the writer of bigotry and continental-origin hate speech, the subject line often goes like this: “Caucasian? Cock-Asian? What’s up with that?” That is often the last use that Asian American writer uses to smother our diversity with “Caucasian.”

      You see what we mean by twisted humor.

    18. Lokuum Says:

      Some say Cracker was a name the English used to insult the Irish. Some say it came from the ol maritime when wipping was the form of discipline on a ship, thus you have the picture of a sailor on the box of cracker jacks. The term cracker jack was a compliment to a well organized ship’s work force.

      Cracker, who me? yeah, okay I’ll go with that. I kinda think of it as a compliment.

    19. alex Says:

      Far as I know “Kramer” = Michael Richards = jew. Seinfeld was conceived as the intersecting lives of four NYC jews, but they switched out some names for goyish ones because they thought the show might be too jewy otherwise.

      I think Kramer handled it the right way. Niggers exist. I’m not sure what ‘cracker’ even means, precisely. For all I know it’s a baseless slur, or there’s another term that performs its naming function better. Not so with nigger. The thing nigger describes exists, and no term can capture it but nigger. The race-inverts’ whole game is to pretend niggers don’t exist, and when we abstain from using the term, we play into their hands.

    20. Sehnsucht nach dem Reich Says:

      It is too late to worry about the silly comments of a silly actor of a silly comedy show, which entertains the silly masses of a silly country. A jew actor (are not all jews actors?) uttered the n-word. Big victory of the white world!
      This madness must stop. Less is more, Alex. We don´t have to comment the minor events in the Jew-propasphere, they are always the same. Save the time, read a good book, a good symphony, educate your children instead.

    21. Stan Sikorski Says:

      nigger! nigger! nigger! kike! yid! nigger! and… NIGGER!

      There, I said it. Now put me on the jutube and let me say it some more! And I won’t apologise.


    22. kelly Says:

      So when are they going to go after,and demand apologies from, every fucking racist ,and grossly unfunny,niggorilla so-called “comedian”?When are they going to have White activists go after ignorant,grossly unfunny,racist niggorilla so-called comedians?When are the media,and others, going to call for the heads of ignorant,racist,grossly unfunny,niggorilla, so-called somedians?

      Yeah,I know,I KNOW…..

      By the way, when are niggers going to realize that “Cracker” is nowhere near as hurtful and racist towards Whites as they delusion themselves to believe?

      The difference between “cracker” and “nigger”?Simple:Everybody likes/LOVES Crackers….

    23. endgame Says:


      After his racist tirade, is Michael Richards’ career ruined?
      :Yes, Hasta La Vista Kramer
      :No, He Might Grovel His Way Back
      :It Was Over When ‘Seinfeld’ Ended

      Typical Jews media POP QUESTION:
      Dumbdown folks to oblivion

      Truthful questions” should be: Has desegregation strengthen America or weaken? Furthermore, when the government say “diversity is OUR strength”, who exactly are they referring to? Sure it has elevated the Negros, but the “OUR strength” is the Jew-hand by weakening White solidarity,hence; civilization!

    24. Curt Maynard Says:

      To Stan,

      They’ll never put you on the Jutube for exactly the same reason that you gave, you’ll never apologize. Trust me, if you want Jews to give you a WIDE bearth, never give them the idea you’ll apologize, if you stand by what you say they won’t touch you with a ten foot pole. I assume they knew Mel Gibson was weak – thus they came after him.

    25. Frank Says:

      LOL, I love to see my fellow CRA(KKK)ERS scramble about NIGGERS. What’s funny is that NIGGERS are ignorant because they were taken out of their culture. So how can it be expected for them to know any history if you were sold, stolen, whatever from your original culture in sick ass Ameri(kkk)a? A country founded by the filfth of perversion…European rejects, who are sick perverts, cannibals, devil

    26. Frank Says:

      Read Greek and Roman mythology and you tell me where homosexuality, violence, perversion derive from? Sound like the only ignorant assholes in this country is the Caucasian. He’s the only one that doesn’t either admit to or know his true self and his evil, grafted self-hatred comes from his own ignorance. In which is self imposed on every other dark culture as if they have no idea they’re from Africa? Give me a break, they at least know that…but did you know that you’re ancestors come from caves? Who were created from the proven oldest species of civilization….the African. The history of the Caveman (white) is in the Bible. Don’t let me hurt your Neanderthal, Hunchback of Notre everything’s feelings when I reveal the chapter and verse. Stop the self hatred my fellow man. And for those who need to puke from truth from too much Mickey Donalds (white mans food)…Jesus was black.

      Take Care Cave Boys! (my nigger friends would say cave boyz)

      Frank, (a fellow cave boy who’s done his own research and good friend of NIGGERS, because I KNOW the truth. So does your government)

    27. e Says:

      Jesus, Alex, I thought you would be smarter.

      Michael ANTHONY Richards is not a jew, but he did play one on TV.

      You know, like how Al Pacino played Shylock….

      He’s a guinea, not a kike.

    28. jackumup Says:

      Here we go again. Two innocents africans americans speakings out against poor Jewish humour are lambasted for standing ups for their Cybil rites after paying their hards owns monies on a acumitive nites of entertainments. this jimmy walker wan to bes Jew Kramer or whats ever his name bees is a racist and is not funny he should nots be allowed to be on stage in fronts of respectable folks. now if you want to see funny well Eddie Murphy he be one fuckin funny mother fucker or Cris rock i splits my sides every time i sees him on my stolen cable. fuck it! is so sick of you crackers screamin and hollerin every time a brother speaks his truth. is no if somebody calls me a niggar i’s put a caps in his ass comes to my’s hood wit that shit i’s fuck you up. Fuck. you mother fuckers are just jealous cuz you don’ts know funnies, member slappy white, fuckin dean martin wasn’t nothing wit out slappy carrying his white ass. flip Wilson he made NBC’s, he personally ran that white mother fucker ed Sullivan off tv’s. fuck him! that’s why you mothers got rid of soul train cus whitey new the brothers were entertainment and don cornealous was gonna lead the new revolution. got away wit your skinny white asses so fuck off Vnn!and member America won’t be beautiful until darkies in the white house

    29. Thoughtcrime Says:

      IMO, the term ‘cracker’ really has no clear-cut single meaning other than just being some borrowed/invented term meant to disparage Whites. It’s intrinsic value as a slur is very low and nebulous.

      By contrast, you use the word ‘nigger’ and everyone (including niggers) knows exactly what you mean.

      I think it’s funny that ‘professional’ comedian Mencia made this statement about Richard’s tantrum and I paraphrase: “You use the n-word and if you don’t happen to be African American, then you suddenly have a whole lot of explaining to do.”

      My only reaction to that is ‘wow’. Immediately questions come to mind:

      Why is it niggers can use the word and it’s not injurious to them, but when a White person uses it, it carries orders of magnitude more weight? The better question might be, when is a nigger NOT a nigger? Or when does the word ‘nigger’ not mean ‘nigger’? Is it contextually sensitive? Is it a case of varying semantics?

    30. Hoosier Says:

      Aw, it sounds like someone hurt whigger Franks feelings. Back he goes to his 80 IQ Nigger friends, bargging of his victory over “crackers”
      at a “KKK” message board. Hey Frank, here’s a clue – your stupid, criminally prone nigger friends think you’re an idiot for standing up for them.

      But, enjoy your Thanksgiving snack of a bucket of KFC and a rock or two tomorrow. Hey, Frank, check the ads around Christmas time – they should be running sales on those baggy prison bitch pants, and maybe baseball caps, you like so much.

    31. Hoosier Says:

      I wanted to add: There’s nothing lower on the face of the earth than a whigger. I can understand niggers and jews, as they’re just doing what comes naturally. But a whigger? A whigger has basically said, by word, dress and deed, “I’m a conquered slave, and I’m wearing the clothes and speaking in the tongue of my conqueror. I’m a bitch”

      What kind of creature is that? It’s lower than a dog. It lower than anything. ANYTHING in nature will fight to preserve it’s species. A pox on whiggers and the ground they walk on.

    32. Timothy Says:

      I’d rather be a cracker than a nigger any day. Many people like crackers while nobody likes niggers.

    33. Hoosier Says:

      “# Timothy Says:
      22 November, 2006 at 1:15 pm

      I’d rather be a cracker than a nigger any day. Many people like crackers while nobody likes niggers.”

      That’s a great phrase, right to the point, Timothy. Have a good Thanksgiving, brothers – and sisters I guess – there’s a few of them about around here, I think.

      Thanksgiving – now there’s another subject. I have a “feeling” that the real history of Thanksgiving is a little different than what I was taught. If it’s like anything else, the reality is probably the opposite of what’s assumed what happened.

      I’m guessing the pilgrims came across a raggedy band of starving Indians, and helped save them from starvation. Soon, they had a bunch of pesky Indians hanging around, begging for food, blankets and other handouts. Then, the violence began. Settlers began to be the victim of scalpings and other attacks. The good hearted settlers were baffled by this behavior – after all, didn’t they save the Indians from starvation? Why were they being treated this way?

      But, I’m just speculating and I certainly may be wrong. We can be warlike and violent when we need to be. And we’ve commited our share of blunders and mis-steps, that’s for sure. Well, I’m out – later.

    34. pseudo-doc Says:

      ‘There’s nothing lower on the face of the earth than a whigger. I can understand niggers and jews, as they’re just doing what comes naturally. But a whigger? A whigger has basically said, by word, dress and deed, “I’m a conquered slave, and I’m wearing the clothes and speaking in the tongue of my conqueror. I’m a bitch”’

      That was cool and spot on. Let us hope an historian of the future is able to look back on our time and see just that.

    35. B. D. Nigga Says:

      Only my brothers and sisters who are subconciously asleep (like 85% of people are) are offended by being called nigger. They are offended because they are buying into the “Illusion of Inclusion” that you krackers attempt to project. Niggaz ought to learn that KKKramer only said what the kracker grocer, kracker cashier, kracker teacher, kracker supervisor, and krackers in general want to say but are too punked-up to do so. If my niggaz had not been trying to be hip and sophisticated they would not have been there spending their money to support such a fucking kracker. So acutally my niggaz got exactly what they deserved, they actually paid to be called nigger. I don’t give a fuck what a kracker calls me, just don’t call me late for dinner! You fucking krackers are so fucking pathetic.

    36. Hoosier Says:

      I like what you said, B.D. Nigga, except for the last line. We may be pathetic, but compared to, well, niggers…well, no more needs to be said, I’m sure you can see my point. I don’t think you’d want me to go there.

      I do think you niggers need to get away from us “ebil” white men and women, and give up the welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing, affirmative action, and on and on and on. You’d be much happier killing and eating each other, fucking monkeys, and eating bananas, or whatever it is you niggers do in your natural state.

      You are what you are and that can’t be changed. Truly, both of our races would be happier seperated, we just don’t seem to get along too well. That’s not going to change either.

      Enjoy your thanksgiving KFC, crack cocaine, and malt liquor. I’ll be enjoying my delicious, home cooked thanksgiving dinner with my lovely white family. And I have so much to be thankful for. I’m a white man after all – for what more could I ask? It’s like having Christmas everyday!


    37. Charley Says:

      Jews all over the Internet claim Richards isn’t Jewish, based on the idea that he “doesn’t practice the Jewish religion.” Left unexplored are questions concerning Richard’s ancestry and the status of atheist Jews.

      A Howard Rubenstein, “specialist” in “crisis management,” has taken Richards on as a client. The two have had extensive conversations, going back to a time when Richards shouted “anti-Semitic” remarks during another standup comedy routine. Rubenstein says Richards “is Jewish. He’s not anti-Semitic at all.”

      That’s good enough for me. Richards is a kike.



      Wed, Nov. 22, 2006

      Michael Richards apologizes to Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton

      Associated Press

      New York publicist Howard Rubenstein took on Richards as a client Wednesday after being contacted by the comic. He then arranged for Richards to call the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rev. Al Sharpton.

      Rubenstein, whose media relations firm specializes in “crisis management” according to the firm’s Web site, said he had never met or spoken to Richards before the actor called him.

      “He convinced me that he was sincere in his repentance and would do what’s right,” Rubenstein said.

      Clients of Rubenstein’s firm include Amazon.com, the New York Yankees, ABC Inc., Walt Disney Co., Time Inc., News Corp., Columbia University, the NAACP Image Awards and Bloomberg L.P., according to its Web site.

      “I’ve been very involved in the African-American community for 25 to 30 years,” Rubenstein continued. “It would be a tragedy if this exacerbated our race relations. I hope I can help. … It’s always been an effort on my part to improve African-American and Jewish ethnic relations.”

      As for reports that Richards shouted out anti-Semitic remarks during another standup comedy routine in April, Rubenstein confirmed that Richards did, but that he was only role-playing.

      “He’s Jewish. He’s not anti-Semitic at all. He was role-playing, he was playing a part. He did use inappropriate language, but he doesn’t have any anti-Semitic feelings whatsoever,” Rubenstein said.

      “Michael says that he has a very hot temper, and that he says inappropriate things from time to time. Yes, there’s no excuse for that.”

    38. New America Says:

      A beautiful job of “acting” by Richards:


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    39. silverstein wtc7 Says:

      part of the reason \”white nationalists\” have such a large following at the moment is very simple. the nigger kills us for the same reason it rapes babies in africa; voodoo jigaboo superstition – we beez da devil and must die sum.

      \”white nationalists\” praise nigger farrakhan for his non black seperation plan and nigger self determination plan to make sure no government prlivedges are withhead in his self sufficient non parasitic non diasporic nation within a nation. they like him because he occationally names the jew like pointing out the hidden fact that jews control entertainment and the niggers in it. this translates to nigger conservatism and seperation from out tit, like when loony louie resufed to support jessie jackazz in 88 cuz he was too much of a jew controled tom.

      these \”white nationalists\” are hard, and dont like these \”black nationalists\” who are far less parasitic than \”mexican nationalists\” known as the invading AZTLAN who also names the jew.

      trying to show why the jew is such a hater, while praising a gracious guest like lovely louie does the trick each time you stupid cunts.

      nothing is more stupid and annoying than the nigger. when you try to seperate the nigger from the jew, rather than naming one is a symptom of the other your average joe shitpack will pick the kike most times. than when an idiotic kike like this \”names the nigger\” or you get a farcical site like jtf.org they are easily wooed at. they look at what an utter parasite and piece of shit the nigger is each time, and miss what a nasty dangerous inbred killer bee the kike is.

      you fools and assholes are doing almost as good a job deflecting for the jew as calypso louie.

      like my bootyful jew shitter.

    40. Ralph Steele Says:

      Yep, Kramer\’s a kike. It\’s been confirmed by jew Rubenstein. It\’s scary to think that with no other real supporting evidence but obvious appearence, how many other crypto-kikes are getting away with it who are not so obvious.

      \”Hating\” niggers is only human. They are stupid, anonnying and just plain despicable. But remember who brought them here, who keeps them here, and pushing them on us in every way they can like the plague.

      I thought for minute he was gong to say \”DON\’T MAKE ME HAYMAN LEVY BARSIMSON YOUR ASS OUT TO SEA, BOY!\”


    41. Biff Baxter Says:

      How hopeless is the Kwa.

      I honestly have trouble imagining any other civilization possibly being more fucked up than the West at this moment. Something’s gotta give soon.

    42. stu Says:

      Richards a pure hearted Israelite of whom now guile was found:
      Richards became a true National Hero, but then with some pressure
      from trainers, handlers and advisors (and we all know who they are)
      quickly sank back into the beaten down white “Boy” that they want Him to be.

    43. New America Says:

      We have MUCH less in common with them, even at the genetic level, than previously thought…


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    44. Hang 'em All Says:

      Yeah, Biff is right, it is going to collapse. Look at wigger Frank, he’s a symptom. He and silverstein both lick jew and nigger asshole when they’re not posting here. That freaks like this exist is a testament to how far things have sunk. But worse is better in the long run. By far.

    45. van helsing Says:

      He has admitted he is a high level mason. Possibly a jew. Just cause Rubinstein (related to Jack “Rubinstein” Ruby?) says Richards is jewish doesnt make it so.

      I will stipulate he is a wannabe-jew. But, like Mel, he was right the first time.

      BTW, did anyone hear about crackhead Michael Irvin saying (on the Dan Patrick radio show) that Tony Romo was likely successful because there was (paraphrasing) “a brutha buck back there who pleasured a white woman” “we all know blacks have more masculine genes”…

    46. JesseJames Says:

      First Gibson grovels to the goddam jews and now Richards begging these fucking niggers for forgiveness and neither one have any effect whatsoever on jews or niggers who just whipmaters whip their ass with the glass laced whips. Give dumbfuck coon Jackson the spotlight. Stupid fucks.

      Seems like these dumb mother fuckers and all the others who would do the same would know NEVER to fucking try to apologize or beg any jew or nigger for forgiveness. Even Trent Lott stepped down from majority leader in the Senate after that fuckerhead piece of shit Bush chastized him for some simplistic nothing about Thurmond that was 100% on the money saying had he won in 1948 we wouldnt be is such trouble today …

      One day whites all over are going this fucked up shithole to take to the streets and begin burning down the fucking cities demanding their rights as big jew and his nig tool simply bring out the jew military run by niggers and begin outright genocide killing off 100 million whites. Actually thats exactly what they would love for you to do right now except for not everything is totally in place but it will be within 20 yrs or less.

      NEVER EVER APOLOGIZE !!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK THE JEW & NIG BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND FUCK BUSHSTEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      DEATH TO EM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    47. Lutjens Says:

      “One day whites all over are going this fucked up shithole to take to the streets and begin burning down the fucking cities demanding their rights as big jew and his nig tool simply bring out the jew military run by niggers and begin outright genocide killing off 100 million whites. Actually thats exactly what they would love for you to do right now except for not everything is totally in place but it will be within 20 yrs or less.”

      lol whites won’t take to the streets and burn things – that’s what dumb uncivilized niggers and spics do. Since niggers and spics and their Jew commanders can’t use sophisticated military hardware (like fly jets and drive tanks), how do you think they are gonna kill 100 million of us? 60 million Germans were supposed to die during the 30’s and 40’s. Jew Untermyer said so. Didn’t happen. Ain’t gonna ever happen. The opposite will happen.