30 April, 2007

FORREST: The Post-Good War German Genoicde

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Britain, Europe, Germany, history, hush crimes, N.B. Forrest at 11:45 am | Permanent Link

Check this shit: Brit writer spills the beans about The Greatest Generation’s post-Good War German genocide – naturally, theTelegraph jewhos soiled themselves in their haste to add the required mitigating language, lest they bring down the nose-shofarin’ wrath of “Lord” Janner:

“After the atrocities that the Nazis had visited on Europe, some degree of justified vengeance by their victims was inevitable, but the appalling bestialities that MacDonogh documents so soberly went far beyond that. The first 200 pages of his brave book are an almost unbearable chronicle of human suffering.

His best estimate is that some three million Germans died unnecessarily after the official end of hostilities. A million soldiers vanished before they could creep back to the holes that had been their homes. The majority of them died in Soviet captivity (of the 90,000 who surrendered at Stalingrad, only 5,000 eventually came home) but, shamingly, many thousands perished as prisoners of the Anglo-Americans. Herded into cages along the Rhine, with no shelter and very little food, they dropped like flies. Others, more fortunate, toiled as slave labour in a score of Allied countries, often for years. Incredibly, some Germans were still being held in Russia as late as 1979.

The two million German civilians who died were largely the old, women and children: victims of disease, cold, hunger, suicide – and mass murder.

Apart from the well-known repeated rape of virtually every girl and woman unlucky enough to be in the Soviet occupation zones, perhaps the most shocking outrage recorded by MacDonogh – for the first time in English – is the slaughter of a quarter of a million Sudeten Germans by their vengeful Czech compatriots. The survivors of this ethnic cleansing, naked and shivering, were pitched across the border, never to return to their homes. Similar scenes were seen across Poland, Silesia and East Prussia as age-old German communities were brutally expunged.

Given that what amounted to a lesser Holocaust was unfolding under their noses, it may be asked why the western Allies did not stop this venting of long-dammed-up rage on the (mainly) innocent. MacDonogh’s answer is that it could all have been even worse. The US Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau, favoured turning Germany into a gigantic farm, and there were genocidal Nazi-like schemes afoot to starve, sterilise or deport the population of what was left of the bombed-out cities.

Although MacDonogh roundly condemns all the occupying powers, the British emerge with some credit. Apart from one Air Marshal who looted art treasures; and an MI5 interrogator nicknamed ‘Tin Eye’ Stephens who ran a private torture chamber, British hands may have been grubby, but were not deeply blood-stained. British squaddies preferred to purchase their sex privately with a packet of fags or a pair of nylons, rather than in the Soviet style.”

Rather! Three cheers for good old British Fair Play and unwillingness to take sexual advantage of starving Jerry strumpets, what!


N.B. Forrest

  • 14 Responses to “FORREST: The Post-Good War German Genoicde”

    1. Beast Says:

      And living now in America and Britain, one can sense it all around them, in the air, on TV, in the news, in the government, in the very people themselves; the bad guys truly did win WWII. And this is the bizarro world beKWAthed to us, the sons and daughters of the greatest bunch of idiots ever to have been generated. So the Capitalists, with the help of the Communists, defeated the Fascists. Then, after that “good” deed was done, the Capitalists had a nice long cold war with the Communists.

      As General Patton said once he was awake to the reality of reality, rather than the unreality of jewspapers: “we killed the wrong pig”.

      And which bunch of rat bastards and rat cunts came out of the fog of war claiming atrocities and horrors? Guess who. The eternal innocent victims. The JEWS. Remember kids, they’re only ugly on the outside.

      Yet look at Germany today, even after attempted murder and so much horrifying injustice and loss of its best and brightest. It’s the greatest country on Earth right beside Japan, even under Jewish rule. While the Kwa languishes behind, dumbed down to hopelessly retarded, in its Jewish stupor of eKWAlity and mass immigration, being choked to death by the Jewish nightmare.

      (Germany may not be the greatest country on Earth, but they do build cars and cities a shitload better than the Kwa does.)

    2. Evil Hater Says:

      “Given that what amounted to a lesser Holocaust was unfolding under their noses, it may be asked why the western Allies did not stop this venting of long-dammed-up rage on the (mainly) innocent. MacDonogh’s answer is that it could all have been even worse. The US Treasury Secretary, Henry Morgenthau, favoured turning Germany into a gigantic farm, and there were genocidal Nazi-like schemes afoot to starve, sterilise or deport the population of what was left of the bombed-out cities.”

      Well…..could it be they needed some bodies to stack like cordwood for the eventual “documentary filmed evidence” of the world famous “Holocaust”?

    3. lawrence dennis Says:

      I remember reading somewhere that, during the occupation of post-war Europe, “American” soldiers could “purchase” the sexual favors of starving teenage German girls for a Hershey bar.

    4. white_skelet Says:

      “Apart from the well-known repeated rape of virtually every girl and woman unlucky enough to be in the Soviet occupation zones…”

      And tragically, there’s been no Hollywood movie to depict the nameless horror Germans endured at the hand of their so benevolent, if not always Christian, victors. Why?

    5. Donnachaidh Says:

      Let us hope that some of these veterans are around as long as the ‘survivors’ so that we can have a kangaroo court session for our amusement after Victory Day.

    6. BumbleFish Says:

      Article link is wrong.

    7. Stronza Says:

      Woe to the vanquished! It’s been this way from Day One.

    8. expat Says:

      “Woe to the vanquished! It’s been this way from Day One”

      But for about sixty years the victors have proclaimed the lie that they treated defeated Germany with magnanimity.

    9. Stronza Says:

      Yes, expat, isn’t it odd: victors in war normally can’t stop boasting of the punishments they visit on the unfortunate losers. This matter must be the first known case of the winners apparently knowing they did wrong yet wanting to maintain an image of decency for the folks back home. But the lie can’t go on forever.

      In Canada, there is a hot debate going on between the Canadian War Museum and a bunch of old WW2 armed forces personnel, who are strenuously objecting to one little display in the museum that questions the necessity of the carpet bombing of Germany even tho the war was over.

    10. Junghans Says:

      Let’s see how far and how quickly this book gets shoved down the Judeo-Orwellian memory hole.
      The “greatest generation” did the dirty work for the gravediggers of the white race, and most of them, and their Anglo-Amerikinder progeny are still clueless about the damage they did to Germany, and ultimately themselves. I’ve talked to many WWII “vets” who bragged about violating hungry women for candy and cigarettes, and murdering prisoners of war, especially hapless young Waffen SS members. They committed the matricide of Europe on a Jewish induced fools’ errand, and wonder why they now get mugged and killed by Niggers in their old age! And woe to their children and grandchildren, who are reaping the toxic fruits of their tomfoolry. Dispossession and racial destruction are the legacy and “rewards” of organixed Jewry for these useful idiots. Judah thanks their shabezz goyim in perverse ways, indeed.

      To paraphrase Pogo: We have met the English speaking enemy and he is us! Woe to those willfuly ignorant, who refuse to alter their pathetic, self-destructive mindset.

    11. Goddamn Kikes Says:

      There’s been a lot of discussion about this article lately as if it was news when the information it contains has been known for many years (esp. in Europe), but it’s just that our jewish-controlled and Marxist-filled mass media and re-“educational” institutions keep it quiet (see the book Other Losses by James Bacque published 1989, for one example).

      I noticed that Herr Forrest bolded quite a few words, but I think he missed one important name: Henry Morgenthau. The JEWISH US Treasury Secretary. The kike was showing his hand quite clearly when he recommended sterilization of the Germans. Yeah, we don’t want the people who have the gene that allowed them to NAME THE JEWISH HATEMONGERS and DESTROYERS to prosper and multiply.

      One point to keep in mind is that at the end of the Second World War the Allies — led by the jew Commies — had to make the war looked justified by bringing up false accusations and “atrocity” stories so that they could appear to be the good guys. In reality, as we all know today, they were not. America fought on the wrong side of that war and when England and France declared war on Germany we should have backed Germany. Of course, how could we with a jewish-descended president Roosevelt in the White House with his cabal of kikes all around him?

      As Dr Pierce said, fighting against Hitler and Germany was our biggest mistake.

    12. BumbleFish Says:

      Does ANYONE have the correct link to the article? The link says here and goes here: “http://here/”

      Where is the address of the article?

    13. BumbleFish Says:

      Never mind, here’s the article link if anyone is interested:


    14. Dumbfounded Says:

      I would like to get a copy of the book, but the link does not appear to work…?